Page 22 of Savage Illusions
Her nightmarish experience fled from her mind, and her wonderful dreams came to life as their lips met and they were suddenly kissing passionately, reveling in feelings long denied them.
Spotted Eagle's lips trembled into Jolena's as he felt her body soften in his arms, her lips warm and sensual against his. In his heart she had always been his, but tonight it was all too realthe way he held her, the kiss, the shared passion.
Soon Spotted Eagle had swept her up into his arms and was carrying her away from the death scene. When they reached a place of moonlight and shadows, far from the camp and the dead animal, he placed Jolena on her feet.
Again he drew her into his embrace and kissed her, the air seeming to quiver with the intensity of their feelings for one another.
Jolena gasped with a dizzying pleasure when Spotted Eagle slid his hands under her blouse and felt the warm weight of her breasts. Her insides melted as he caressed her breasts, hardly even aware that he was leaning over her, gently laying her on the ground.
The grass now a soft cushion beneath her, Jolena closed her eyes and enjoyed and accepted the feel of one of Spotted Eagle's warm hands as he crept it beneath her skirt. She trembled as he slid his fingers slowly upward, setting small fires everywhere his flesh touched hers.
He kissed her gasp of surprise away when he lowered her undergarment, then slipped completely away from her and tossed it aside. She lay perfectly still, scarcely breathing, filled with the wonder of these rapturous feelings that were overwhelming her as once again his fingers crept up her leg, then cupped the soft, downy patch of hair at the juncture of her thighs.
Jolena's heart raced, and she trembled with an acute pleasure when his fingers began skillfully caressing the center of her passion. Jolena had never been aware that this part of her anatomy could give her such pleasure. In her midnight dreams of this handsome Indian, she had felt strangely hot and wet where he was now touching and caressing her, but never had she explored these feelings with her own fingers. When she had awakened, the heat and the wetness had been gone, only a part of her sensual dreams and fantasies.
But now the wonderful feelings were building into something sweet, almost unimaginable in the keen pleasure they roused.
Her breath came in short gasps, and then she lurched and opened her eyes wildly when one of his fingers was suddenly thrust inside her, causing her a momentary, brief sense of pain, where she had only moments ago been feeling such pleasure.
Spotted Eagle drew his lips away, yet he did not offer to withdraw his finger.
''You are a virgin," Spotted Eagle whispered. "Do you still wish to be? Or does your heart cry out to know the feelings of a woman?"
Her heart was throbbing so that Jolena could hardly think. The longer his finger remained where her heart seemed to be centered, moving softly within her, awakening new desires throughout her, she did not know what to say or how to react to the delicious lethargy he was causing within her heart and mind.
Spotted Eagle seemed to understand her silence. She was new to this world of sensuality, and not to disappoint her, he crushed her lips with a fiery kiss, his full hand now caressing her love mound which had grown moist against his palm.
Having hungered for her so long, Spotted Eagle was finding it hard to control his own wild desires.
But he could not rush this fierce hunger that was eating away at him, spreading, spreading…
He wanted Jolena to feel every aspect of the ecstasy that he was feeding her. And by the way she was returning his kiss and was clinging to him, he knew that she wished for more of the same.
Close to the height of euphoria that he was seeking, yet finding it dangerous to bring it to the surface with Jolena too soon, Spotted Eagle leaned away from her. Without further words or questions as to whether or not she wished for the same as hefor he already knew the answers by the way she responded to his foreplayhe placed his fingers at the hem of her blouse and slowly lifted it away from her and over her head.
As the moonlight shimmered along the soft and smooth contours of her body, his eyes traced the shape of her firm young breasts. He could not help himself. He leaned down over her and enfolded one of her breasts between his hands and flicked his tongue over its nipple.
His insides quavered; he had never touched or tasted anything as soft and sweet.
He moved his hands to her other breast and did the same there, aware that she was enjoying this by the way she moaned sweetly, then reached a hand to the back of his head and twined her fingers through his hair. Jolena felt as though she were floating, and all doubts of whether she should allow all of this to happen were washed away as though on moonbeams soaring through space. She closed her eyes and tossed her head slowly back and forth, thrilled that he loved her so much already, as she had known that she loved him just as quickly.
They were becoming as one.
Whether or not it should be happening, she knew that all of their tomorrows were now linked, forever and ever.
She smiled secretly at this thought and relaxed, the anticipation of what else was to transpire tonight between them before the lovemaking was complete causing a headiness to claim her.
So caught up in her feelings was she that Jolena seemed hardly aware of when Spotted Eagle had fully unclothed her and was unclothed himself. As he stood over her to toss his final piece of clothing aside, she gazed up at him, admiring his wide shoulders, muscled chest, and the lean lines of his torso.
Her pulse raced as her gaze lowered and she saw the magnificence of his manhood. Although a part of her feared it, since he was so well proportioned, she reached her arms out to him, sighing as he came to her, wrapping her in the warmth of his body.
Spotted Eagle's eyes swept over her face with a silent, urgent message; then he held it within his hands and kissed her with a fierce, possessive heat.
Jolena gave herself up to the rapture. When one of his hands slipped down and covered a breast, rolling her nipple with his fingers, soft moans repeatedly surfaced from inside her.
She kissed him with quavering lips and clung to him, her pulse racing maddeningly as she felt his throbbing manhood as it began probing at the center of her desire.
As though practiced, yet truly from instinct instilled in a woman from the time Eve lured Adam into her arms in the garden of Eden, she spread her legs, opening herself more widely