Page 14 of 305 Lovin'
“Monae, shut up, damn! That shit ain’t funny,” I said, getting annoyed.
“That shit is funny, Charlie. But damn relax. I told you, it’s not like you’re naked but people know it’s you because of the hair. I’m going to screenshot it and send it to you so you can see it. I’m mad you didn’t tell me and Toya this, though. As soon as we hang up, I’m about to call her ass and tell her how you fucked Quan and swore up and down that you would never do that shit again,” Monae said.
“Fuck you, Monae, and send the damn picture,” I said.
“Charlie, for real, is no big deal. Them hoes only saying that shit because they wishing it was them that was lying in the bed with him. Best believe if it was them that he had put on Instagram, do you think they would have been singing the same song, talking about that picture was inappropriate? Hell no! So fuck them and keep it moving,” Monae said, making me feel a little bit better about the situation.
“You right,” I said, nodding my head and letting my nerves calm down a little bit.
“I know I am. I’m going to hang up so I can send you this picture. Love you,” Monae said.
“Love you more.” And with that, I ended the phone call.
A minute later, the picture came through and all I could do was shake my head. I mean, it wasn’t that bad, but damn, did the whole world have to know that we had just finished having sex. I sat my phone down and went back out front to finish up.
Before I knew it, it was two o’clock and time for me to pick up my baby from school. Usually I would drop her off to my mama’s house and then head back to work but I thought that I was going to call it a day at work. I left Adam, my team leader, a list of things for him to do tonight since he was the one that was in charge since I was leaving. Five minutes later, I was out the door and jumping into my 2015 matte black Range Rover. Fifteen minutes later, I was parking my car at my daughter’s school and stepping out of my car. My daughter attended school in Miramar. I felt like that was a better area to have her go to school instead of putting her where I’d attended school. I’m not saying I had a problem with the area I’d gone to school in. It was just that there was so much shit that happened on a daily on that part of town and I wanted my daughter away from all of that shit.
I walked inside the building and went into the cafeteria where they held all the students who were in the aftercare program so that they co
uld do their homework first. I wasn’t even in the room for a good minute before I heard, “Mommy!!” followed by two little feet running towards me. I bent down and scooped up my daughter in my hands. With one arm, I held her close and with my free hand, I signed her out. When we were out the door, I took her book bag and her lunchbox from her hands.
“How was school, China?” I asked her, knowing she had some crazy story to tell me. I swear that her first grade stories were interesting sometimes and once China got to talking, she couldn’t stop.
“It was good, Mommy. Me and Linsey aren’t friends anymore though because she said that I think I’m all that,” my daughter said, batting her long eyelashes at me.
“Tell Linsey that you are all that. China, you’re going to realize that everybody isn’t always going to like you and everybody isn’t really your friend. So, if Linsey doesn’t want to be friends with you anymore, then tell her that’s fine,” I said to my daughter, knowing she wasn’t going to adhere to the message. Most likely, her little first grade drama was going to be over with by tomorrow.
“Okay, Mommy. Can we go and see daddy today?” China asked me as I sat her in the backseat, putting her in her booster seat.
“China, you know your daddy is probably busy right now,” I let her know.
“Pleassseee, mommy. Let me just call him,” she said. I nodded my head and went and dialed Jaquan on my Bluetooth from the car. After a few rings, his deep voice came over the speakers in the car.
“Charlie, what’s up?” Jaquan said, answering the phone and I looked at China through the rearview mirror.
“Hey, daddy,” China beamed, sitting up in her booster seat.
“Hey, princess. I miss you. What are you doing?” Jaquan asked and I could tell that he walked into a much quieter room because the background wasn’t as loud as it was when he’d picked up the phone.
“Nothing, mommy just picked me up from school. Can I come see you or are you busy?” China asked.
“Baby girl, you know I’m never too busy for you. Tell your mama to bring you to my house,” Jaquan said and I sucked my teeth. I had no intentions on driving all the way to his home in Star Island. I was in Miramar right now and with the afternoon traffic, it was going to take me at least an hour to get there. Plus, I was hungry. The only thing that I had eaten today was the banana and yogurt that I’d had this morning for breakfast.
“Yess, daddy! Mommy has you on the car speaker so she heard you,” China said, smiling, and then sat back in her seat.
“Charlie, take me off speaker. Let me say something to you,” Jaquan said and I kept my left hand on the steering wheel as I rummaged through my purse with my right hand to find my iPhone. After I got it, I took the call from the car’s speaker and placed my phone to my ear.
“Hey,” I said.
“Charlie, don’t play with me! Why you didn’t speak when I answered the phone? Plus, why I hear you sucking your teeth when I told China to have you bring her to my crib?” he asked me and I could hear the attitude in his voice.
“I didn’t speak because China wanted to talk to you. Plus, I don’t feel like driving all the way out there. Can’t you just come over to my house or pick her up on Friday?” I asked, in hopes that he would say yes.
“Charlie, just bring her over here. Let me spend time with my daughter,” Jaquan said and I sighed.
“Whatever, I’ll be there soon.” And with that being said, I hung up the phone.
My daughter was in the backseat, engrossed in the TV that was hooked to the back of my seat with her headphones in her ears. I dreaded taking this drive but I didn’t want to come off as a bitch who was keeping my daughter from seeing her dad. I knew that China missed Jaquan because she hadn’t seen him in about four days because after the night we had sex, he had to fly down to Atlanta for an appearance.