Page 76 of Savage Illusions
Spotted Eagle held her close, then eased away from her. "Time soon comes for your man to leave for the buffalo run," he said, bending over to gather up his fancy leggings into his arms again. "You see these?"
Jolena wiped tears from her eyes and nodded as she gazed down at the leggings. She had noticed earlier how proudly he had held and gazed at them. They were beautifully embroidered with porcupine quills and bright feathers.
"These are my hunting leggings," Spotted Eagle said, slipping into them. "They are great medicine. Your man will bring home much meat for the long winter."
Jolena's thoughts were catapulted back in time, to when he had found the beautiful buffalo rock, and its meaning. "I no longer have the buffalo rock," she confessed. "It was lost to me the same day my journals and butterfly collection were destroyed. I'm so sorry, Spotted Eagle. Having it with you could have doubled your chances of a good buffalo run."
"The Sun will follow me all the day and bless my hunt," Spotted Eagle said, then knelt and began going through his bundles of clothes again.
When he rose to his feet again, with another buckskin outfit across his arms and handed these to Jolena, she looked up at him with wondering eyes, not sure why he would want her to put on the clothes of a man.
"You wear these with me to the buffalo run," he said. "I see it now that it is important that you accompany me there. You ride horses?"
"Somewhat," Jolena said, still stunned by his change of heart about allowing her to go. Yet the more she thought about it, the more she did understand.
It was because of Kirk.
He didn't want to leave her alone with Kirk!
He did feel threatened by him!
"Then you will ride at my side and watch your man kill his first bull buffalo of this buffalo run," Spotted Eagle said, forcing the clothes into her hands. "Dress quickly. The sun rises steadily into the heavens. It soon will be time to go."
Her heart pounding, the excitement building within her, Jolena beamed as she scrambled into the clothes. She giggled when she looked down at how loosely the breeches fit her.
Spotted Eagle soon remedied that. He tied a rope around her waist and stood back smiling at her.
"Let us go, my woman," he said, reaching a hand out to her. "You have much to learn today."
No longer thinking about kirk, or anything else that stood in the way of her becoming Blackfoot in all ways important to her, Jolena left the tepee hand in hand with Spotted Eagle, feeling very much aliveand needed!
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Jolena felt awkward on the black mare, yet managed to stay on the soft saddle blanket as she rode beside Spotted Eagle. The other women rode either on pack horses or on travois behind the horses ridden by their husbands.
After enough buffalo were killed, these women would do most of the butchering and transporting of the meat and hides to camp. The women who remained in the village would not be idle. All day long they would tan robes, dry meat, sew moccasins, and perform a thousand and one other tasks.
Holding securely to the reins, her knees pressed into the sides of the horse, Jolena looked around her, once again admiring the sharp contrasts of the Blackfoot country. There were far-stretching grassy prairies, affording rich pasturage for the buffalo; rough bad lands for the climbing mountain sheep, wooded buttes loved by the mule deer, and timbered river bottoms where the white-tailed deer and the elk could browse and hide.
The Blackfoot country was especially favored by the warm Chinook winds which ensured mild winters. Today the wind was so strong that Jolena had to fight it to stay in her saddle. The wind was so brisk, she could feel its force against her body, plastering her clothes against her. Her hair fluttered wildly in the wind, and her cheeks burned as the wind whipped hard against it.
Suddenly in the wind came the strong stench of the buffalo, and soon they came into sight. There seemed to be hundreds of the black animals with their long, black beards, humped backs, and large, dark eyes, grazing lazily in a field of tall grass.
Spotted Eagle wheeled his horse around and stopped, raising his hand in the air as a silent command for everyone else to stopexcept for the medicine man, who was to lead the buffalo to their death.
Then came Clouds Make Thunder's final prayer for a successful buffalo run today.
"Hear me now, Sun!" he cried in a monotone that seemed to echo back at him. "Listen, above people! Listen, under-water people! Allow us to return home rich with meat."
When he was through, it seemed to Jolena that no one breathed as he broke away from the others and rode ahead of them
toward the buffalo.
Jolena's eyes widened, realizing that the buffalo sensed that danger was near. Some raised their short tails and shook them and tossed their great heads and bellowed. Others pawed the dirt, snorting.
Spotted Eagle made another silent command to his people. They followed his lead, leaving their horses, travois, and dogs behind and rushing toward the bluff. Panting with exertion, the people moved upward, until they came to the top of the bluff over which the buffalo would tumble to their death.
Jolena walked beside Spotted Eagle, who was well armed with his bow and quiver of arrows. She was glad when they reached the top of the bluff and everyone quickly hid behind the piles of rocks and bushes.