Page 73 of Savage Illusions
Jolena sighed deeply with relief. Seeing Kirk actually flirting, especially with a Blackfoot maiden, made her realize that her brother was going to be all right.
Jolena leaned into Spotted Eagle's embrace and watched the closeness and admiration growing between her brother and Moon Flower, who just recently had lost so much. First Two Ridges, and then her parents' love and affection. Perhaps now Moon Flower would be able to carry her child with a happy heart.
Jolena's breath caught in her throat when she recalled that Moon Flower was pregnant.
Oh, Lord, Jolena despaired to herself. How could she have forgotten that Moon Flower was pregnant? Surely when Kirk discovered that this beautiful woman was carrying another man's child inside her, he would turn his back on her.
"Tomorrow you will be much better," Moon Flower was saying to Kirk. "Soon you will be well enough to take walks in the forest with Moon Flower. You will be taught many things about nature and the way it is used by the Blackfoot."
"While I am healing, I can stay here at the Blackfoot village," Kirk said softly. "But then I must think of returning to Saint Louis."
He cast Jolena a wavering glance. "My sister, also, must see the need to return to Saint Louis," he murmured. "We have a father there who is anxiously awaiting our arrival."
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Buffalo had been spotted and it was decided to make a run. Throughout the Blackfoot village, men and women were readying themselves for the short journey to the great pis-kun that the warriors had built very high and strong at the foot of a towering cliff, so that no buffalo could escape.
Jolena was lost in thought as she bathed her brother's brow with a cool cloth. Spotted Eagle was preparing to leave for the hunt. He had refused to eat and was now sorting through his bundles for the clothes that he wanted to wear during the hunt.
Jolena was remembering how he had talked to her of the buffalo hunt late last evening, after Moon Flower had returned to Jolena's father's tepee for the night and Kirk had fallen into a comfortable enough sleep.
Before a slow-burning fire, Spotted Eagle had told Jolena that a pis-kun was one of the Blackfoot's ingenious methods to ensure the taking of buffalo in large numbers at one time. This was a large corral, or enclosure, built out from the foot of a perpendicular cliff and formed of natural banks, rocks, and brushanything, in fact, to make a close, high barrier.
From the top of the cliff, directly over the pis-kun, two long lines of piled-up rock and brush extended far out on the prairie, ever diverging from each other like the arms of the letter V, the opening over the pis-kun being at the angle.
Jolena had also been told that soon Clouds Make Thunder, who was to lead the buffalo to the cliff, would be ready to leave this morning without eating or drinking and would order his woman not to leave the lodge, nor even to look out, until he returned. While he was gone, she should keep burning sweet grass and should pray to the Sun for his success and safety.
Those who would join the hunt today would be alerted when he was ready to leave and would follow him to the pis-kun and conceal themselves behind the rocks and bushes which formed the V.
Clouds Make Thunder would then put on a headdress made of the head of a buffalo, and a robe, and start out to approach the animals, carrying his "medicine", a large rattle ornamented with beaver claws and bright feathers. When he got near the herd, he would move about until he attracted the attention of some of the buffalo, and when they began to look at him, he would ride slowly away, toward the entrance of the chute of rocks and bushes.
The buffalo would follow, and as they did, the medicine man would gradually increase his pace.
Finally, when the buffalo were well within the chute, the people would begin to rise up from behind the rock piles which the herd had passed and shout and wave their robes. This would frighten the last buffalo, which would push forward on the others, and before long the whole herd would be running at headlong speed toward the precipice, the rock piles directing them to the point over the enclosure.
When they reached it, most of the animals would be pushed over by those behind them, and usually even the last of the band would plunge blindly down into the pis-kun.
Many would be killed outright by the fall.
Others would have broken legs or broken backs, while some would be uninjured.
The barricade, however, would prevent them from escaping, and all would soon be killed by Blackfoot arrows.
The women would then approach and prepare the buffalo to take back with them to the village.
Jolena dropped the cloth back into the basin of water and rose to her feet. She went to Spotted Eagle, who was smiling as he held a particular pair of leggings out before him, gazing proudly at them.
"Let me go with you, Spotted Eagle," Jolena asked, moving to his side and kissing his cheek. "Please? I so badly want to observe how everything is done instead of just being told. I could help. Please allow it."
"There is time to teach you," Spotted Eagle said, still gazing proudly at his leggings. "I have made much meat in my time. So shall you, my woman, once you have become my wife. You will always remember that the buffalo is a smart animal and that he is meant for the people. He is their food and shelter."
When Kirk coughed, Jolena jumped with alarm and her thoughts were suddenly only of him. She hurried back to him, and when she found that he was finally awake, she smoothed her hand over his brow and smiled down at him.
"How are you this morning?" she murmured. "Are you hungry? Moon Flower has brought a fresh pot of soup, especially for you."
Kirk leaned on one elbow, gazing around him. "Where is she?" he asked, his voice sounding stronger.
"It's early morning," Jolena said, reaching for a bowl and spoon and placing these on the mat beside Kirk. "Moon Flower will be here soon."