Page 27 of Love Me 2
Now that he was inside the house, I closed the door behind us. I set the documents down on the first table that I saw in the foyer and I used my boot to turn his ass around. He was now on his back, and I placed all my weight on his chest with my shoe then watched him as he struggled to breathe.
“It’s not much that I want from you. My main thing is for you to sign these papers so I can stop fuckin’ a married woman! I owe you an ass whipping too for putting your hands on my girl, but we’ll get to that later, alright?” I asked him.
When he didn’t respond, I applied more pressure to his chest with my feet, and by this time, he was full blown crying, sounding like one of my damn kids when they didn’t get their way. It was always bitch ass niggas like this who would put their hands on women.
“I… I… can’t… breathheee.” He groaned.
The goal wasn’t to kill this man, so after another ten seconds of watching him struggle, I removed my foot. He instantly started coughing, and his hands went for his chest.
“Whooo… are youuu? Why are you here?” he asked.
I used the butt of the gun to slap him ass across the face with it.
“You don’t get to ask me no fuckin’ questions, nigga! I ask all the damn questions! Now, get the fuck up!” I barked.
It was a struggle, but he finally stood up from the floor. With the gun pointed to the back of his head, I walked over him over to the table that held the divorce papers and the pen.
“Pick up the pen,” I ordered. It took him a few seconds, but he finally picked the pen up. “Alright, you know what the fuck to do. Nobody should have to put a fuckin gun to your head to make you sign some fuckin’ divorce papers! That woman don’t want your ass anymore, and if you would have signed them the moment she asked, all of this could have been avoided! Move the fuck on with your life because fuckin’ around with mine is going to get your ass killed. Ain’t no more pussy for you with Takari because I ate it all! Ain’t no quality time, intimate conversations, none of that!
“I’m a father too, so the only thing you need to worry about is having a relationship with your children. That’s if they even want to be around your bitch ass. My plan is to step on your fuckin’ toes, nigga, and have your kids love me more than they could ever love you! Don’t get mad if they start calling me Daddy Kai either!” I let him know.
“Come on, man! That’s my wife. That’s my wife!” he cried.
I took the safety off the gun, basically showing his ass that I meant business, and that’s when he clicked down on the pen. In seconds, I was telling him exactly where he needed to sign, and just like that, I’d finally gotten this divorce handled.
“Go in the kitchen!” I ordered. He did exactly what I told him to do. I searched around for a light, and once I found it, I flicked it on. I went through the cabinets and finally found a big enough bowl. “Take your clothes off, nigga!” I said.
More tears fell from his face, but he still did what I asked. He caught on quick because he knew that if he asked me anything else, this gun was going to go across his face again. While he stripped, I filled the bowl with hot ass water and took trips from him to the sink, dumping water on him. Now that he was fully drenched, I removed the thick, Hermes belt from around my waist and swung that shit into his body, watching as the white meat appear
ed from the whip. He screamed out to the top of his lungs, and I felt relief after each blow.
“Didn’t your mama ever teach you not to put your hands on a woman?” I asked, followed by a swing of the belt again.
I was beating this nigga’s ass so bad that I was sweating. In the end, it wasn’t fun anymore because he was losing his consciousness.
“Bring your ass around my girl again, and you and I are going to have big problems. You don’t want big problems with me, alright?” I asked.
He was so out of it, that all he could do was nod his head. That was good enough for me, though.
Like a thief in the night, I walked out of his home just as quickly as I walked in. In no time, I was back in my car and throwing my head back against the head rest. Truth is, I didn’t want to be this guy. I had two kids, one on the way, and if Takari and I were going to be serious about this shit, then three more who all had eyes on me. I didn’t want to go around pulling up on niggas and beating them to a bloody pulp, but the thing is, I would!
The thing about me is that I loved so fuckin’ hard. I wasn’t blessed with many people in my life that I could love, so when I did eventually find someone who was worth loving, then damn right I was going to make sure I went over and beyond for that person. For Takari’s sake, her ass just better hope and pray that she loves a nigga the way she claims to because one thing about me, she wasn’t about to make me out to be a fuckin’ fool. I wasn’t about to be beating niggas’ asses, only for her to double back.
Then again, with the shit that nigga had put her through, I couldn’t ever see her doubling back.
Valentina Garcia
“You still haven’t talked to him?” Jerrod’s mother asked me as she and I sat across from each other having brunch.
She was inquiring on if I’d talked to her son, and because I hadn’t, I just shook my head. About three weeks had passed since the birthday dinner, and I honestly didn’t know how to feel. I was so disappointed in Jerrod. After the dinner that he and I had almost a month ago, things had gotten better between us. You see, the thing about Jerrod is that he had a way with words. He knew the right things to say that would get me to forgive him, so I ended up taking him back into my good graces, even after finding out that it was him holding up the process in the divorce with his wife.
We had gotten back on good terms, and things didn’t get bad between us until I had to witness him calling that bitch baby right in front of me. Not only that, but he had the nerve to protect her and try to console her, when it was me who needed to be protected and consoled. I was livid with him and even more livid at the fact that he was ignoring all of my phone calls and text messages. The thing about it was that I knew nothing about his wife and kids being at the dinner that night.
Jerrod’s mother had been telling me about the dinner for weeks, and I was under the impression that it would be a dinner with just her and her three children because that’s what she had been saying all along. Yes, it was a set up, but I knew why Jerrod’s mother did it, and I honestly wasn’t mad at her for it. I just wished that the outcome had been different. I wished that his wife could have seen Jerrod and me together, but that never happened.