Page 7 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
"Yes," I admitted.
"Looked mighty red too," he said.
"You saw my bottom?"
"Not much, but enough. I imagine it's a nice shade of crimson, just like your face."
I tried to smile.
Joey told me I'd better get used to it, if I was to continue being his girlfriend.
Oh my! The sweetest things followed. Joseph was so tender and loving. We talked for sometime time about my nasty streak, and about spanking. He explained that a good hard paddling was one way to get two people beyond their differences quickly, especially when that one person had a habit of behaving like a naughty brat. It didn't seem strange at all that he should take it on himself to make me behave properly.
I'm afraid that I still don't understand this queer affair. But I have to admit that these two spankings have turned out to be rich experiences that I can hardly describe in words. This has made us far closer than I ever thought I could be with any man. I talk to him about things that I might otherwise only talk about with my girl friends. I don't know where all this is leading, but I know that I'm hopelessly in love with him. I really cannot imagine life without him.
The date of the entry was July 12, 1939.
Melanie closed the book. There was much more to read, and she could have gone on all night, except that her Aunt Daisy's diary touched her so deeply that she needed some time to let the feelings sink in.
Reading the words was almost like reading her own mind. Melanie would have those same thoughts. She could feel what the woman felt, wondering to herself just what it might be like to be taken in hand by a powerful man, and made to mind by a firm whacking of her rear end. Her own bottom tingled at the thought. For an instant, she imagined Tony spanking her; but it was such an absurd idea, she knew he'd say "she better get a grip on things" (Tony loved to use that phrase), and quit romanticizing her life.
Tony would be appalled by spanking, the way he was such a champion of independent and assertive women. He'd taken such pains to support Melanie in her own pursuits, insisting that she have a rich life of her own, and not feed off a man's, like women did a generation ago. If she mentioned spanking, he'd likely think that she'd gone round the bend. Melanie could just see the dumbfounded look on his face.
Even so, she couldn't help but envy her Aunt, that she was born in another time, when relationships and roles were so much easier. Yes, she wanted to be an independent woman with her own pursuits. And in fact she had been quite independent before she married Tony, with a great job as an interior designer. Now of course, she had the house, her garden and the cookbook she was planning to start when the renovations were over. She had plenty in her life to be independently fulfilled.
The Aunt Daisy thing was something altogether different. There was still a side of her nature that was compliant, that wasn't independent at all. There were times when she wanted a man to be bold, decisive and even dominant. Spankings? Maybe that too. There was a childish streak in her, and the whole idea of being set in her place by a good firm paddling was thrilling, even as it was absurd.
Melanie sighed deeply, as she put the diary away and locked the old trunk. From below, she heard Tony call her and she scampered downstairs to be with him in the real world, away from this curious fantasy life.
When Melanie entered the kitchen, she realized that the afternoon had indeed vanished, and she'd again missed the normal dinner hour lost in her secret world. However, Tony seemed less distant and irritated this night, much to her great relief.
"What is it you do upstairs?" he asked pleasantly, when they were eating.
"Oh, just some . . ." she was really unsure about what to say. If she mentioned the diary, Tony might want to see it. He had a passing interest in antique books.
"Some what?" he looked up at her curiously, wondering why she was so suddenly flustered.
"Some old papers, there's really nothing there, but you know how much I like old things."
"So, when is the plumber coming, this downstairs bath is really bad?" Tony asked, changing the subject.
"Oooo, I forgot, I was going to call him this afternoon. I'll call him first thing in the morning."
"I'm beginning to think maybe I should put you on some kind of schedule with this house Melanie. I'm not sure it will ever get done if I didn't."
Melanie wasn't sure if he was irritated again, or just being helpful. She decided to change the subject.
"Say, I stayed out of your way today, how about being together tonight? I'm really missing you."
"I have some work to do, but I won't be late. I'll be up by eleven, just don't you fall asleep." He was almost kidding with her, and that lifted her spirits.
She watched Tony rise from his chair, wishing that they might have talked more. But at least the "ice" had been broken, and her husband was no longer in that dour mood where she thought he was about to leave her.
Chapter Three
The next morning, Tony was in his office early, and Melanie was feeling happy as a lark. The way he made love the night before was reminiscent of earlier in their marriage. His hands were all over her, his mouth, his tongue, his every move made her body sail into some erotic high, she'd not felt in some time.
She wished he'd been even more aggressive, a slap or two, a firmer squeeze, an even darker sex—she knew there was more simmering under Tony's tender surface. What would make him more commanding, willing to break a few love making rules? She wasn't sure yet, but she was certain that there was something that would push him over the edge.