Page 28 of The Boy Next Door
My guess is that he’s loving this. Usually, he’s the one intent on making an ass out of himself. And yeah, when the shoe is on the other foot, I derive a lot of enjoyment out of it.
“Hello, Beckett. It’s nice to see you.” Now that Alyssa is no longer addressing me, her voice softens considerably as she flashes a mega-watt smile in his direction.
A kernel of unwanted jealousy explodes in the pit of my belly even though I know damn well I have nothing to be concerned about. Alyssa and Beck have been friends for years. But still...I don’t like her looking at him like that—especially when she can’t be bothered to give me the time of day.
“Did Mia happen to mention the welcome home party I’m having this Saturday at Bang Bang?” she asks.
The temptation to lay hands on her pounds through me. Instead of giving in to the urge, I keep them to myself.
“Feel free to stop by if you’re not busy,” Alyssa adds.
Humor flares to life in Beck’s green gaze as he slants a look toward the dark-haired girl. “Nope, she didn’t mention it.” Yeah, there’s a reason for that. Mia can’t stand Beck. It’s doubtful she would spit in his mouth if he were dying of thirst. Then again...I did catch them getting it on in Beck’s pool a year ago. So, it’s altogether possible I’m mistaken about that.
Mia’s lips sink into a frown as she gives her best friend a bit of side-eye. Alyssa doesn’t bother to glance in her direction. I have a hunch the invitation is payback.
“Hmm,” Alyssa continues with a small frown, “that’s strange. She must have forgotten to mention the party to you the same way she forgot to mention that a certain someone who shall remain nameless is my new neighbor.”
Yup, most definitely retribution.
Mia’s eyes narrow as if she, too, has arrived at the same conclusion.
Unable to remain silent any longer, I blurt, “Hey, what about me? Don’t I get an invite?”
By the sparks of blue anger that flash in her eyes, I’m guessing that would be a negative. When she remains silent, I give her my most charming smile—the one that can melt the panties right off a girl—and attempt to put the past behind us. “How about for old times’ sake?”
I get zero reaction.
Any power I’d once wielded over her has vanished. It’s a frightening realization. Even though I’m the one who opened my hand and let her slip through my fingers, all I want to do is reel her back in.
Alyssa tilts her head and glances around owlishly. “It’s so strange the way I keep hearing something.”
Frustration bubbles up inside me. Maybe I have no right to feel it or be irritated by her behavior, but that doesn’t stop the hot licks of emotion from flooding through me.
Tired of being ignored, I say, “Really, Lys?” I pause for a beat before adding something I know will solicit a reaction from her. “You’re acting like a child.”
Boom. Mission accomplished.
If I’d wanted her attention, I now have it in spades. She goes off like a firework on the fourth of July. Thunderclouds erupt on Alyssa’s pretty face as she wheels around to face me. Two steps bring her close enough to drill a finger into my chest. least she’s touching me of her own volition. That’s got to be a step in the right direction.
Then again, maybe not.
Fury vibrates off her in heavy, suffocating waves. “I’m the child?” Her voice escalates with every word that she bites out. “That’s rich! You dumped my ass because you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants! Don’t you dare turn this around on me!” The people passing by on the sidewalk in front of the building stop and stare. “You and I are not friends. We will never be friends! I was an idiot for thinking you were anything other than a manwhore!”
When I remain silent, the atmosphere around us crackles with explosive energy. It’s like an impending lightning storm. Any moment, I’m going to get fried.
Remorse nearly swallows me whole as tears prick Alyssa’s eyes, giving them a glassy appearance. She blinks back the moisture and glances around as if only now realizing that her outburst has drawn unwanted attention. A dull red color seeps into her cheeks.
She meets their inquisitive stares with a snarl. “Move it along! Show’s over. There’s nothing to see here.”
An apology sits on the tip of my tongue. Before I can push it out, Mia grabs Alyssa’s luggage and drags it to the building. Beck scrambles to open the glass door before the two girls disappear inside the lobby. And I’m left standing there like a slack-jawed dumbass.
Once the door closes firmly behind them, Beck glances at me with a raised brow.
“Well,” he says, running his fingers along his shadowed jaw, “that could have gone better.”