Page 82 of Eugenia's Embrace
Eugenia stood smiling, straightening her hair. She picked up Theresa's chemise and put it to her nose. It smelled of Theresa. And yes, she would take Theresa to her house. And not make any demands of her. She would just wait for Theresa to approach her, maybe they could be good for one another, having the same needs.
A loud knocking on the front door drew Eugenia's attention. Knowing that most of the other girls were occupied she checked her appearance once again in the mirror, wiping some excess oil from her partially exposed breasts and shoulders with her handkerchief, then hurried down the stairs.
Swinging the front door open, Eugenia felt a familiar ache beginning in the pit of her stomach. She remembered how often he had come to this door.
"Adam, what do you want?" she snapped, trying to sound irritated, not emotionally unbalanced by his sudden appearance at her house of girls.
"You've got to come, Eugenia," he said, panting hard. It was quite evident that he had been running.
"What's wrong, Adam?" she asked softly, studying the desperation in his dark brown eyes.
"It's Nell. She's had her baby. Just that fast," he blurted, turning his cowboy hat in his hands.
"She's had her baby?" Eugenia gasped, feeling her heart begin to pound against her ribs.
"She's in the hospital now. Come on. Come and see our little Jennifer."
"Jennifer?" Eugenia sighed softly. "You have a little girl?"
"She's just beautiful, Eugenia," he said proudly, shifting nervously from one foot to the other.
"Let me tell Alison I'm leaving," Eugenia said hurriedly. "Will you go on out and get my carriage ready, Adam?"
"Hurry, Eugenia," he said, rushing away from the door.
"A little daughter?" Eugenia sighed loudly as she made her way up the stairs. She was glad when Alison appeared, fully clothed, outside her door.
"What's the commotion all about?" Alison asked, smoothing her skirt down and straightening her hair. "Is there trouble of some sort?"
"No. No trouble," Eugenia shouted, squeezing Alison's hands in hers. "Nell's had her baby. A little girl. Isn't that something?"
"And Nell and the baby, are they all right?"
"Damn. I didn't ask," Eugenia said, frowning.
"But I'm sure they are. Adam would've told me if they weren't. He was too excited. So I know they're fine."
"Are you going to see Nell and the baby now?"
"Yes. That's why I was coming to see you," Eugenia said. "Come on in my room. I have something else to tell you."
Eugenia took Alison by the elbow and guided her hurriedly into the privacy of her own room. She turned and faced her, furrowing an eyebrow.
"I'm taking Theresa with me to my house. To live," she said, watching the look of dismay mask Alison's face.
"You're what?" Alison said softly.
"I'm taking Theresa to live with me at The Towers. You'll have to find another girl to take her place."
"Dammit, Eugenia," Alison snapped, walking away from her, going to a window to stare downward at the darkness of the street. "If you start that crap again, we won't have any girls left here in this house. First there was Nell and Iris." She swung around and faced Eugenia with her arms crossed. "And now you tell me you're taking Iris back and Theresa. Where will it all end? Your heart is bigger than your brains."
Eugenia laughed, amused at the comparison. "And, my dear," she said, going to Alison to hug her affectionately. "Whenever you and your man want to live a life away from here, just feel free to join our clan at The Towers."
"You mean you'd really let us?"
"Alison, I have twenty-six rooms in that house. Why not fill them with love?"
"Eugenia. I can't believe you."