Page 59 of Savage Illusions
"Two Ridges saved your life?" Jolena blurted out, finding that hard to believe now that she knew of Two Ridge's darker side.
Having decided not to tell anyone the truth about Two Ridges' attempt to kill him, Spotted Eagle's jaw tightened and his lips became tightly pursed. "Spotted Eagle, why don't you answer me?" Jolena murmured, then grew cold inside, thinking she already knew the answer without his actually saying the words.
Footsteps behind her drew her thoughts and her pity elsewhere. She watched Brown Elk's expression as he stepped into the moonlight just as Two Ridges' body was lifted from the horse and was carried toward him.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Everyone stepped aside as Brown Elk moved at a dignified pace toward the horse on which his son lay. He made no sound as he lifted Two Ridges from the horse and carried him in his arms toward his dwelling, stopping before entering his tepee to gaze up into Spotted Eagle's eyes.
"Did my son die with courage?" Brown Elk asked softly, his eyes hazed with a sadness that he was trying to keep within himself.
Spotted Eagle's insides stiffened, feeling everyone's eyes on him, especially Jolena's as she shifted hers upward, gazing up at him as she awaited his response.
Although Spotted Eagle was a man of truth and honesty, this time he had to lie, for to tell the truth meant causing pain that was not necessary. "He died with both honor and courage," Spotted Eagle said, his voice drawn. "Your son died in place of Spotted Eagle, for Long Nose's arrow was meant for me, not your son."
"He died so that you could live?" Brown Elk said, his voice breaking. He lowered his eyes. "My son died for a good purpose then. He keeps the son of Chief Gray Bear alive so that he can one day be chief of our people!"
Jolena listened to everything that was being said, realizing that most was false. She knew the evil that lurked within Two Ridges' heart. She could never see him as courageous or one who might do an honorable deed for the man who stood in the way of his having the woman of his desire.
Jolena had to believe that Spotted Eagle was covering up some horrible truth. She could see it in his eyes, in how they had wavered as he spoke to Brown Elk. She had heard it in his voice, that what he had said was pretense, surely to save hurting Brown Elk.
For now she held her tongue. But later she would question Spotted Eagle about it.
She could also no longer keep to herself the horrible secret of what Two Ridges had attempted to do to her.
"Let me help you with your son," Spotted Eagle said, moving closer to Brown Elk. "Let me carry him inside your dwelling for you."
Brown Elk firmed his hold on his son. "No," he said firmly. "I need time alone with my son, and then I will
go to a high place away from the village for my private mourning."
Brown Elk shifted his gaze to Jolena. "Tomorrow you will prepare your brother for burial," he said softly. He lifted his eyes to Spotted Eagle again. "Tonight take my daughter with you and see to her comfort. She has spoken well of you, Spotted Eagle. It is good that she has found a friend in you, just as my son also saw you as a devoted friend. The friendship between our families will become even closer as we all become more acquainted with my daughter."
Jolena was filled with dread at what Brown Elk had saidthat she would be preparing Two Ridges for his burial!
How could she? She could hardly stand to be near him when he was alive, much less now when he was dead!
Brown Elk smiled down at Jolena. "I spoke to you of warriors coming to my door to court you?" he said softly. "Perhaps there is no need to look further for a perfect husband. Spotted Eagle would make the best of husbands for my daughter."
Jolena's lips parted in surprise, and her heart pounded as she felt a blush rush to her cheeks. Although she had just been filled with an apprehensive dread for what would be expected of her tomorrow, everything else in her new life seemed to be falling into place easily.
She had found her true father. She was loved by a wonderful man. Her father had even blessed their union without knowing it! The only missing ingredient in her happiness was her relationship with Two Ridges. If only she and he could have known each other as brother and sister!
His attraction to her had surely been because he had misinterpreted their natural close feelings as lust!
She shook her head slightly, sorrowful for that part of her life that she would never knowof sisterly affection for a brother other than Kirk.
Kirk! she thought desperately to herself. So much had been happening, her sadness about Kirk had slipped from her mind!
She turned her eyes up to Spotted Eagle, wanting to beg him to go and look for her missing brother. If she and Spotted Eagle had survived the storm, perhaps Kirk had been as lucky!
But now was not the time to bring up one brother when another was lying dead and being mourned by her true father.
Later, when she and Spotted Eagle were alone, she would then talk of another brother.
Everything became quiet as the renegade Cree's horse was brought close for Brown Elk to see and to accept as his.
"This is the horse of the Cree renegade who killed my son?" Brown Elk said, his gaze moving slowly over the white stallion, seeing its sleekness and its worth.