Page 8 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
In any event, Melanie was feeling that old familiar tingle right down to her loins; and with the sun shining brightly and a cool breeze clearing out the humid air, she thought it was a great time to take a look at the old gazebo and appraise the repairs it needed.
Inspecting the gazebo was like going back in time. The vines had grown up over the sides, making the interior dark, and sweet smelling with the fragrance of honeysuckle. As she gingerly stepped up on the now slanting floor, she instantly recalled her Aunt and times they had there.
Walking about the creaky old place, she was so taken with the sumptuous memories, that she wasn't careful where she stepped. Suddenly, her foot dropped out from under her and she fell awkwardly to the floor.
"My god," she shrieked. She immediately wondered if Tony had heard her. "He's going to kill me, if I hurt myself out here," she mumbled.
She extracted her leg from the hole, discovering just a few scrapes. No doubt there'd be a few bruises too by morning. But, having all the information she needed for her plans for the gazebo, and being quiet so as not to disturb Tony, she made her way back to the house.
Melanie's perusal of her wounds revealed little to worry about. She cleaned and bandaged the scrapes and one deeper cut, thinking she'd better wear jeans for a few days, so that Tony wouldn't notice. Then deciding she needed to relax, she retreated to the attic, planning to be there just a half hour or so to regroup. After a little rest in her favorite place, she could change into something presentable for Tony and fix them both a little lunch.
Opening the truck, she pulled Aunt Daisy's diary from its hiding place, and settled down to read again.
"Things are changing fast. I think that Joseph is going to ask me to marry him. I can't imagine that I'd say no, he's the very best thing in my life.
We did have one skirmish yesterday, in fact that led to all these thoughts of marriage. . . .
We were on a picnic. It was a glorious sunny day, and we spread a big blanket in a lovely meadow. We were having just a regular conversation when all of a sudden we started arguing. I can't even remember what it was about, except that Joey was very unhappy with me. I saw his eyes flare the way they do when he's angry. It makes me shiver.
"You know I have a good mind to paddle your bottom," he said.
"You wouldn't dare!" I challenged him, knowing full well, he would do exactly what he wanted to do. I think I might have even taunted him because I wanted him to spank me. That's hard to admit, even to myself! But the glorious thrill I have when he takes me that way is so remarkable, I can hardly help myself.
All of a sudden I took off running across the meadow, and would you believe it? Joey ran after me. At full speed he tumbled me to the ground on the edge of the woods, and then proceeded to drag me to my feet. To my further astonishment, he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder into the trees. Then he set me down on an old stump.
"Don't move," he said.
"What are you doing?" I asked, feeling scared. He had that very dark aspect about him, that I was becoming accustomed to before a spanking.
He didn't answer. But I could tell that he had something specific in mind, the way he searched through the wood
s until he found what he wanted.
I watched with a fixed stare, as Joseph held a long lean switch in his hand. He worked quickly, stripping the thing of all its leaves, so that a smooth surface remained. My next instrument of punishment!
Once he finished preparing the horrid thing, he let it fly through the air, the nasty switch singing with a terrifying noise. I couldn't imagine that he would use this on my bottom.
"Joey, you can't," I protested.
"Oh, I can and I will. You're an unruly brat, Daisy Markham, and you're going to learn to behave!"
Joey unceremoniously grabbed me by the hand, turned me over the old tree trunk, lifted my skirt, and pulled down my panties. In the light of day, Joey would have no problem at all this time, seeing my naked rear end. It was mortifying, my creamy rear cheeks exposed right there before his eyes.
However, he didn't take much time to appraise my state of undress, as he proceeded immediately with the switch. His strong arm came down with a fierce cut right across both of my rear cheeks.
I howled loudly.
Another cut screeched through the air, and landed next to the first.
"Please no!" I wailed.
"Hush," he ordered.
Another and another landed with efficient purpose. I could tell he was putting a good deal of energy into his strokes, because each burned so fiercely.
Another two cuts landed on my rear and I howled again, while I imagined the half dozen cuts across my bottom, leaving horrible red lines, that would stand out for days. By then, I thought he certainly must be done with this ruthless punishment.
"Please Joey, please," I tried pleading with him.