Page 87 of Savage Illusions

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Page 87 of Savage Illusions

Not kno­wing how long this lad had be­en for­ced to stand the­re hol­ding the buc­k­s­kin flap open, Jole­na has­te­ned her steps.

When she fi­nal­ly ar­ri­ved at Spot­ted Eag­le's te­pee, she smi­led a si­lent thank-you to the han­d­so­me yo­ung bra­ve, then went on in­si­de, with Mo­on Flo­wer fol­lo­wing clo­se be­hind her.

Jolena's he­art mel­ted when she fo­und Spot­ted Eag­le sit­ting be­si­de his lod­ge fi­re in only a bri­ef bre­ec­h­c­lo­ut, his legs fol­ded be­fo­re him, his hands res­ting on his kne­es.

When he lo­oked her way and ga­ve her a slow, te­asing smi­le, she al­most swa­yed with the for­ce of the pas­si­on bet­we­en them.

She had to swal­low hard and will her­self to con­ti­nue with the­se cho­res that ca­me be­fo­re the ac­tu­al co­ming to­get­her as man and wi­fe. She had tho­ught of not­hing but be­ing with Spot­ted Eag­le thro­ugh the long hard night whi­le her hands had be­en pre­pa­ring the fo­od for him.

She had wan­ted to slip away and go to his te­pee and snug­gle up next to him. She had wan­ted to be held wit­hin his po­wer­ful arms as he whis­pe­red swe­et not­hings in her ear.

Jolena wren­c­hed her tho­ughts back to the cho­re at hand. She fol­lo­wed Mo­on Flo­wer's le­ad in pla­cing the fo­od be­fo­re Spot­ted Eag­le, ta­king one empty bowl away so that he co­uld eat from anot­her.

He spo­ke not a word as he enj­oyed his me­al.

He ref­ra­ined even from ga­zing Jole­na's way, which un­ner­ved her.

Soon the fe­ast was over. Jole­na and Mo­on Flo­wer left the te­pee and rus­hed back to Brown Elk's dwel­ling, aga­in wat­c­hed by ever­yo­ne of the vil­la­ge.

Jolena and Mo­on Flo­wer be­gan ta­king the empty bowls and plat­ters from the bas­ket to wash in a ba­sin of wa­ter that was al­re­ady sit­ting be­si­de the fi­re­pit. As Jole­na was do­ing this, she won­de­red abo­ut her fat­her's sud­den si­len­ce as he pre­pa­red him­self to le­ave. "Do not qu­es­ti­on him now abo­ut an­y­t­hing," Mo­on Flo­wer whis­pe­red to Jole­na as she bu­si­ed her hands was­hing the dis­hes, whi­le Jole­na dri­ed them with a thin strip of buc­k­s­kin. "It is a so­lemn ti­me for yo­ur fat­her and Spot­ted Eag­le. So­on I shall show you why."

Out of the cor­ner of her eye, Jole­na wat­c­hed her fat­her le­ave the te­pee, then she con­ti­nu­ed drying the dis­hes un­til they we­re stac­ked and re­ady to sto­re away.

"I think we can lo­ok now," Mo­on Flo­wer sa­id, ta­king Jole­na by the hand and ur­ging her to co­me to the en­t­ran­ce flap. "Lo­ok to­ward yo­ur mar­ri­age lod­ge. See what yo­ur fat­her pla­ces the­re as yo­ur dowry."

Moon Flo­wer lif­ted the flap. Jole­na's eyes wi­de­ned as she wat­c­hed her fat­her in­s­t­ruct se­ve­ral yo­ung bra­ves to le­ad fif­te­en hor­ses to her lod­ge, tying them the­re on posts that had be­en ham­me­red in­to the gro­und.

"My dowry?" Jole­na whis­pe­red. "And… so many?"

"Hurry away from the do­or now," Mo­on Flo­wer sa­id, half drag­ging Jole­na back to sit down by the fi­re, just in ti­me for Jole­na's fat­her to en­ter the lod­ge aga­in, fol­lo­wed by the sa­me yo­ung bra­ves who had pla­ced her fat­her's hor­ses in front of her lod­ge.

Jolena wat­c­hed bre­at­h­les­sly as her fat­her gat­he­red up his very own war clot­hing and arms, a lan­ce, a fi­ne shi­eld, a bow, and ar­rows in an ot­ter-skin ca­se, his war bon­net, war shirt, and war leg­gings or­na­men­ted with scalps. He then sent his com­p­le­te war equ­ip­ment out with the yo­ung bra­ves and fol­lo­wed pro­udly af­ter them.

"We can watch aga­in," Mo­on Flo­wer sa­id, gig­gling as she scram­b­led to her fe­et. "Co­me, Jole­na. See what is hap­pe­ning!"

Stunned by all of this, Jole­na mo­ved to her fe­et and aga­in went to the en­t­ran­ce flap and wat­c­hed from it. Her lips par­ted in a gasp as she wat­c­hed all of her fat­her's war­ring ge­ar be­ing set up on tri­pods in front of her lod­ge.

"The gift of tho­se things from yo­ur fat­her to Spot­ted Eag­le is evi­den­ce of the gre­at res­pect felt by him for his new son-in-law," Mo­on Flo­wer sa­id, lo­oking softly over at Jole­na. "His res­pect is gre­at, Jole­na, for see what he has gi­ven? Ever­y­t­hing that me­ans so much to yo­ur fat­her is now Spot­ted Eag­le's."

Spotted Eag­le was wat­c­hing from his te­pee, to­uc­hed de­eply by the gifts of his wo­man's fat­her. Se­ve­ral yo­ung bra­ves we­re stan­ding be­fo­re him, awa­iting his or­ders as to the num­ber of gifts that wo­uld be gi­ven back to Jole­na's fat­her. He had al­re­ady de­ci­ded that he wo­uld gi­ve back twi­ce the num­ber of hor­ses that Jole­na had bro­ught with her in­to the mar­ri­age.

"Go," Spot­ted Eag­le sa­id. "Ta­ke the hor­ses from in front of my wo­man's lod­ge, and al­so the war­ring ge­ar of her fat­her. Pla­ce them in my cor­ral. Then cho­ose thirty of my fi­nest hor­ses and pla­ce them i

n front of my fat­her-in-law's lod­ge."

The bra­ves scam­pe­red away. As so­on as Brown Elk and the ot­her yo­ung bra­ves had left Jole­na's lod­ge with the gifts that had be­en left the­re for Spot­ted Eag­le, Spot­ted Eag­le left his te­pee and wal­ked with a lif­ted chin and smi­ling he­art to­ward the lod­ge of his wo­man.

When he en­te­red, he fo­und a go­od fi­re and soft pelts be­si­de it, but as was the cus­tom, he to­ok his pla­ce at the back of the lod­ge, awa­iting his wo­man's ar­ri­val.

Already he co­uld he­ar the ste­ady be­ating of drums in the dis­tan­ce, songs be­ing sung by the wo­men of his vil­la­ge, and the gay vo­ices of chil­d­ren at play, all of which sig­na­led the be­gin­ning of a long day of ce­leb­ra­ti­on among his pe­op­le.

Spotted Eag­le smi­led and fol­ded his arms ac­ross his ba­re chest, sa­vo­ring every mi­nu­te of this ti­mea ti­me for which he had wa­ited a li­fe­ti­me!

Laughing and gig­gling, Jole­na and Mo­on Flo­wer ran to the ri­ver and fo­und an iso­la­ted pla­ce for the­ir bath and swim. Af­ter they we­re un­c­lot­hed, they do­ve in uni­son in­to the ri­ver and swam and pla­yed and la­ug­hed.

Then, in a mo­re som­ber fas­hi­on, Jole­na and Mo­on Flo­wer left the ri­ver. Mo­on Flo­wer dres­sed qu­ickly, then hel­ped Jole­na in­to her mot­her's wed­ding dress, which they had ta­ken from Jole­na's lod­ge be­fo­re the sun had rep­la­ced the mo­on in the sky. Af­ter the dress was han­ging be­a­uti­ful­ly and clin­ging sen­su­o­usly to Jole­na's cur­ves, Mo­on Flo­wer pre­pa­red Jole­na's ha­ir, brus­hing it, then bra­iding it and pla­cing da­isi­es abo­ve Jole­na's ears.

Moon Flo­wer ad­ded the fi­nal to­uch. She pla­ced ear­rings ma­de of shells on each of Jole­na's ears, then held Jole­na's hands as Jole­na step­ped back for her fri­end to see.

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