Page 6 of Uncover (Club V 3)
“Well,” I began, scratching my chin. “If you ever change your mind, I might be able to pull a few strings for you.”
“I’m making a note of that,” she said.
“Please do. And I assure you that by the time our interviews are completed, I will have changed your mind.”
That caught her attention and I thought I sensed her bristle at my words. This woman was strong and very clever, probably a little too clever for me, but I felt like she was worth it. The only trouble was that I could see her already making her mind up or choosing to put up a wall. She didn’t want to be reached and she was going to do whatever it took to keep me out. Not because she wasn’t attracted to me, but because, as far as I perceived, she had made up her mind before she walked through the door that she wasn’t going to entertain the idea of being attracted to me.
“Is that so? Well, Mr. Wilson—”
“No, no. None of that Mr. Wilson stuff. I insist that you call me Pete. We’re going to be very good friends, Penny. Get used to it.”
Something flared in her eyes. I couldn’t tell what it was—anger, lust…maybe a combination of the two. She narrowed her eyes at me and pursed her lips slightly.
“You don’t know who I am,” she said, challenge ringing in her voice.
“No,” I shook my head. “I’ve never met you before today. I do intend to get to know you…very well, if you’re obliged. And I do believe you will be.”
Chapter 4
I hadn’t anticipated that when I entered his office and saw Pete Wilson for the first time in a decade that he would look as good as he did. I wasn’t expecting his blue eyes to pierce me the way they did. He looked just as good as he ever had in college, but like people often said about men, he had improved with age. It was easy to tell that he was still taking very good care of himself. He had been an outstanding athlete in college—not only the quarterback on our university’s football team, but he was also a star baseball player and track star. He had done everything he was able to fit into a school year and I could see that he was still taking the time to focus on his fitness even now, ten years later. It was paying off too. Even through the well-tailored shirt, he wore I could see that his muscles were well-defined. It didn’t hurt that the shirt was cut just perfectly to show off the ‘v’ of his body. God, he was exquisite and it was everything I could do to keep myself in check and not drool over this guy.
I jotted something down in the notebook as he answered one of my questions and worked hard to remember why I was there. There was no way I could be attracted to this man, not after what he had done to me. It had been the most humiliating event of my life and even though I knew other people had been a part of the prank as well, he was the one behind it all. He had been the one to step up to the plate and make me the victim of his cruel joke.
I looked up at Pete Wilson, who was still going on about some of the details of the club. It was almost too difficult to focus on what he was saying and for that reason, I was glad I had decided to set up the tape recorder. I could refer back to it later when I inevitably had to sit down and go through my notes again at the kitchen table when I got back home.
How could this man sit there and yammer on about his successes and the business he had started in college, all when he had, at the same time, used me in such a terrible way? Didn’t he ever think about it? Surely my face or name must have crossed his mind on occasion? My face…well, my face had changed quite a bit. Losing 50 pounds, working to keep it off and keep my body fit and toned had changed my look entirely. My high cheek bones showed now, whereas they had been nothing but a dream whenever I was in college. All that baby fat had been hiding who I was underneath. The nose job had altered my appearance somewhat as well, and now that my hair was straighter and under a little more control it would be difficult to imagine me as the girl with the frizzy hair, glasses, and occasional acne flare-up that I had been the last time he saw me.
Surely my name though—Penny Saxs. Who the hell knew anyone else by the name of Saxs? But no, he hadn’t reacted to my name at all. I thought that might be a giveaway. If he had recognized me based on the name then I might have had some kind of upper hand in the situation and I had been prepared for that eventuality. If he felt any kind of guilt then I might have been able to use it to my advantage, play it off like I forgave him for the unforgivable, get the information I wanted from him, and then go on to plaster his face and story all over the pages of Expose.
It hadn’t played out that way though and now I sat watching him, barely holding in my temper and keeping the bile and disgust from rising in my throat. He was a flaming shitbag of a person and I wanted to be out of his office as soon as I could conceivably get away without it looking like I had cut the interview short. It infuriated me to simply be in his presence and I was glad that at the end of all of this I would be able to give him his due. He wouldn’t forget my name, not ever again.
What the fuck was this feeling though? As he talked and I feigned interest and pretended to listen and take notes, all as a distraction from whatever was going on in my body, I couldn’t deny that he was doing something to me. As much as I hated him deep down in the core of my soul, there was a sort of animal attraction that drew me to it. I knew that was some fucked up shit, something I should probably mention to my therapist in our next session, but goddamn, I knew what it was building inside me.
How long had it been since I’d been properly fucked? If I was honest…never. I mean, sure, there had been guys in my life. Guys who had attempted to do what they could to please me, but it had never really worked for me. As much as Pete Wilson was all talk—I knew he was more than that and I knew that if I gave him the chance, this could be the fuck of a lifetime. And who the hell cared what my reasons were for it anyway? I’d never had a hate fuck. Everyone talked about it and said it was some of the best sex ever. Maybe I could try it out with this guy, get it all out of my system and get some pleasure out of the thing.
And now, just thinking about it…I was wet. For fuck’s sake, this was going to be way too difficult if he was already turning me on this much. I tried to tell myself that it was because it had been so long for me and, after all, I was probably in need of some attention in that arena. I squirmed slightly in my chair, trying not to let him see the sort of effect he was having on me, but knowing men like him he could probably smell it from a mile away. Yeah, dude, my pussy is wet. So what are you going to do about it? I hated that I was having this sort of biological response to someone who had proven to me that, above all else, he was an unrepentant asshole.
I tried not to roll my eyes at his suggestion that we were going be great friends. And then that we were going to get to know each other very well. Who was he kidding? I took a moment to respond, wondering what kind of game he was playing and if I should play along.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? If I was obliged to get to know you very well. I bet that line works on all the women who walk into your office.”
He cleared his throat and gave me a cocky grin. I wanted to fuck it right off his face.
be completely honest with you, Penny, most of the women who walk through this door are already naked or halfway there and ready for me to bend them over this desk and take them.”
There was a knock at the door and as soon as Pete called for the person to enter, I felt the presence of someone behind me, moving in closer. As soon as the woman made it in to my periphery I did what I could to keep from being shocked or having any reaction, but I could hardly believe what I was seeing, even though I knew what Club V was all about.
“Mr. Wilson, is there anything I can get you? Something to drink?” She stood beside Pete with her hand resting on his shoulder, leaning in close against his body. The woman had a bubbly and infectiously cheerful voice. And she was stark naked other than the diamond collar around her neck.
“No, thank you, Asia. I’m doing just fine. Perhaps Penny would like something though?” He looked at me and Asia turned, her large, perky breasts swaying as she did so. It was impossible not to look at them. They were mesmerizing. And once I had taken in the two gorgeous globes my eyes drifted further down to the waxed bare v between her legs.
“Umm, no, no thank you. I’m fine.”
Asia smiled. “Okay then.” She looked back to Pete and spoke in a softer, more seductive tone. “Would you like to see me later?”