Page 22 of The Playboy of Rome
He took it from her, jogged back to the kitchen and returned in no time. He extended his arm like a total gentleman, which sent her heart tumbling in her chest. Without hesitation, she slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. When her fingers tightened around his biceps, she noticed his rock-hard strength.
This wasn’t right. She had no business letting her guard down around him. Nothing good would come of it. She considered pulling away, but part of her refused to let go. With a quick glance at his relaxed features, she realized she was making too much of the situation.
He led her away from the house and down a dirt path. “You made quite an impression on my family.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“Most definitely. They’re all quite taken with you. It was the most excitement they’ve had around here in quite a while.”
Normally she kept up her walls and held everyone at bay, but being here, being around Massimo, she’d let down her defenses a bit. “I noticed you were quiet last night. Was there something wrong?”
“No, not at all. And you were amazing, especially with Nonno. He’s been really down in the dumps, but you cheered him up. So I owe you a big thank-you.”
She noticed how he didn’t explain his quietness. She wondered if he was always so reserved around his family. Granted, she didn’t understand how traditional families worked as her life had consisted of foster homes where kids came and went and there wasn’t that deep, abiding love that came naturally. But she had Jules and they were as close as any blood relatives.
“Your brother, he’s older than you, isn’t he?” She wanted to get Dante to open up about his family. She couldn’t help it. She was curious.
“Yes. He’s a couple of years older.”
Well, that certainly didn’t strike up the hoped-for conversation. “Are you two very close?”
Dante slanted a gaze her way but she pretended not to notice. “I don’t know. We’re brothers.”
She knew none of this was any of her business but everything about Dante intrigued her. He was like an artichoke and she’d barely begun to pull at the tough outer layer. There was so much to learn before she got to the tender center that he protected from everyone.
“They care a lot about you.”
He stopped and pulled her around to look at him. “Why all of this curiosity about my family? What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?”
Did he just say she was beautiful? Her gaze met his and her breath became shallow. No, he’d said her mind was beautiful. But was that the same thing as saying she was beautiful?
“I was just making small talk.” She tried to act innocent. “Why do I have to have ulterior motives?”
“I didn’t say you did. But sometimes you make me wonder.” He peered into her eyes and for a moment she wondered if he could read her thoughts.
Heat filled her cheeks and she glanced away. “Wonder about what?”
“You. There’s more to you than meets the eye. Something tells me that you have an interesting past.”
She couldn’t hold back a laugh. “You make me sound very mysterious. Like Mata Hari or something.” She leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear. “I’m here to find out your secrets.”
He grabbed her upper arms and moved her back, allowing her the opportunity to see the worry lines ingrained on his face. “What secrets?”
His hard, sharp tone startled her. “Your secrets in the kitchen, of course. What else did you think I meant?”
His frown eased. “You’re having far too much fun at my expense.”
So the man was keeping secrets. From her? Or from the whole world? She didn’t think it was possible but she was even more intrigued by him.
She gazed into his bottomless brown eyes. “You need to let your hair down and have some fun. It won’t hurt. I promise.”
“Is that what all of the smiling and laughing was about last night? Or are you trying to sway my family over to your side so they’ll pressure me into agreeing to follow through with the contract?”
She pulled back her shoulders. She knew she shouldn’t but she just couldn’t help herself. His gaze dipped as her fingers once again made an X over her chest. “I promised not to do that.”
The vein in his neck pulsated and when his eyes met hers again, there was a need, a passion in his gaze. Her line of vision dipped to his lips.
“You do know that you’re driving me crazy, don’t you?”