Page 88 of Savage Illusions
"The elk tusks that decorate your dress are worth two good horses," Moon Flower said, giggling.
Then she grew serious. "You are a beautiful bride," Moon Flower murmured, tears filling her eyes at the thought of her own marriage vows that had been denied her not only once, but twice!
"I feel beautiful," Jolena said, her pulse racing. "Now what do I do? I'm so excited, Moon Flower, I feel as though I may faint!"
"Go to Spotted Eagle," Moon Flower said softly. "He is waiting for you in your lodge."
"He is there, in my lodge that sits in the circle?" Jolena said, the beats of her heart a great pulsing sound in her ears, her excitement was so intense. "Do you think he approves of the lodge?"
"Who would not approve, if your hands were responsible for it," Moon Flower said, drawing Jolena into her soft embrace. "Go. Be happy."
Tears of joy stung the corners of Jolena's eyes. She eased from Moon Flower's embrace and turned and walked with weak knees and throbbing heart toward the village, where her loved one waited to make their union complete. She felt as though she were floating high above herself, looking down on someone else experiencing such blissful happiness!
She smiled heavenward, silently thanking the one who was truly responsible for this special day. "Lord, I shall forever be grateful," she murmured. Smiling, she knew that this was one custom of her white heritage that she could never leave behind herher belief in her God was solidly imbedded within herself.
When she came to the edge of the clearing that led into the village, she stopped and stared at the tepee that sat in the center, wondering if Spotted Eagle was as feverishly anxious as she.
Lifting her chin, proud and sure, she moved onward, pushing her way through the throngs of Blackfoot who were already in the midst of a grand celebration.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Jolena hesitated only a moment before stepping inside her lodgelong enough to take a deep, quavering breaththen she lifted the entrance flap.
She had expected to find Spotted Eagle sitting beside the lodge fire. Instead he was sitting in the shadows at the back of the tepee. When he reached a hand out to her, she went to him and knelt down before him.
His eyes devoured her as he ran his gaze over her. Anxiously, she waited for him to say something.
When his gaze moved upward and his eyes locked with hers, she still waited, for he did not speak, only looked.
''Is there something about what I have done in preparation for our marriage that displeases you?" Jolena finally asked. "Darling, please say something. I am at a loss. I have done everything that Moon Flower instructed me to do. Is there… more?"
"You have done everything to perfection," Spotted Eagle finally said. He reached a hand to her hair and touched one of her braids, then smoothed his fingers over the daisy at her left ear. "In my eyes you have always been beautiful, but today your loveliness surpasses anything I would have thought possible."
He cupped her chin with one hand. "Today two hearts come together to become one life," he said solemnly. "Today you have become my 'sits beside me' woman. You are my wife."
Jolena sucked in a wild, surprised breath. "We are married?" she murmured. "There are to be no words spoken over us? No vows exchanged?"
"Everything you did today, preparing and bringing me food and erecting your lodge, and my payment to your father are the things that sealed our hearts together as man and wife," Spotted Eagle said, placing his hands at her waist, bringing her onto his lap so that her legs straddled him. "There is something more, my wife, to make it truly complete."
Jolena twined her arms around his neck, rapture building within her. "Making love in my lodge?" she murmured.
"Yes, making love in your lodge," Spotted Eagle said, his eyes twinkling into hers. "But not here in the center of the village for everyone to witness." "Oh, yes, I remember now," Jolena said, sighing heavily. "I must take the tepee apart and set it up away from the village." Her lips curved into a pout. "That will take so long, Spotted Eagle. I am not skilled enough at building lodges to remember which pole goes where or how to remove the covering and replace it again as it should be."
"It is not usually the place of the husband to assist the wife with the lodge on the day of the marriage, but I am sure this time it will not look all that unusual should I help you. Our people know you are new to our customs," Spotted Eagle said.
He drew Jolena's lips to his and gave her a passionately hot kiss, then lifted her from his lap and drew her to her feet beside him.
"Let us move the lodge elsewhere quickly," he said huskily. "Then we shall seal our bond of marriage. We shall make love, my wife, as our people celebrate and await our return. There will be many gifts then from the women of our village."
He gave her a slow smile. "They are always most generous on a special wedding day," he said softly.
Spotted Eagle stepped away from her and snuffed the flames of the fire in the firepit by smothering them with blankets.
He then held out a hand for Jolena.
She took his hand and walked outside with him. They were received with much shouting, chanting, and singing.
Jolena smiled a thank-you to those who were crowded around her, touching her, brushing her with quick kisses, and hugging her.