Page 72 of Savage Illusions
When she reached the travois and Spotted Eagle stopped his horse, Jolena fell to her knees and gasped with shock when she found herself looking down at Kirk, his face the only thing visible. She was stunned speechless by the black paint that had been applied to his face and his apparent lifelessness.
"Kirk," Jolena whispered, gently framing his face between her fingers. Tears sprang from her eyes. "Oh, Kirk, what did they do to you?"
Spotted Eagle dismounted and knelt down at Jolena's side. A comforting arm slipped around her waist as he gazed at her. "He is alive, but weak," he explained softly. "And the paint you see is always placed on Cree captives. It will wash easily away. But there are other things than paint that I must warn you about."
Jolena glanced quickly at Spotted Eagle, his warning causing fear to enter her heart. "What else is there?" she said, her voice drawn. She eased her hands from Kirk's face and clutched them together nervously on her lap.
"You shall see soon enough," Spotted Eagle said, slowly unfolding the covering of bear pelts.
He could feel the tension in the air behind and all around him as the Blackfoot people inched closer, watching.
He could hear Jolena's shallow breathing.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw his chieftain father come walking slowly and heavily toward him, supporting himself with his tall shaft.
Brown Elk and Moon Flower also came and stood behind Jolena, Brown Elk's hand on her shoulder as a reminder of his nearness and to show his love for her.
Kirk slowly opened his eyes. At first everything seemed a blur to him, but when he began focusing his eyes, they widened with relief when he found Jolena there, gazing down at him.
"Sis," Kirk said in a raspy whisper. "I'm going to be fine. Don't cry. Please… don't… cry."
Jolena forced a smile and again placed a gentle hand on his cheek. "I can't help but cry," she murmured. "I thought you were dead. But here you are, Kirk, as fine as a fiddle."
"I… wouldn't say… that," Kirk said, laughing softly. "But I will be soon. I promise."
When the last of the bear pelts was laid aside, revealing the paint that covered every inch of Kirk's body and the wounds that were scattered across his legs, abdomen, and arms, Jolena felt a bitterness rise into her throat and the urge to retch quickly overwhelmed her.
She swallowed hard, over and over again, until the bitterness subsided. She took the blanket from around her shoulders and quickly placed it over her brother.
Then she gave Spotted Eagle a pleading look. "Please take him to your tepee," she murmured. "There I will care for him until he is well again."
She looked over her shoulder at her Blackfoot father. He had heard and nodded his head in a silent understanding of her decision to be in Spotted Eagle's dwelling instead of his. He had had a dream this last evening of a beautiful weddingof his daughter dressed in the finest Blackfoot clothes as she joined her heart with Spotted Eagle's for eternity.
He had given her to Spotted Eagle without hesitation, for he was the finest of warriors, filled with compassion, courage, and love for humanity.
Spotted Eagle would make a perfect father for Brown Elk's grandchildren!
Spotted Eagle leaned over Kirk and gently lifted him into his arms. As his people made way for him to go to his dwelling, Spotted Eagle carried the slight white man with Jolena walking beside him, her eyes never leaving her brother's face.
When they were inside the tepee and Kirk was comfortably close to the fire on a pallet of furs, Jolena hurriedly bathed the paint from his flesh. She then sat back and silently watched as Spotted Eagle ever so gently doctored Kirk's wounds with a herbal mixture that smelled pleasant enough and surely took the pain away, for Kirk sighed heavily and closed his eyes as he allowed it to be applied to his flesh.
When this also was done, Jolena slipped a robe around Kirk's shoulders as Spotted Eagle lifted him up to make it possible.
Moon Flower entered the tepee carrying a smoking pot that sent off a pleasant fragrance of cooked vegetables and meats. ''Allow me to help?" she murmured, settling down beside Kirk on the opposite side from where Jolena and Spotted Eagle sat their vigil.
Kirk turned his eyes to Moon Flower, and his lips parted in a slight gasp when he gazed up at her delicate loveliness.
"I am Moon Flower," she murmured, setting the pot of soup down beside her. "Allow me to feed you?"
"Please… do…" Kirk said, smiling up at her. He tried to lean on one elbow, but toppled back down, too weak just yet to make even the slightest attempt to fend for himself.
Jolena reached behind he
r for a wooden bowl and spoon and handed them to Moon Flower, smiling a silent thank-you for her assistance.
Moon Flower ladled some soup into the bowl, then sank the spoon into it, soon placing it to Kirk's lips. "First the broth," she murmured. "Then later you can eat vegetables, then meat." Spotted Eagle placed a hand beneath Kirk's head and lifted it slightly from the pallet, enabling him to swallow more easily.
Kirk sipped the broth from the spoon, his eyes never leaving Moon Flower, touched not only by her loveliness, but by her kindnesses. "You are as beautiful as your name," he said as he turned his lips a fraction from the proffered broth.