Page 56 of Teton Sunrise
Chapter 16
Alex moved and startled awake. When had he fallen asleep? Sweat trickled from his forehead, and he breathed heavily. The gray sky of predawn greeted him. He was instantly alert. A quick glance across camp told him Whispering Waters had already left. The disturbing dream that woke him began to fade. His heart pounded in his chest, and adrenaline rushed through him. Evelyn had left him. In his dream, she’d told him she couldn’t be with him. She thought he was in love with Whispering Waters. He rolled over and reached for her. He had to feel her, convince himself that she was still here. His hand touched only cold furs and blankets next to him.
Alex bolted upright. Evie was gone! He flung the covers aside, ignoring the cold rush of air that hit his bare torso, and leapt to his feet. How could he have slept so soundly that he wouldn’t have noticed her get out from under the covers? He grabbed his rifle lying on the ground next to his blankets, and scanned his surroundings. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The first birds awake in the morning chirped loudly in the branches above. There was no breeze in the air. A quiet splash and soft humming reached his ears, and Alex headed toward the sound.
Evelyn’s shirt and britches lay on the sandy ground at the shore of the lake. Soft white vapors rose into the air as the warmer water met with the early morning chill. Near a large boulder protruding out of the lake, Evie splashed in the water. Alex’s mouth went dry. Any attempt to swallow became futile. Like a lithe cat, she moved her arms through the water. Even from a distance, he could see that she wore her shift, but she might as well not be wearing anything. The white cotton became all but invisible, and clung to every curve and contour of her wet body.
Time stood still. He couldn’t tear his eyes away even if a war party of Blackfeet were to descend on him at this moment. Evie rubbed her hands up and down her glistening arms, her hair falling in wet strands down her back. Her eyes were half-way closed as she hummed her soft tune, a look of pure contentment on her face. Would she ever gaze upon him with such pleasure and serenity?
Alex’s actions were no longer his own. He set his rifle on the ground and bent down to remove his moccasins, then untied the leather laces of his britches, letting them fall to the ground. He hadn’t bothered putting on his shirt the night before. Slowly, he waded into the lake. Shallow and heated by the previous day’s sun, the temperature was not as frigid as some of the other mountain lakes in the area. By the time he reached the rocks, the water lapped around his waist. Evelyn continued her dreamlike humming, and Alex relaxed to the sound of her soft melody. He shouldn’t be here, disturbing her bath, but it was too late for that. She drew him to her by some invisible rope, and he could no longer stay away. Reaching out, his hand touched her lightly on her wet shoulder.
“Evie,” he said quietly.
Evelyn spun around with a loud splash. A startled gasp escaped her open mouth, and she almost lost her footing. She stood before him, water drops running down her face, her lips glistening wet. There was no fear in her eyes, only surprise, and . . . longing. Alex took another step toward her. His gut clenched painfully, and he sucked in a deep breath of air. One hand reached out and slid along her neck, his thumb caressing her jaw. He leaned forward and covered her mouth with his, sipping at the moisture on her lips. He slowly wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her fully up against him. A low moan rumbled in her chest, and she wound her arms around his middle.
Surprised by her reaction, Alex pulled his head back, and smiled down at her. Wide-eyed, she stared up at him.
“Evie,” he whispered, and cleared his throat.
“Your friend left,” she said quietly. “She told me I was lucky to have you, and hopes you and I can be present when she marries the man who asked for her.” The corners of her mouth raised in a slow smile.
A great weight seemed to lift from his shoulders. “Whispering Waters means nothing to me, Evie. She never has. Only one woman has ever caught my eye, and she’s right here, in my arms, where she belongs.” His thumb stroked slowly back and forth along her jaw.
Evie’s eyes widened even more, and Alex wasn’t sure if the wetness on her cheeks was water or tears. He swiped wet strands of hair from her face with a slow sweep of his hand, and studied her expressive eyes, her full lips, and tried to burn every little detail of her into his memory.
He swallowed, and tightened his hold around her, drawing her even closer. The slow-burning fire inside him ignited fully, and his pulse raced through his veins. She had to be aware of how she affected him.
“Evie, I can’t uphold my end of our agreement,” he said slowly, searching for the right words.