Page 23 of Savage Illusions

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Page 23 of Savage Illusions

to him, an open in­vi­ta­ti­on for him to do what he ple­ased, and what she now hun­ge­red for.

When he thrust him­self de­eply in­si­de her, Jole­na whim­pe­red aga­inst his lips with pa­in. But the pa­in was so­on rep­la­ced with so­met­hing won­der­ful­ly swe­et and sen­su­al. She drew a rag­ged bre­ath as a ra­ging hun­ger swept thro­ugh her.

Spotted Eag­le slip­ped his mo­uth down from her lips and sho­we­red her bre­asts with fe­at­hery kis­ses. His he­art ham­me­red wildly wit­hin his chest, his body gro­wing mo­re fe­ve­rish as the ple­asu­re mo­un­ted.

His hands mo­ved down her body un­til they we­re cup­ping her but­tocks in a sen­su­al ec­s­tasy of the­ir own. He for­ced her hips in at his, crus­hing her aga­inst him, her but­tocks smo­oth and as soft as cot­ton as she stra­ined in­to him.

Their na­ked flesh was fu­sed. It was flesh aga­inst flesh in gen­t­le pres­su­re.

Again he kis­sed her. He to­uc­hed his ton­gue to hers, af­la­me with lon­ging. De­si­re was­hed over him.

Then he pa­used and le­aned only a frac­ti­on away from her. He re­ac­hed his hands to her ha­ir and smo­ot­hed it away from her fa­ce. He ga­zed in­to her eyes, fe­eling as tho­ugh he we­re lo­oking in­to her so­ul, and he ex­pe­ri­en­ced so­met­hing that he had ne­ver felt be­fo­re with ot­her wo­men. It was as tho­ugh this wo­man was an ex­ten­si­on of him­self, as tho­ugh they we­re of one he­ar­t­be­at, even of one so­ul.

"I lo­ve you," Spot­ted Eag­le sa­id softly, sen­ding soft but­terfly kis­ses ac­ross Jole­na's par­ted lips. "I shall al­ways lo­ve you."

He pa­used, lo­oked in­to her eyes aga­in, then sa­id, "I ha­ve al­ways lo­ved you."

Jolena was star­t­led by this con­fes­si­on, kno­wing that she co­uld say the sa­me words to him, and they wo­uld be true. So­me­how, they had be­en so­ul ma­tes even be­fo­re they met eye to eye, and had lo­ved, che­ek to che­ek.

She pla­ced a gen­t­le hand to his fa­ce. "I ha­ve al­so al­ways lo­ved you," she whis­pe­red, then shud­de­red with ple­asu­re when he swept her fully in­to his arms aga­in and ga­ve her an all-con­su­ming kiss.

Lost fo­re­ver to this man, she kis­sed him back pas­si­ona­tely, loc­king her legs aro­und him as he ro­se over her and plun­ged him­self de­eply in­si­de her. She stra­ined her body up­ward, me­eting his eager thrusts, fe­eling his he­ar­t­be­at aga­inst her own as he held her wit­hin his po­wer­ful arms.

And then he re­le­ased her and craw­led on his kne­es aro­und her, so­on pla­cing him­self in a po­si­ti­on that ga­ve her ac­cess to him in a way that ma­de her he­art se­em to stop and her thro­at grow dry, un­der­s­tan­ding his si­lent bid­ding as he mo­ved him­self clo­ser to her mo­uth.

Wanting to re­cip­ro­ca­te in this sort of lo­ving, sin­ce he had al­re­ady un­sel­fishly ple­asu­red her so won­der­ful­ly, she first ran her fin­gers up and down his throb­bing shaft, then to­uc­hed the tip of his har­d­ness with her ton­gue, his sen­su­al mo­an re­ve­aling to her just how much he enj­oyed this way of be­ing lo­ved.

Getting her­self in a com­for­tab­le po­si­ti­on, she cup­ped him wit­hin her hand and led him to her lips on­ce aga­in. She swept her ton­gue aro­und him, over and over aga­in, then to­ok him in­to her mo­uth. She co­uld fe­el his body stif­fen, then qu­aver with ple­asu­re.

But so­on he ur­ged her away from him and led her to anot­her new way of lo­ve­ma­king. He ur­ged her to her kne­es and so­on en­te­red her from be­hind, mag­ni­fi­cently fil­ling her whe­re she so un­mer­ci­ful­ly throb­bed for com­p­le­ti­on.

She clo­sed her eyes and held her he­ad back, awa­iting that mo­ment of re­le­ase, kno­wing that it was ne­ar.

Her who­le body se­emed an ex­ten­si­on of her he­art, throb­bing… throb­bing… throb­bing…

And then on­ce aga­in they re­ac­hed that hig­her pla­te­au of ple­asu­re that roc­ked and sho­ok them, as tho­ugh the earth was sha­king be­ne­ath them.

Exhausted, they fell apart and lay be­si­de one anot­her on the grass.

"I've ne­ver felt as ali­ve," Jole­na sa­id, sig­hing as she ga­zed lo­vingly at Spot­ted Eag­le. "Yet what we did, ma­king lo­ve in tho­se stran­ge ways? I can­not think it was pro­per. What ca­me over me? Why did I al­low it?"

Spotted Eag­le pla­ced his hand at her wa­ist and drew her aga­inst him, her bre­asts crus­hing in­to his chest. "What you did was pro­per," he told her, "be­ca­use it was do­ne out of lo­ve. I will che­rish the­se mo­ments. So sho­uld you."

She le­aned her che­ek aga­inst his chest. "Oh, how I want to," she mur­mu­red. "It was pu­re he­aven, Spot­ted Eag­le, be­ing with you. I've ne­ver felt so free, yet so pos­ses­sed. How co­uld that be?"

"Loving fi­er­cely is a com­bi­na­ti­on of the two," Spot­ted Eag­le ex­p­la­ined. "When you lo­ve, yo­ur emo­ti­ons run free, yet yo­ur body be­co­mes pos­ses­sed by the one who lo­ves you. Let that not frig­h­ten you. I wel­co­me be­ing pos­ses­sed by you. You fill the vo­id left in my li­fe many ye­ars ago. I will ne­ver be lo­nely aga­in, not whi­le I ha­ve you."

"I fe­el so many things," Jole­na sa­id, clin­ging to him, lo­ving him so. "But most of all, I fe­el an in­ten­se hap­pi­ness. Hold me, Spot­ted Eag­le. Hold me tightly. I ne­ver want to le­ave you. Ne­ver."

He crad­led her clo­se, his eyes clo­sed to the past, thin­king now only of the fu­tu­re and this wo­man who had awa­ke­ned him aga­in to lo­ving.

Two Rid­ges awa­ke­ned and fo­und Spot­ted Eag­le go­ne. He scur­ri­ed from his blan­kets and went to Jole­na's tent. He suc­ked in a wild bre­ath when he fo­und it empty.

Almost trip­ping over his fe­et, he tur­ned and lo­oked in all di­rec­ti­ons, won­de­ring which wo­uld le­ad him to Spot­ted Eag­le and Jole­na. He wan­ted to get the­re be­fo­re they co­uld ma­ke lo­ve.

He wan­ted to be the first with her.

He wan­ted her ne­ver to ha­ve ca­use to think abo­ut anot­her man, es­pe­ci­al­ly not Spot­ted Eag­le.

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