Page 24 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
Melanie shivered at the thought of the man removing his belt from his trousers, doubling it over, and using it to punish his wife's upturned rear end. Beth. She said the name to herself, realizing that she knew the workman's wife. What a coincidence! At least she wasn't alone with this strange spanking aspect to married life.
"You been doing this a long time?" Tony asked, genuinely curious.
"Few years. It's good for our marriage, and even better for the bedroom. If you know what I mean?" the man continued.
"I know exactly what you mean," Tony replied. "The practice seems a little archaic, but it was Melanie's idea in the first place. I think we'll be glad we discovered it, as long as we can get through the next few weeks, and all the hassles with this house."
"You'll be glad," the man assured him. "A good blushing bottom is the best thing for an unruly wife."
"Let's hope this does some good this time," Tony said, as if he still wasn't sure.
Melanie, frozen in her tracks, could hardly pull herself away, but she didn't want to be discovered eavesdropping. The potential for embarrassment was mounting each minute. Thinking that the workman was about to leave Tony's office, she scampered up the back staircase. Not stopping at the second floor, she went straight up to the attic, and didn't stop moving until she plopped herself down in the overstuffed chair by the half moon window.
Sitting down, she could still feel her bottom; the lovely glowing warmth of her punished cheeks had not completely vanished. It was a comforting feeling, but the thoughts that accompanied the foray with Tony were not comforting at all. She had the sneaking suspicious that she opened, or rather Aunt Daisy had opened a can of worms, and she would not easily extricate herself from this spanking domain. Yet, even though she thought it was horrible, she loved it, and that was at the heart of her mixed feelings. Maybe she never would want to stop.
At least for now, the attic was safe. It was the one place in her house where the workmen had not yet gone. She was sure that Tony would eventually bring them up here too. Looking around there were a number of things that needed to be repaired in the highest place of the house. She only hoped that it wouldn't be today, wanting the time alone, and this the only place she could find any peace.
Melanie stared for sometime at the gazebo outside. It really was very pretty. A fresh coat of white paint, and she wouldn't be able to tell that it was new. The exterior still had much of the old structure, since it was just the foundation that needed repair. The workmen had even tried to preserve the lovely vines that were entangled about it, giving it even
more shade from the heat of the summer sun. She imagined the cool breezes hitting her face as she rocked in the repaired swing. She could even imagine Tony joining her on that swing, the two of them spending a romantic evening in the midst of that special aura.
Turning away from the view, she glanced down to see her Aunt's trunk sitting to one side, exactly where she'd pushed it a few days before when she'd tried to read another except from the journal. So swiftly rocked from the peace and quiet of the moment by Tony's startling actions on the house, she hadn't had the time to go back to the book she treasured so much.
Now was the perfect moment. She'd be out of Tony's way, out of the workman's way, and away from the eyes of anyone that had overheard the spanking. She couldn't think of a more perfect solution.
Opening the trunk Melanie found the journal where she left it thrown against the dresses stored there. Opening the book, she shuffled through the old pages and came to the place where she'd last read.
It all began last Thursday night . . .
Yes, her Aunt had announced that she and Joseph had been married! She read on.
Joseph arrived at my door step. He was on leave, much to my great surprise and pleasure. I still swoon so much when I see him, especially now when he's in that great Navy uniform.
I could feel this fire inside him. I'm not certain what it was all about, but I knew that there was something special in the wind. There was a determination and strength I felt from him, something unique, something I often felt when he was about to put me over his lap and spank me. Even so, this was different than that. There was a darker air about him, I'm still not sure what it meant; but I think he's afraid, afraid of this war and of our not being together. To add to that, there was a melancholy that I've not felt from Joseph before. I think perhaps the "times" are getting to my normally sunny, self assured love.
"I want to marry you tonight," he announced.
"Tonight?" I was dumbfounded. I could hardly believe what I was hearing.
"Yes, tonight," he repeated. "I have three days, and I want to be with you Daisy Markham. I don't want to wait to have every bit of you. Not anymore."
"You're scared, aren't you?" I asked him. I moved out on the porch and pulled him with me to a bench where we sat down. He held my hand in his and spoke from his heart.
"Maybe I'm scared. But it's more than that. We have to live for now sometimes, because the future is so very unsure."
"You're worrying me, Joseph," I told him. "Is there something you're not telling me?"
He shook his head. "I have times, darling, when I'm not too sleepy, and I lay there in my bunk at night and dream about you. There are already men going overseas and dying. Not coming back. I'm going eventually, we both know that. I can't imagine leaving you, and never returning. And what's worse, I can't imagine shipping out, and my never having known you completely."
"Please don't say that," I said. My heart was beating so rapidly, I could hardly contain myself.
"Usually, you're the one's that impulsive, my dear, but tonight I am. Will you marry me now?"
I think I was already crying from happiness. Happiness and trepidation. This was a big step, one I'd contemplated endlessly for weeks. But so suddenly!
"Of course", I finally gasped through my tears. Joseph's face brightened when I agreed, as if he thought I might just say no.
"That's great! There's a Justice of the Peace just south of here. I know it's not the fancy wedding you wanted, but we'll be together and that's what really counts."