Page 75 of Savage Illusions
"After you eat, walk with me outside," Moon Flower said, ladling more soup into Kirk's bowl. "It is important that the strength returns to your legs."
Kirk gave Spotted Eagle a glowering look. "Yes, you couldn't be more right about that," he said.
Suddenly Kirk pulled a blanket around him and pushed himself into a standing position. He swayed slightly, then steadied himself and gave Spotted Eagle a look of triumph.
Jolena watched, in awe of her brother, yet she was torn between pride in seeing him conquer the need to stand and fear that he felt the need to prove something to Spotted Eagle. If he was strong enough, he would be sent away tomorrow, and she knew that he would not want to leave without her. She looked slowly up at Spotted Eagle, regretting that she had been put in the middle of these two men, and the two ways of life she was choosing between.
And there were two other men that were a part of her decision! Her two fathers! She owed both of them loyalty! But deep within her heart she had already made her choice. She would stay with Spotted Eagle, no matter what the cost…
Spotted Eagle laid his hunting leggings aside and knelt down over his bundle of clothes and began sorting through them again. Jolena watched as he laid a complete set of buckskins on the floor at his side, then sorted through his many pairs of black moccasins, finally choosing a pair.
When he took all of this up into his arms and walked stiffly to Kirk, shoving them into his hands and arms, Jolena's eyes widened.
"You now have traveling clothes to get you to the large white canoe," Spotted Eagle said, folding his arms tightly across his chest. "Put them on, and if they fit your body, they are yours. A gift from Spotted Eagle to the white brother of Jolena."
Everything was silent for a moment, then Kirk flung the blanket from around him and struggled into the clothes. After he was fully dressed, he went to Jolena and gazed down at her. "Are you as eager to see me go as he?" he asked thickly.
"You know that I'm not," Jolena said, swallowing back a sob that was lodged in her throat. "But, Kirk, if you are well enough, it is best that you do leave as soon as possible."
"And you?" Kirk said, his voice breaking.
"You know the answer without asking," Jolena said, pleading up at Kirk with her dark, wide eyes.
"I want to hear you say it," Kirk said, placing his hands at her shoulders, slightly shaking her. "Damn it, Jolena, let me hear you say it."
Spotted Eagle had seen enough and could not stand silently by any longer. He went to Kirk and easily slipped Kirk's hands from Jolena's shoulder.
"I will speak for my woman," Spotted Eagle said, his eyes lit with fire as he glared into Kirk's. "She will not be returning with you to Saint Louis. Try and understand, white brother, when I say that although you have loved her longer than I, you will have to let her go. She belongs now to her true people and to this man who loves her more than life itself."
Kirk's lips parted in a strangled gasp, then he wrenche
d himself away from Spotted Eagle and turned to Jolena again. "Do you forget so easily everything in your past?" he said. "Can you toss me and father aside as though we are no better than strangers to you? Do you forget why you came to the Montana Territory? Do you fail to see, or comprehend, the disappointment father will feel when you do not return home? I am not sure he can live with too many disappointments at once."
A breeze into the tepee caused by someone lifting the entrance flap made all eyes turn that way. Brown Elk came walking heavily into the dwelling, his eyes on Kirk. "Do not speak to my daughter in such a chastising tone as that," he said, frowning at Kirk. "This father, her true father, warns you against such behavior."
Kirk was stunned speechless, then spoke in a drawn manner as he gazed at Brown Elk. "Spotted Eagle spoke of Jolena's true people, which I know now is Blackfoot," he said. "And I knew that she hoped to find her true father. You are he…?"
"Very much so," Brown Elk said, lifting his chin proudly. Then he placed a firm hand on Kirk's shoulder. "You will come with me now. There is no room any longer in Spotted Eagle's dwelling for you. You will come to my tepee until you are able to travel to the large white canoe for your travels back to Saint Louis."
For a moment, Kirk stood as though frozen to the floor, then started backing up, as though trapped. "Jolena, help me to understand all of this," he said, his voice tiny and desperate. He gave a pleading stare to Moon Flower and reached a hand to her. "Moon Flower, help me…"
Moon Flower stepped up beside Brown Elk and gave Kirk a firm, unwavering stare, showing her loyalty to a man who had taken her in after she had been banished by her parents.
Jolena went to Brown Elk and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, then went and stood beside Spotted Eagle, showing her choice of loyalties. "Kirk, Spotted Eagle and I are going to be married as soon as possible," she said, her heart pounding as she watched her brother's eyes become misty with tears.
She went to Kirk and embraced him. "Kirk, I love you," she whispered. "Please love me no less now that I have found my true place in life. Help me where our father is concerned. Only you will be able to make him understand."
Kirk gave her a pitying look, then brushed past her and went outside.
Moon Flower shuffled her feet nervously, then went after Kirk.
Brown Elk went to Jolena and enfolded her within his arms. "My daughter, Kye, life becomes confused, then it passes, and tomorrow comes with smiles and sunshine," he said, patting her back. "I will go to your white brother. I will talk with him again. He will see what is best for you, his sisterand that is for you to stay with your true people and have many children in the image of the Blackfoot."
Jolena reveled in her true father's closeness, then stepped back to Spotted Eagle's side as Brown Elk departed with dignity from the tepee.
Spotted Eagle turned to Jolena. "Everything that I said to your brother had to be said," he assured her. "It is best for you. It is best for him. It is best for this Blackfoot warrior who loves you."
Jolena's eyes filled with tears as she melted into Spotted Eagle's arms. "Hold me," she cried. "Oh, darling, hold me."