Page 89 of Savage Illusions

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Page 89 of Savage Illusions

Then she tur­ned away from them and hel­ped dis­man­t­le the lod­ge.

Soon she and Spot­ted Eag­le we­re car­rying the lod­ge and its po­les thro­ugh the vil­la­ge.

Jolena was sur­p­ri­sed when no one fol­lo­wed, and the ga­i­ety was left be­hind them. When they ca­me to the outer frin­ges of the vil­la­ge and we­re stan­ding in the co­ol sha­dows of the fo­rest, Spot­ted Eag­le to­ok over most of the cho­res of re­bu­il­ding the te­pee. On­ce it was in pla­ce, and he had blan­kets thrown ac­ross the gro­und in­si­de, he grab­bed Jole­na up in­to his arms and car­ri­ed her in­to the­ir wed­ding tem­p­le.

Clinging to his neck, Jole­na lif­ted her lips to his. As he kis­sed her, one of his hands be­gan cre­eping up the in­si­de of the skirt of her dress and was so­on ca­res­sing her whe­re she was al­re­ady wet and hot for her new hus­band.

She sig­hed aga­inst his lips as he thrust a fin­ger in­si­de her and to­uc­hed that part of her that was the most sen­si­ti­ve.

She clo­sed her eyes and al­lo­wed eup­ho­ria to cla­im her as Spot­ted Eag­le la­id her on the blan­kets and qu­ickly un­d­res­sed her, his lips and fin­gers so­on aro­using her to he­ights of ple­asu­re that se­emed to know no bo­unds!

Then he step­ped away from her, and she ope­ned her eyes. She still felt drug­ged and we­ak from his fo­rep­lay.

She dis­co­ve­red him stan­ding over her, nu­de, lo­oking li­ke a cop­per god. When Jole­na's eyes mo­ved to that part of him that was re­ady for lo­ve­ma­king, she re­ac­hed a hand to his man­ho­od and wo­ve her fin­gers aro­und it.

She wat­c­hed his eyes clo­se and his lips part in a gro­an as she be­gan mo­ving her hand on him. She mo­ved to her kne­es be­fo­re him and flic­ked her ton­gue aga­inst the glis­te­ning tip of his har­d­ness, dra­wing a gut­tu­ral gro­an of ple­asu­re from de­ep in­si­de him. His body stif­fe­ned.

Placing his hands at the back of Jole­na's he­ad, Spot­ted Eag­le ur­ged her lips clo­ser, and when she drew him in­to the warm co­co­on of her mo­uth, she he­ard him suck in a wild gasp of ple­asu­re.

She ple­asu­red him li­ke this for a mo­ment, then Spot­ted Eag­le drew him­self away from her and pla­ced his hands to her sho­ul­ders, easing her down on her back on the blan­kets.

His eyes dark and pas­si­on-fil­led, he le­aned over her and sho­wed her exactly how won­der­ful a mo­uth, ton­gue, and lips co­uld fe­el as he fo­und her every sec­ret, sen­si­ti­ve spot. He ple­asu­red her un­til she was thras­hing her he­ad from si­de to si­de, emit­ting soft gasps. She felt as tho­ugh she we­re swim­ming thro­ugh a gre­at, warm vo­id, her every ner­ve en­ding tin­g­ling and thril­ling from the rap­tu­re.

Just as she felt as tho­ugh she might go over that ed­ge in­to to­tal ec­s­tasy, Spot­ted Eag­le mo­ved over her and thrust his shaft wit­hin her.

Framing her fa­ce bet­we­en his hands, he ga­ve her a kiss that was all-con­su­ming.

As his thrusts be­ca­me mo­re in­sis­tent in­si­de her, Jole­na lif­ted her legs aro­und him so that he co­uld fill her mo­re de­eply, mo­re com­p­le­tely. And then his lips lo­we­red so that he co­uld lick and his te­eth co­uld nip and tug at her nip­ples.

Jolena gas­ped softly as his te­eth pul­led a nip­ple bet­we­en them, his ton­gue mo­ving in cir­c­les aro­und it as it lay cap­tu­red bet­we­en his te­eth.

When he mo­ved his lips to the hol­low of her thro­at and lic­ked her skin, as tho­ugh she we­re so­met­hing won­der­ful­ly de­lec­tab­le and swe­et to eat, she threw her he­ad back and clo­sed her eyes, then scar­cely bre­at­hed when on­ce aga­in his lips and ton­gue ma­de the­ir way down her body, stop­ping whe­re he had only mo­ments ago be­en so mag­ni­fi­cently fil­ling her.

Jolena bre­at­hed shal­lowly as she wa­ited for the glo­ri­o­us fe­elings to over­co­me her aga­in. She sho­ok and trem­b­led when his ton­gue to­uc­hed the tip of her wo­man's de­si­re, then felt his te­eth nip­ping at it. The ple­asu­re was so in­ten­se that it mo­men­ta­rily drew her bre­ath away.

She sig­hed he­avily when he mo­ved over her aga­in and fil­led her with his throb­bing har­d­ness.

Spotted Eag­le wrap­ped his arms aro­und her and crad­led her clo­se as he be­gan his rhythmic stro­kes aga­in, this ti­me mo­ving much mo­re qu­ic­k­l­y­des­pe­ra­te, it se­emed to re­ach that fi­nal pla­te­au that wo­uld mo­men­ta­rily ma­ke him min­d­less.

Jolena kis­sed his sho­ul­der, then his ear, then his lips as she felt the ple­asu­re ri­sing, then rus­hing thro­ugh her li­ke wil­d­fi­re as his body trem­b­led in­to hers, spur­ting his se­ed de­eply in­to the warm depths of her de­si­re… They then clung to one anot­her, blis­sful­ly happy.

"There is one mo­re thing that wo­uld ma­ke my hap­pi­ness com­p­le­te," Spot­ted Eag­le sud­denly sa­id, mo­ving to his kne­es and strad­dling Jole­na as she lay on her back, ga­zing lo­vingly up at him.

"What is it?" she mur­mu­red, re­ac­hing a hand to his chest and stro­king it. "My be­a­uti­ful Blac­k­fo­ot hus­band, don't you know that yo­ur every wish is my com­mand?"

"Your na­me," Spot­ted Eag­le sa­id, his vo­ice gu­ar­ded. "You are Blac­k­fo­ot. Yo­ur na­me sho­uld be Blac­k­fo­ot. Wo­uld you al­low this hus­band to gi­ve his wi­fe a Blac­k­fo­ot na­me?"

Jolena's smi­le fa­ded, and her he­art se­emed to skip a be­at. She felt that if she lost the only na­me she had ever known, it wo­uld be li­ke par­ting with her iden­tity!

Yet, she saw her hus­band's re­aso­ning and knew that to ma­ke him to­tal­ly happy, she must abi­de by his wis­hes, even this one.

"And what wo­uld you ha­ve me cal­led?" she sa­id, re­ac­hing her hand to his che­ek.

"When you walk, you are as gra­ce­ful as a fawn," Spot­ted Eag­le sa­id. "The na­me Fawn wo­uld fit you best. Do you li­ke it?"

Jolena's eyes brig­h­te­ned. She smi­led up at him. "I think it's lo­vely," she mur­mu­red. "Yes, I li­ke it. Fawn. I shall only an­s­wer to Fawn from now on."

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