Page 26 of Love Me 2
I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that both my babies were going to be okay. He’d stayed in the room a little longer, answering questions from Takari’s mother and sister, and then he finally left.
“I’m sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances. I’m Za’Kai,” I said, going over to Takari’s mother and shaking her hand.
“I know exactly who you are. You’re all my daughter seems to talk about these days. Za’Kai this, Za’Kai that. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said and pulled me in for a hug.
I went around the room introducing myself to everyone, and for the most part, everybody fucked with me. It was Takari’s teenage daughter who really wasn’t fuckin’ with me like that. She left a nigga hanging when I went to shake her hand, but I didn’t think too much into it because if I was her age and had to witness my ole girl get assaulted, I don’t think that I would want to meet a random motha fucka either.
“Are you going to get my daddy for hurting my mommy?” Takari’s beautiful daughter, Jada, asked me.
She had some of the biggest, hazel eyes that I’d ever seen, and I honestly couldn’t see how anyone could ever possibly tell her little ass no. I laughed at her question because I didn’t expect her to ask me that. If only little mama knew what the fuck I was getting ready to do to her bitch ass daddy!
“I’ma handle your daddy, princess,” I let her know, and she smiled while nodding her head.
I looked over to Takari’s bed, and I saw her eyes fluttering open. At least, they were trying to because it was only so far that they would open due to the swelling. I walked away from the kids and headed over to her. My hands went for her hair, and I gently smoothed her scalp.
“Za’Kai?” she weakly asked.
“Who else? What you need, beautiful?” I asked, bending down a little bit, so my mouth was right next to hers.
She shook her head, letting me know that she didn’t need anything, even though she probably did but was just too weak to ask.
Hours went by, and I never left her bedside. Takari’s mom had taken all of the kids home because it was almost three in the morning and they’d all fallen asleep on the couch. Now, it was just me, Sky, and Kassidy.
“Now that the kids are gone, I can ask what I been wanting to know. How the fuck the nigga even get inside the house? Kari said that she don’t let him inside ever. Plus, it wasn’t even his turn to have them. I just want to know how he was able to get so close to my girl and put hands on her,” I asked, looking at both women.
They probably knew more than me because at this point, I really didn’t know shit.
“Journey opened the door for him. Takari had gone to get the kids something to eat, so they were home alone.
Just for about fifteen minutes, though. That’s their dad, so, of course, she felt comfortable enough to open the door for him. She said that he went upstairs and started snooping through Takari’s things, and that’s when he found the pregnancy test. All the kids were in their room when Takari confronted him, and it wasn’t until they heard Takari scream that they all witnessed the assault. Journey said he spit on her, was punching and slapping her in the face, and he kept squeezing her stomach, as if he was trying to kill the baby. The staples in the back of her head came from him dragging her down the steps. I swear, I hate his ass. I never liked his controlling, arrogant ass. When my sister is feeling better, I want her to go down to the police station and have them put a restraining order on him,” Sky vented.
“Fuck a restraining order! I got some shit for him that’s worse than that, and—”
“Za’Kai!” Takari weakly said from the bed, although her voice had a little bit of authority in it.
“On some real shit, Shrimp, fuck whatever you about to say! If you about to holler out some shit to me, telling me not to do anything, then just keep that shit to yourself. That crazy ass nigga could have snapped and killed all of y’all in that fuckin’ house! Ain’t no more saving that nigga, yo!” I snapped at her.
I knew that this was probably the wrong time to be snapping at her, but I could hear it in the way she called out my name that she was getting ready to tell me some shit that I didn’t want to hear. The fact that she didn’t try to argue me down or voice an opinion after I finished saying what I said to her proved to me that I was right.
Three days later
“There his bitch ass go right there” I mumbled to myself, after I witnessed Takari’s husband (for only the next hour at the most), walk out of the building. I was at his place of business, and it was a little bit after midnight, but he was just now walking out. I’d been in this same parking spot since 6:00 P.M., but I made a promise to myself that I wasn’t leaving this bitch until he walked out.
This nigga beat my girl to the point that she was hardly recognizable, yet he was walking around this bitch like everything was all good. Most people would have been pissed that he was released from jail, but not me! I wanted his ass out because I wanted to be the one to give him his consequence. I wanted to be the one to have that nigga screaming the same way he had Takari screaming and crying days ago.
With the car off, I watched as he quickly jumped into a Rolls Royce, and within seconds, he pulled off. This wasn’t my first time having to trail a nigga because back in the day, this was the perfect way to a rob a person when I was into those things. Because this shit was nothing new to me, I made sure to stay at least two cars behind him, so he wouldn’t suspect me of following him or nothing like that. For about thirty minutes, I followed him on the highway, and eventually, he’d taken the exit. It took another ten minutes for us to get to the community in which he stayed. I knew about the security that sat out front and how it was damn near impossible to tailgate behind someone, so I didn’t even try it.
Luckily, Takari still had the fob to this house, so I was able to use it at the gate and let myself through. I know you’re probably thinking that I might as well had gotten the keys from Takari too and just waited for him to get home, but that was a chance I didn’t want to take. I didn’t want to spend all that time waiting for him to get home, just for him to not come home. That shit would have pissed me clean off.
We’d both gone through the gate, and I started to follow him again. In a few seconds, he parked his car in the driveway, and I was parking mine across the street. Dressed in the all-black, I blended in with the darkness. My gun rested in the waist of my jeans, and I held some very important documents in my hand. I quickly got out of the car. He was still inside his vehicle, but in another two minutes, he’d finally gotten out. His briefcase was in his hand, and it was obvious this nigga didn’t have a care in the world because he was so oblivious to the things that were taking place around him.
I used the butt of my gun to knock his ass clean out once he’d used his key to unlock the door. His hands went for the back of his head, and he let out a scream, sounding like the bitch he was. Before he had time to react, I knocked his ass out again.
“Please! Please! I’ll give you whatever you want! Just don’t kill me,” he cried.
I laughed to myself, and with his back still turned to me, I used the boot that I was wearing and kicked him into the house. I believed in an eye for an eye. Takari had told me the whole story of what took place between her and him, and she’d told me that he’d kicked her in her back, so it was only right that I do the same thing to him in return.