Page 27 of The Boy Next Door
From all the luggage being dragged up the walkway, my guess is that Mia just picked her up from the airport.
“Well, this should be interesting,” Beck mutters under his breath.
It’s almost laughable that I’d thought our time apart might have dulled the feelings that have always festered beneath the surface where she’s concerned. If anything, they’re stronger than ever and trying to break free. For the first time in eighteen months, my blood pumps through my veins with renewed energy.
A heartbeat later, she becomes aware of my presence. Her gaze settles on me, and the easy-going expression falls away from her face as if it had never been there to begin with. Her blue eyes turn stormy. If my feelings haven’t softened over time, neither have hers. That realization is slammed home when Alyssa grabs hold of Mia’s arm and yanks her to a halt.
There’s no disguising the wrath in her voice as she snaps, “What the hell is he doing here?”
My unrelenting stare leaves her bristling with anger.
“Right,” Mia glances nervously between us before admitting quietly, “I, ah, meant to tell you about that.”
“About what?” Her jaw locks as if bracing herself for catastrophic news. “What didn’t you tell me about?”
“They also live here,” her friend blurts, shifting her stance.
There’s a beat of silence before Alyssa says through stiff lips, “I really hope you’re joking.”
“Sorry, Lys,” the dark-haired girl whispers. “When I signed the rental agreement, I had no idea they lived here or that we’re neighbors.”
Alyssa’s eyes widen. Any moment, they’re going to fall right out of her head and roll on the ground near her feet. “What?”
Mia winces as Alyssa’s sharp voice cracks through the air.
I don’t realize I’m on the move or that I’ve closed the distance between us until I grind to a halt a few feet from where she stands. The temptation to reach out and pull her into my arms is almost overwhelming. It’s been way too long since I’ve touched her. Unfortunately, I know exactly how that would go over, and it’s not well.
Alyssa glares through narrowed eyes. Color flares to life in her cheeks, giving them a flushed look. When she remains silent, it occurs to me that if I want our relationship to be different, I need to make the first move. In a way, it feels like I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.
“Hey, Lys.” Everything inside me warms as her gaze flicks to mine. I have no idea if I can make this right between us, but I want to try.
If it were possible to wipe away the past and start over again, I would do it in a heartbeat. Am I delusional enough to think that a simple conversation will undo the pain I inflicted?
Hell, no.
This is Alyssa Williams we’re talking about. The girl has a temper. What I’m fully expecting is that she’ll bite my head off—kind of like a female praying mantis after they’ve mated. But I’m willing to swallow my pride and allow it to happen. Anything that will get us on the rocky road to making amends.
Much to my surprise, that’s not what transpires.
Instead, she says, voice full of ice, “Did you hear that?” Eyes wide, she glances around as if searching the area. “It almost sounds like a ghost from boyfriends’ past.”
My brows rise as a frown pinches my expression. She wants to give me the silent treatment and pretend I don’t exist?
Fine, I deserve it.
I glance at Mia to get a read on her thoughts. She jerks her shoulders and for a second, my heartbeat stutters as her words from two weeks ago ring unwantedly through my head.
You should know that Alyssa has moved on.
What if that’s true?
All this girl wanted to do was love me, and I stomped all over her heart and ran away like a little bitch. Looking back, I’m embarrassed by my own immature behavior. My tongue darts out to moisten my lips as I make another attempt to break through her icy veneer. What I don’t know is how deep her cool exterior runs and if it’s possible to drill down past it.
“It’s really good to see you, Lys.” When she continues to avoid eye contact, I decide to take my life into my own hands by stepping closer and pulling her into my arms. For a sliver of a moment, my mind tumbles back to what it felt like to hold her any time I wanted.
Her body goes whipcord tight as a growl of protest emanates from deep within her chest, and then she’s fighting her way out of my arms like I’m a serial killer trying to wrestle her to a white van. Once Alyssa breaks free, she shoves me away before straightening her shirt and spearing me with a steely-edged glare that would shrivel the balls off most guys. With a huff, she turns her attention to Beck, who watches the show we’re treating him to with an amused expression.