Page 58 of Savage Illusions
"Double Runner, secure Two Ridges on your horse," he said, his voice solemn. He gazed at one of his other warriors. "Wolf Tail, go and find his horse. Take it and the Cree's with you to the village." Not waiting for Two Ridges to be secured on the horse, his every heartbeat counting the minutes until he saw Jolena again, Spotted Eagle swung his horse around and began thundering through the forest. He was glad when he reached the open spa
ces of a meadow, giving him more freedom to send his horse into a hard gallop.
As the sun was replaced in the sky by a round globe of moon, Spotted Eagle caught the reflection of a fire in the black velvet sky just up ahead and knew that he would soon be in his village. His pulse raced and his eyes grew anxious as he sent his horse into an even harder gallop, breathless now as he entered the outer fringes of the village.
He eased his mount into a soft trot and moved past the outdoor communal fire that blazed all night in the center of his village to help discourage the wild animals from coming near the Blackfoot people as they slept.
When Jolena's father's tepee came into sight, Spotted Eagle's heart seemed to skip a beat, for standing just outside the tepee, studying the heavens, was his woman!
Inhaling a quavering breath, he stared at this woman who only a short time ago he had thought was lost to him forever! Here she was, as though an offering to him, or an answer to his prayers to the fires of the sun!
And never had she looked lovelier!
Beneath the splash of the moonlight, she stood like a copper princess attired in the clothing of the Blackfoot. Her long, dark hair was hanging free and fluttering around her shoulders in the gentle breeze. Her expression was filled with sadness as she gazed upward, and as Spotted Eagle drew his mount to a halt and dismounted, he could see tears streaming down her cheeks.
Jolena was so caught up in her feelings that she had not heard the horse's approach, nor did she hear Spotted Eagle now as he dropped his reins and left the horse behind as he walked toward her.
Feeling as though he were being swallowed whole by his thunderous heartbeats, Spotted Eagle took one more step, then stopped and trembled when she turned sudden eyes to him and discovered him standing there.
Jolena's heart seemed to leap into her throat. She became dizzy from the surprise of finding Spotted Eagle there. She was so stunned, she could not speak, nor could she move! She had just been praying that he would be all right and that he would come to her.
And there he was, as big as life itself, standing so close, his eyes brimming with his own tears of happiness!
"Jolena?" Spotted Eagle said softly.
"Spotted Eagle?" Jolena said softly.
Then both broke into a run and flung themselves into each other's arms.
Jolena sobbed as she clung to Spotted Eagle.
Spotted Eagle clung to her as though, if he let her go, he would discover that this had all been a figment of his imaginationa savage illusion! "You are really here," Jolena cried, gazing up at him. "Oh, darling. You did not die?"
"I did not die, nor did you," Spotted Eagle said, laughing softly as his hands now moved gently over her face, his forefinger stopping at her lips, tracing them. "My woman, I thought you died with the others."
"I was thrown from the wagon before it went over the cliff," Jolena said, placing a hand to one of his cheeks, testing to see if he were real. "And you?"
"It all happened so quickly that I was forced to watch, instead of to act," Spotted Eagle said, again drawing her into his embrace, hugging her to him. "I thought you were with the others. I… I went down to the foot of the cliff and looked for you. I could not find you. And there was no way to tell if you were there or not. Most of the bodies were unidentifiable."
A shudder soared through Jolena at the thought of what he was describing. "My brother?" she whispered, daring to seek the truth, not sure if she could face it if she found out that Kirk was truly dead.
"Could you tell if Kirk…" she began.
"No," Spotted Eagle said, placing a finger to her lips, stopping her next words. "I do not know the fate of your brother."
He held her away from him and gazed into her eyes. "Did you walk all the way here from the site of the wreckage?" he asked. "I do not see how you did. That is a long way to travel by foot." Jolena was not sure how to tell him about Two Ridges and what he had tried to do. Two Ridges was supposed to be Spotted Eagle's best friend. She did not want to be the one to tell Spotted Eagle of a best friend's deceit!
Before she decided what to say, or how, the warriors bringing Two Ridges' body back to his people came riding into the village.
The arrival of many horses into the village brought the people outside. Chief Gray Bear came from his tepee ahead of the others. There was a happy, joyous reunion of father and son as Spotted Eagle and his father embraced.
And then Jolena saw Two Ridges. The moon was so bright that she quickly recognized him. She placed her hands over her mouth to stifle a scream when she discovered Two Ridges' bloody back as he lay across the horse on his stomach.
Jolena then gazed quickly up at Spotted Eagle, questioning him silently with her eyes.
"A Cree's arrow that was meant for Spotted Eagle killed Two Ridges instead," Spotted Eagle said sullenly.
Jolena was rendered even more speechless, now recalling her dream in which Spotted Eagle had died from an arrow's wound.