Page 23 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
The spanker came down again and again, Tony not letting up for even a second. With no other choice but admit she was conquered, her body ended its pitched battle.
Responding to the change, Tony slowed his furious pace, and with a few well aimed smacks to her wild red rear, he then stopped, and laid the warm spanker on her bottom.
Trying to calm herself, Melanie sobbed for a few seconds when she realized that the spanking was finished. Tony still held her fast, perhaps in anticipation of another battle, but there wouldn't be one. She'd given up, and the accompanying feeling was quite pleasant if she admitted it to herself. The burning sensation on her bottom was fast becoming a warm sensuous experience, that she might have relished, if Tony had encouraged it. Unfortunately, he didn't.
"There now," he announced, as he pushed her from his lap. She slumped to the floor and looked up at him, waiting for him to speak. "Are you going to stop this nonsense about leaving?" he asked.
"Yes. I'm sorry, I was just so tense with all the change."
"Well, you'd better get used to it," he said, referring to the spanker that was still in his hand. He waved it in her face in a threatening gesture. "I'm not going to put up with you acting like an immature spoiled brat, which is exactly what you've been acting like the last three days. Do you understand?"
"Yes," she replied.
"A grown woman has no business behaving as if she was some hormone crazed teenager."
"I'm really sorry." He was very right, even though it was painful to admit her silliness.
"You're my wife, and you'll stay right here where you belong?" he continued scolding her.
"Yes," she answered.
"You don't leave," he enunciated. "You don't go running off, and you quit acting as if I've suddenly ruined your life by taking over a project that you couldn't handle. You have lots of things you could be doing, I suggest that you dive into those and forget about the house. If I have any questions I'll ask you, otherwise, you pleasantly watch the renovations take place, and enjoy the process, instead of treating it as the worse disaster of your life." His last fierce stare punctuated his message.
"You think I'm too attached to this house don't you?" Melanie suggested.
"You're damned right. It's not healthy for you, or me or our marriage. Now find something to keep you happily busy. You think you could do that?"
"Sure," she replied. He was very sexy when he was pissed off. The last half hour was going straight into lust. Melanie couldn't wait for the pleasant finale. She placed her hands on Tony's muscular thighs, and massaged them gently, as she looked longingly into her his eyes.
"Maybe we could really patch things up now . . . . " she offered with a seductive look he found hard to ignore.
"Not now, I've got work to do," he said, even though he really wanted to drop everything and screw her silly. "Besides, I want you to realize that your spanking was punishment, not sex. As long as I'm going to use this on your misbehaving behind, you might as well understand that I'm not just playing around."
Melanie tried to smile. She was about to cry again, but she didn't want to show him her tears. She was so mixed up inside. If he'd make love to her, then maybe it would be okay. But to be punished the way she had been, with no sexual interlude following, really rankled her. He was making her look at her behavior and see it for what it was; and it was not a pleasant look.
She watched as Tony rose from the chair and returned the spanker to his bureau drawer. Before he left the room, he turned back to her.
"We'll be together later, but I think it's time you gave a few things a good hard look," he said. "And put these things away right now. You make another move to leave here, and you'll think the smacks you got just now were love taps."
Melanie nodded to him as she watched him leave the room, closing the door behind him.
Melanie cleaned up the bedroom, put the suitcase and all her clothes away. She knew that her rash move was silly, but she was still so confused she wasn't sure what she thought about anything anymore, least of all her husband, and the control he suddenly exerted over her.
She finally left the room determined to find something to keep her occupied that would suit her, and keep her out of Tony's way.
Downstairs, she was on her way to the kitchen, when she heard voices coming from Tony's office, and she stopped to listen. The door was half open, but she was out of Tony's sight and could hear the conversation without being seen.
"Quite a battle with the misses." Melanie recognized the voice of one of the workman speaking.
"Yes, but I think things are handled."
"She's quite a spitfire, a bit like my own Beth," the man went on. She knew exactly who it was that was talking to Tony. Their conversation confirmed her worst fears, the paddling had not gone unnoticed by the others in the house. How embarrassing!
"You spank your wife too?" Tony asked the man, curiously.
"Yeah, when she gets to acting bitchy. She seems to really need a good taste of my belt."