Page 55 of Teton Sunrise
The covers lifted behind her, and Evelyn held her breath. Her heart sped up, and she bit her lower lip. Alex slipped under the covers, and inched up behind her.
“I know you’re not asleep,” he whispered in her ear, sending chills racing down her back. He held his hand at her hip, and a renewed wave of desire spread through her. Would she always react this way from a mere touch of his hand? Even when she was angry with him, all it took was one simple touch from him and she melted.
“I . . . I’m feeling rather poorly, Alex. I would like to get some sleep.” Every cell in her body screamed to turn and face him, and ask him to hold her close. Having this woman in camp made it impossible.
Alex stiffened beside her, and his hand dropped away. “Good night, Evie,” he said after a long pause, then he rolled to his other side, facing away from her as he had done every night since she started sharing his bed.
Alex lay awake, listening to the sounds of the night. No matter how much he willed his mind to focus on other things, his mind and body had other ideas. For nearly a week, he’d slept next to Evie, or tried to sleep. Having her so close without touching her proved to be more agonizing than the worst form of torture the Blackfeet could conjure up. Repeatedly, he convinced himself that she needed time; that he shouldn’t ask for something she wasn’t ready to give. He’d agreed to those terms before they left rendezvous.
Each day it became harder to uphold that agreement. Tonight, having her all to himself, he’d finally given in to his desires. He recognized the same longing in her eyes as what he’d been feeling for weeks, and he hoped to show her how much he loved her and finally claim her as his wife in all ways.
Seeing Whispering Waters, Alex’s first impulse was to run the Bannock woman out of camp, but it wouldn’t be wise to anger her people. Over the years, he’d established good trade relations with them, and treating the daughter of the chief with anything but respect was certainly not a wise thing to do. She’d made it clear to him in the past that she wanted to be his wife, but Alex had always been direct with her that he had no interest in her. Now that Evelyn had entered his life, he was even more convinced that he’d made the right choice.
Admittedly, Whispering Waters was a beautiful woman, and Laurent would be a lucky man to have her for his wife. But where Whispering Waters was quiet, Evie was feisty and outspoken. Alex loved the sparks that flew from her emerald eyes when she got her feathers ruffled, and how the sun reflected in her auburn hair, turning it a deep bronze. While some men preferred a demure and obedient wife, he enjoyed her independent spirit and that she spoke her mind.
“I see you have made your choice, Walker. I’ve always known your heart would never belong to me, but I had hoped,” Whispering Waters told him when he introduced Evelyn as his wife.
“I believe my heart has always belonged to this woman. Even as children, although I didn’t see it until now.”
“I see she cares for you deeply.” She had smiled in quiet acceptance, then said, “I must tell you that your friend, the Frenchman Laurent Berard has approached my father. If you were not so pleasing to look at, Walker, he would have caught my eye sooner. I came here to tell you that I have consented to become his wife.”
Alex smiled inwardly. So, Laurent had finally found the courage to ask for the woman he’d been in love with for years.
“He will be a good husband, and he is a lucky man to have you as his wife.”
Whispering Waters had smiled softly. She finished applying the herbal poultice to his arm, and wrapped a piece of leather around it, then looked up at him.
“I will leave at dawn. Your wife does not want me to be here. You would do well to put her mind at ease about us, Shadow Walker.” Her smile widened. “For a white man, you are a good hunter and tracker, and you are observant of all things around you. All things but what is right before you.” She’d stood, and accepted the buffalo robe Alex offered her, then chose a spot near the fire and laid down to sleep.
Alex pondered her words. Kicking himself mentally, he suddenly understood Evelyn’s reaction. She’d made an assumption about him and the Bannock woman, and although it was the wrong assumption, it was his fault for not putting her mind at ease immediately. Would he ever learn to communicate effectively with her to avoid misunderstandings in the future?
Evelyn stirred next to him, and he clenched his hands into tight fists and ground his teeth. Every cell in his body screamed for him to reach for her, pull her to him, and hold her close. Not acting on his impulse required every ounce of self-control he possessed. He’d startled her out of her sleep once before, and he wasn’t about to make that mistake a second time. He never wanted to see fear of him in her eyes ever again. He closed his eyes, and allowed the memories of Evie’s passionate kisses and soft curves to overrun his mind.