Page 23 of The Playboy of Rome
“Who, me?” This was the most fun she’d ever had. She’d never flirted with a guy before. Sure, they’d flirted with her but she never felt the desire to return the flirtations.
Until now.
His hands encircled her waist. “Yes, you. Do you have any idea what I’d like to do to you right now?”
A few scintillating thoughts danced and teased her mind. She placed her hands on his chest and felt the pounding of his heart. She was certain that hers could easily keep time with his. It was pumping so fast that it felt as if she’d just finished a long run on a hot, muggy day. In that moment she was overcome by the urge to find out if his kiss was as moving in real life as it had been in her dreams last night.
“You know, we really shouldn’t do this.” His voice was carried like a whisper in the breeze.
“When have you ever done what was expected of you?”
“Not very often.” His gaze bored deep into her, making her stomach quiver with need.
“Then why start now? I won’t tell, if you won’t.”
That was all it took. His head dipped and then his lips were there. He stopped just a breath away from hers. She could practically feel the turbulent vibes coming off him. It was as though he was fighting an inner battle between what was right and what he wanted. She needed to put him out of his misery—out of her misery.
Acting on total instinct and desire, she leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed her mouth to his. His lips were smooth and warm. He didn’t move. He wanted it. She knew that as well as she knew that the sun would set that evening. Perhaps he needed just a touch more enticement.
She let her body lean into his as her hands slipped up over his broad shoulders. Her fingertips raked through his dark hair as her lips gently moved over his. And then she heard a hungry moan swell in his throat as he pulled her snug against him.
Perhaps it was the knowledge that this kiss should be forbidden that made it the most enticing kiss she’d e
ver experienced. Then again, it could be that she was lonely and missing her sister, and being in Dante’s arms made her feel connected to someone. Or maybe it was simply the fact that he was the dreamiest hunk she’d ever laid her eyes on, and she just wanted to see what she’d be missing by holding herself back.
He stroked and prodded, sending her heart pounding against her ribs with pure desire. His hard planes fit perfectly against her soft curves. And for the moment, she felt like the most beautiful—most desired—woman in the world.
Dante moved, placing his hands on each side of her face. When he pulled his lips from hers, she felt bereft. She wanted more. Needed more.
He rested his forehead against hers. His breathing was deep and uneven. He’d been just as caught up in the moment as she’d been, so why had he stopped? What had happened?
His thumb gently stroked her cheek. “Lizzie, we can’t do this. You know that it’s wrong.”
“But it felt so right.”
She couldn’t help it. She wasn’t ready for the harsh light of reality. She lived every single day with the sharp edges of reality slicing into her dreams. Just once, she wanted to know what it was like not to have to worry about meeting the monthly bills. She just wanted this one blissful memory.
“Lizzie, this can’t happen. You and’s impossible.”
His words pricked her bubble of happiness. Once again she was being rejected. And the worst part was he was right. And that thought made the backs of her eyes sting.
When was it going to be her turn for just a little bit of happiness without the rug being pulled out from under her? This trip to Rome should be the trip of a lifetime, but now the entire arrangement was in jeopardy and she had no job to return to.
She blinked repeatedly, keeping the moisture in her eyes in check. If she was good at one thing in life, it was being a trooper. When life dropped lemons on her, she whipped up a lemon meringue pie with the fluffiest, tallest peaks. She could do it again.
She pulled back until her spine was straight and his hands fell away. “You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Her voice wobbled. She swallowed down the lump of emotion. “It won’t happen again.”
Without meeting his gaze, she moved past him and started for the villa. The tip of her tongue ran over her lower lip, where she found the slightest minty taste of toothpaste he’d left behind. She stifled a frustrated moan, knowing that he was only a few steps behind her.
Dante stowed their bags in the car’s boot and then glanced back at the villa. Lizzie smiled at his grandfather before hugging him goodbye. A stab of jealousy tore into Dante. She’d barely spoken to him after they’d kissed, and even then, it’d only been one-word answers. Why in the world had he let his hormones do the thinking for him?
He had absolutely no desire to toy with her feelings. Hurting Lizzie was the last thing in the world he wanted to do. And though she appeared to have it all together, he knew that she had a vulnerable side, too. He’d witnessed the hurt that had flashed in her eyes when she realized that he didn’t trust her with his grandfather. She wanted him to think she was tough, but he knew lurking beneath the beautiful surface lay a vulnerable woman—a woman that he was coming to like a bit more than he should.
When she at last joined him in the car, she stared straight ahead. The unease between them was palpable. Dante didn’t like it one bit, but he had no one to blame but himself. There was no way he could go back in time and undo the kiss. And if he could, he wasn’t so sure he would. Their kiss had been something special—something he’d never experienced before.