Page 5 of Uncover (Club V 3)
“Let’s start at the beginning then. Tell me how you got the idea to start the club and where it all began for you.”
I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. “It was back in college. I was pretty determined to get a business up and running as soon as I’d finished my MBA. There was nothing more I wanted than to start making money immediately. I tasked myself with figuring out a lucrative business plan while I worked on my degree. There were lots of projects while I was in school that helped me to hone in on the areas I thought I’d be good at. Eventually, one of the ideas stuck.”
Penny scribbled a few notes down before looking back up at me, those crystal blue eyes shining beneath long, jet black lashes. She looked demure from that angle and I could just imagine what it would be like to have her kneeling in front of me, looking up into my eyes as she sucked my cock.
“And the idea, how did it come to you?”
I shook my head and came back to reality. I couldn’t tell her about the virgin girl at college. Virgins were the one subject that wasn't supposed to come up at all in this interview and I knew I needed to do my best to avoid that line of questioning at all costs.
“I’m a man and I know what men like. There have been exclusive gentlemen’s clubs since the beginning of time, but as far as I was concerned at the time I founded Club V, all of them were outdated and weren’t catering to the modern man. I wanted to take things to the next level. To provide the most exclusive experience and to make it something that our members could enjoy wherever they were. Most of them are businessmen or professionals in their area of expertise and this tends to include a lot of travel. One of the major draws of Club V is that our members can find a location in any major city in the U.S.”
Penny nodded as she made another note. “So you’re sort of the McDonald’s of gentlemen’s clubs then? Wherever anyone goes, there’s a Club V.” She said it with a grin and I wondered exactly what she was playing at.
“I’d hope that we’re a little more exclusive than the golden arches. I like to think we’ve got discerning clientele. They know what they want and we give it to them.”
“What do you give them, exactly?” She asked as she leaned forward slightly and the white button up shirt she was wearing revealed more cleavage than I had expected to see from a magazine journalist. From what I could see, her tits looked amazing. A 38C for sure, maybe bigger? I’d find out soon enough.
“We give our members companionship. A place to belong. Somewhere they can go and forget about the troubles at the office or at home. Here they are whoever they want to be. We give them the ultimate gift of privacy. No questions asked. Once they make it through our vetting process they are here for good. Everything is available to them. From our bars to the pool, the terrace restaurant on the roof, and of course our private rooms. Our members have all the freedom they could ask for here at Club V.”
Penny closed her notebook. “Can I be blunt?”
“Of course, by all means.”
“By companionship…you mean sex, correct?”
I shrugged. “Our members have privacy here. Whatever they choose to engage in with other consenting adults is their affair.”
“That’s what the private rooms are for then?”
nbsp; I gave her a sly grin. “Some members choose the private rooms. Others like a semi-private alcove on the main floor. There are some who choose to use our pool area and others may not bother to seek any privacy at all. Club V is open and accommodating to what our members want.”
“I suppose that’s fair. They’re paying a premium, right?”
“Our membership fee isn’t cheap,” I said, leaning forward. I stood and moved around to the other side of my desk, leaning against the side and crossing my arms in front of my chest. “You know, I’d love to show you around the main floor if you’re interested. It’s the wrong time of day to catch a crowd here, but you could still get an idea of what our members enjoy.”
The young journalist smiled and shook her head. “Not today. I think we’re scheduled for a series of interviews. Maybe I could come back again for another at a better time to see the club itself.”
“Absolutely,” I nodded as my eyes raked over her gorgeous frame. I had a better view of her from here, close up, and she could not hide the fact that she was hotter than hell under those clothes. “I’d love for you to see the club in action. Have you ever watched anyone before?”
That comment took her by surprise. “I’m sorry…what? Watched?”
“Have you ever watched a couple fucking?” I knew I needed to keep things in line for this interview, but shit this woman had been in my presence for no more than ten minutes and I wanted her.
She looked at me, unfazed. “Up close and personal? No, I can’t say that I have.”
I grinned. “Then you’re in for a treat. It’s not like porn. I can’t even say that I get off on it. That would be bad for business. But there’s something about seeing other people fucking that really puts me in the mood.” I looked her up and down again, trying to detect any hint of her being aroused or the slightest bit interested at the thought. Her breathing seemed normal. Her neck wasn’t flushed. Clearly, I needed to try harder.
“Why don’t we get back to the interview?”
I laughed at that. “Sure, if that’s what you’d like, Penny. Happy to get back to the interview. Ask me anything you want. Really, anything.”
“Okay,” she began, opening the notebook again. “Has it been difficult to maintain the privacy of your members as the club has opened up locations nationwide? How do you convince them that they are safe when they sign up for a membership with you?”
“Great question. It’s something we take very seriously. If our members can’t trust us to maintain a certain level of discretion then our business is done. Security is key, but so is keeping up with who we let in. For instance, it’s doubtful that we’d let someone in your line of work become a member, no matter what they were able to pay.”
Penny smiled. “Don’t worry, I don’t get paid nearly enough to apply for membership.”