Page 22 of Savage Illusions

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Page 22 of Savage Illusions

Her nig­h­t­ma­rish ex­pe­ri­en­ce fled from her mind, and her won­der­ful dre­ams ca­me to li­fe as the­ir lips met and they we­re sud­denly kis­sing pas­si­ona­tely, re­ve­ling in fe­elings long de­ni­ed them.

Spotted Eag­le's lips trem­b­led in­to Jole­na's as he felt her body sof­ten in his arms, her lips warm and sen­su­al aga­inst his. In his he­art she had al­ways be­en his, but to­night it was all too re­al­t­he way he held her, the kiss, the sha­red pas­si­on.

Soon Spot­ted Eag­le had swept her up in­to his arms and was car­rying her away from the de­ath sce­ne. When they re­ac­hed a pla­ce of mo­on­light and sha­dows, far from the camp and the de­ad ani­mal, he pla­ced Jole­na on her fe­et.

Again he drew her in­to his em­b­ra­ce and kis­sed her, the air se­eming to qu­iver with the in­ten­sity of the­ir fe­elings for one anot­her.

Jolena gas­ped with a diz­zying ple­asu­re when Spot­ted Eag­le slid his hands un­der her blo­use and felt the warm we­ight of her bre­asts. Her in­si­des mel­ted as he ca­res­sed her bre­asts, hardly even awa­re that he was le­aning over her, gently la­ying her on the gro­und.

The grass now a soft cus­hi­on be­ne­ath her, Jole­na clo­sed her eyes and enj­oyed and ac­cep­ted the fe­el of one of Spot­ted Eag­le's warm hands as he crept it be­ne­ath her skirt. She trem­b­led as he slid his fin­gers slowly up­ward, set­ting small fi­res ever­y­w­he­re his flesh to­uc­hed hers.

He kis­sed her gasp of sur­p­ri­se away when he lo­we­red her un­der­gar­ment, then slip­ped com­p­le­tely away from her and tos­sed it asi­de. She lay per­fectly still, scar­cely bre­at­hing, fil­led with the won­der of the­se rap­tu­ro­us fe­elings that we­re over­w­hel­ming her as on­ce aga­in his fin­gers crept up her leg, then cup­ped the soft, downy patch of ha­ir at the jun­c­tu­re of her thighs.

Jolena's he­art ra­ced, and she trem­b­led with an acu­te ple­asu­re when his fin­gers be­gan skil­lful­ly ca­res­sing the cen­ter of her pas­si­on. Jole­na had ne­ver be­en awa­re that this part of her ana­tomy co­uld gi­ve her such ple­asu­re. In her mid­night dre­ams of this han­d­so­me In­di­an, she had felt stran­gely hot and wet whe­re he was now to­uc­hing and ca­res­sing her, but ne­ver had she ex­p­lo­red the­se fe­elings with her own fin­gers. When she had awa­ke­ned, the he­at and the wet­ness had be­en go­ne, only a part of her sen­su­al dre­ams and fan­ta­si­es.

But now the won­der­ful fe­elings we­re bu­il­ding in­to so­met­hing swe­et, al­most uni­ma­gi­nab­le in the ke­en ple­asu­re they ro­used.

Her bre­ath ca­me in short gasps, and then she lur­c­hed and ope­ned her eyes wildly when one of his fin­gers was sud­denly thrust in­si­de her, ca­using her a mo­men­tary, bri­ef sen­se of pa­in, whe­re she had only mo­ments ago be­en fe­eling such ple­asu­re.

Spotted Eag­le drew his lips away, yet he did not of­fer to wit­h­d­raw his fin­ger.

''You are a vir­gin," Spot­ted Eag­le whis­pe­red. "Do you still wish to be? Or do­es yo­ur he­art cry out to know the fe­elings of a wo­man?"

Her he­art was throb­bing so that Jole­na co­uld hardly think. The lon­ger his fin­ger re­ma­ined whe­re her he­art se­emed to be cen­te­red, mo­ving softly wit­hin her, awa­ke­ning new de­si­res thro­ug­ho­ut her, she did not know what to say or how to re­act to the de­li­ci­o­us let­hargy he was ca­using wit­hin her he­art and mind.

Spotted Eag­le se­emed to un­der­s­tand her si­len­ce. She was new to this world of sen­su­ality, and not to di­sap­po­int her, he crus­hed her lips with a fi­ery kiss, his full hand now ca­res­sing her lo­ve mo­und which had grown mo­ist aga­inst his palm.

Having hun­ge­red for her so long, Spot­ted Eag­le was fin­ding it hard to con­t­rol his own wild de­si­res.

But he co­uld not rush this fi­er­ce hun­ger that was eating away at him, spre­ading, spre­ading…

He wan­ted Jole­na to fe­el every as­pect of the ec­s­tasy that he was fe­eding her. And by the way she was re­tur­ning his kiss and was clin­ging to him, he knew that she wis­hed for mo­re of the sa­me.

Close to the he­ight of eup­ho­ria that he was se­eking, yet fin­ding it dan­ge­ro­us to bring it to the sur­fa­ce with Jole­na too so­on, Spot­ted Eag­le le­aned away from her. Wit­ho­ut fur­t­her words or qu­es­ti­ons as to whet­her or not she wis­hed for the sa­me as he­for he al­re­ady knew the an­s­wers by the way she res­pon­ded to his fo­rep­lay­he pla­ced his fin­gers at the hem of her blo­use and slowly lif­ted it away from her and over her he­ad.

As the mo­on­light shim­me­red along the soft and smo­oth con­to­urs of her body, his eyes tra­ced the sha­pe of her firm yo­ung bre­asts. He co­uld not help him­self. He le­aned down over her and en­fol­ded one of her bre­asts bet­we­en his hands and flic­ked his ton­gue over its nip­ple.

His in­si­des qu­ave­red; he had ne­ver to­uc­hed or tas­ted an­y­t­hing as soft and swe­et.

He mo­ved his hands to her ot­her bre­ast and did the sa­me the­re, awa­re that she was enj­oying this by the way she mo­aned swe­etly, then re­ac­hed a hand to the back of his he­ad and twi­ned her fin­gers thro­ugh his ha­ir. Jole­na felt as tho­ugh she we­re flo­ating, and all do­ubts of whet­her she sho­uld al­low all of this to hap­pen we­re was­hed away as tho­ugh on mo­on­be­ams so­aring thro­ugh spa­ce. She clo­sed her eyes and tos­sed her he­ad slowly back and forth, thril­led that he lo­ved her so much al­re­ady, as she had known that she lo­ved him just as qu­ickly.

They we­re be­co­ming as one.

Whether or not it sho­uld be hap­pe­ning, she knew that all of the­ir to­mor­rows we­re now lin­ked, fo­re­ver and ever.

She smi­led sec­retly at this tho­ught and re­la­xed, the an­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of what el­se was to tran­s­pi­re to­night bet­we­en them be­fo­re the lo­ve­ma­king was com­p­le­te ca­using a he­adi­ness to cla­im her.

So ca­ught up in her fe­elings was she that Jole­na se­emed hardly awa­re of when Spot­ted Eag­le had fully un­c­lot­hed her and was un­c­lot­hed him­self. As he sto­od over her to toss his fi­nal pi­ece of clot­hing asi­de, she ga­zed up at him, ad­mi­ring his wi­de sho­ul­ders, mus­c­led chest, and the le­an li­nes of his tor­so.

Her pul­se ra­ced as her ga­ze lo­we­red and she saw the mag­ni­fi­cen­ce of his man­ho­od. Al­t­ho­ugh a part of her fe­ared it, sin­ce he was so well pro­por­ti­oned, she re­ac­hed her arms out to him, sig­hing as he ca­me to her, wrap­ping her in the warmth of his body.

Spotted Eag­le's eyes swept over her fa­ce with a si­lent, ur­gent mes­sa­ge; then he held it wit­hin his hands and kis­sed her with a fi­er­ce, pos­ses­si­ve he­at.

Jolena ga­ve her­self up to the rap­tu­re. When one of his hands slip­ped down and co­ve­red a bre­ast, rol­ling her nip­ple with his fin­gers, soft mo­ans re­pe­atedly sur­fa­ced from in­si­de her.

She kis­sed him with qu­ave­ring lips and clung to him, her pul­se ra­cing mad­de­ningly as she felt his throb­bing man­ho­od as it be­gan pro­bing at the cen­ter of her de­si­re.

As tho­ugh prac­ti­ced, yet truly from in­s­tinct in­s­til­led in a wo­man from the ti­me Eve lu­red Adam in­to her arms in the gar­den of Eden, she spre­ad her legs, ope­ning her­self mo­re wi­dely

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