Page 83 of Eugenia's Embrace
"It's the way I want it," Eugenia said, rearranging her Papa's combs at the sides of her head. "Now, will you take care of everything here while I'm gone?"
"I guess so," Alison said, still in a state of shock.
"And what is this about Key and Denise?" Eugenia continued.
"While Key was working here, he and Denise… met."
"Do you mean they actually fell in love?"
"Something like that."
"Why was Denise crying this evening?" Eugenia asked, wondering.
"She saw that you had returned and I'm sure was afraid that Key would be too embarrassed to come here to visit her while you're around."
"Dammit you say." Eugenia gasped. "I'll have to see what I can do about that."
"Oh, no, Eugenia," Alison groaned. "Not Denise, too."
"Sure. Why not?" Eugenia laughed. "If Key needs Denise, he shall have her. You'll just have to search a little harder and find someone as talented as her."
"Damned sure will," Alison grumbled.
"I must go, love," Eugenia said, placing a small feather-covered hat on her head. When she had white gloves pulled up to her elbows, she turned and flew down the stairs, feeling better about life than she had in years. She had much going for her now. She would make life not only good for herself, but for everything that needed love and companionship.
* * *
Chapter Twenty-five
The sound of a baby's cries in the middle of the night had been welcomed at The Towers. And now, at six months old, when Jennifer was sleeping through the entire night, Eugenia missed the night noises of feet scuffling, and the giggling of Nell and soft laughter of Adam as they shared in their parental responsibilities.
Eugenia went to her bedroom window and stared toward her mountain. Her thoughts were filled with Mama and Papa so often lately since it had just become so unbearably cold in the evenings. Even now, as the mist swirled at the mountain's peak, Eugenia was worrying about having left her Mama and Papa in the ground so far away from her. It just hadn't seemed right to her, but she knew that it was done and couldn't ever be changed.
Adam's laughter from somewhere in the house brought Eugenia's mind back to the present. He had changed entirely after having become a father. He was a devoted husband, as well as a father. The house was only filled with happiness. Almost bursting at the seams. And also now that Key had his Denise with him, his cooking had even improved, something that Eugenia had never thought was possible. She was always delighted to find what was awaiting for her at the evening's meal.
Yes, things were quite peaceful at The Towers now. But she couldn't help but wonder, now, how things would change when Iris had her baby. Only one more month and Eugenia would know.
Adam and Nell had at first shunned Iris's presence. But Nell's and Iris's love of poetry and the arts had brought them together once again. Nell had even accepted Iris's swollen abdomen, realizing th
at inside that ball of brown was a part of Adam, a small baby, an innocent person who would need much love. A child who would be a brother, or sister, to her own Jennifer.
Eugenia went to a mirror and stood sideways, frowning, noticing the small bulge above her waistline. She was slowly putting weight back on. Something she had never wanted to do. But a peaceful existence with the ones she loved, plus Key's abilities in the kitchen, made her unable to quit eating. Her happiness seemed so complete she didn't think anything could stand in her way. Ever again. But she did have one problem to solve; for her sweet Theresa. She had to keep efforts going to find Theresa's sister. Up to this point, the private detectives hadn't been able to come up with one minute clue. But, Eugenia felt strong about this, and would continue until no hope was left. A light tapping on the door brought a warm smile to Eugenia's face. She went to the door and opened it to find Theresa standing there. Eugenia was glad that Theresa had taken her advice and had let her hair grow. It was so much more lovely hanging in long, black curls around her shoulders. And the soft makeup of pink accentuated the rosy complexion that Theresa already had. Theresa glided on into the room, donning her new winter apparel of black velvet. It dipped in snugly at the waistline, then flared out over petticoats of Valenciennes lace. And the bosom didn't leave much to the imagination.
"Like it?" Theresa asked, twirling around in a circle, giggling:
"Just lovely, Theresa," Eugenia said, clasping her hands together in front of her.
"This is my favorite of all you chose for me," Theresa said, standing in front of the mirror, running her fingers over the softness.
"You are happy here, aren't you?" Eugenia asked, sitting down on the edge of her bed, admiring Theresa even more each day. They had been good for one another. Even though it had made eyebrows raise in the household, knowing of their intimacy. But Eugenia hadn't minded. She felt that love was to be shared, whether it be with a man or woman. If that love was sincere, there could be nothing wrong about it.
Theresa bent down onto her knees on the carpet at Eugenia's feet. She placed her chin on Eugenia's lap, looking upward with her large brown eyes.
"I never thought anyone could be this happy," she said, smiling. "I do love you so, Eugenia."
Eugenia smoothed the back of Theresa's hair. "And you, I," she whispered.
"Nell told me what we're doing is wrong," Theresa said quietly.