Page 15 of 305 Lovin'
As I was driving, I decided to use this time to meditate and think about certain things, since I knew for a fact that I was going to be in some serious traffic. I couldn’t help but to think about those two bitches that came in my store today and tried to come for me. I had to seriously sit down and ask myself if this headache that I was about to bring upon myself really worth it. I knew for a fact that if Jaquan and I decided to take things to another level, I would be constantly getting confronted my bitches and steady trying to fight for my place. This generation of bitches were so fuckin bold nowadays, too. Coming into my place of business to confront me about a nigga that I was dealing with? My fighting days were long over because I had a daughter looking up to me and I didn’t want to look like some damn hoodrat out in these streets fighting. Been there, done that and I was really not trying to relive that, but if push came to shove and a bitch thought that it was okay to jump crazy, then I would have no choice but to handle mine.
Damn near two hours later I was pulling up to the gated community of Jaquan’s household and after going through security at the front and having her run my driver’s license, I was let through. I looked in the back and my daughter was knocked out with her thumb in her mouth. I hated when she did that shit and I promise I had no idea how she’d inherited that bad habit because neither Jaquan nor I sucked our thumb as a child. Pulling up to Jaquan’s house, I parked my car, shut it off and jumped out. I went and grabbed my purse from the passenger seat and got my baby from the back, before taking that damn finger out of her mouth. With all of that, she still didn’t wake up. I promise this little girl acted as if she worked a 9-5 instead of being a first grade student. I noticed that there were like four different cars in the driveway and I was hoping the house wasn’t crowded. I didn’t plan on coming over here today, so the key that I had to Jaquan’s house was at home on my key rack. I knocked on the door and a minute later, Quay came and opened the door for me.
“What’s up, sis? How you doing?” Quay said, giving me a hug.
“I’m good, just a little tired and hungry. Who are all those cars out there for?” I asked him, stepping inside the house.
“Oh, that’s because our nigga Dre just got home from jail. Nigga did five years for assault for pistol whipping that bitch Nariah when he found out that that damn baby that she had wasn’t even his. That nigga felt disrespected because he was all over the city with the baby, dropping checks on the baby and her ass and come to find out, the damn baby wasn’t even his. They gave his ass five years because come to find out, Nariah ass was pregnant at the time,” Quay said, letting me know.
I remembered Dre from back in the day. He, Jaquan and Quay were all close, almost like brothers. I also remember Nariah, with her hoe ass. I was surprised Dre’s ass even fell for that damn okey doke, thinking that baby was his when he already knew how Nariah got down. I’m not the type of person that goes off of everything that I heard in the street but shit if everybody in the hood calling you a hoe, then nine times out of ten, your ass is a hoe.
“Wow, that’s crazy,” I said. I honestly didn’t even know Dre’s ass was in jail. I just thought he might have moved or something. Jaquan didn’t tell me everything that happened around him, so I guessed that this was one of those things that he probably felt like I didn’t need to know or something.
“Is that lil Charlie over there?” I heard a familiar voice say and that’s when I looked up and realized that it was Dre.
I’ll admit, prison did do his body good. Not that his body was bad before, but I could see the extra muscle that he had put on. Dre was standing about 6’3 and was maybe 220 pounds of pure muscle. He was the perfect color of caramel and his mouth was filled with golds. I hoped the shit was pullouts, too. Right now, he was wearing a Nike tank and you could see the many tattoos that covered his arms, upper back and even a few on his neck. I’ll admit, Dre was a good looking dude but I wasn’t checking for him in any way, shape, or form.
“Yes, it’s me. But ain’t nothing little about me,” I boasted and Quay took China out of my arms.
“Girl, please, you still the same size you were in high school,” Dre said, walking over to m
e, pulling me into a bear hug.
“Ay, nigga, get your fuckin hands off my girl,” I heard Jaquan say. I heard him put I didn’t see him because Dre was blocking him. I looked up and Jaquan had a smirk on his face, so I knew that he was only playing with Dre.
Dre threw his hands up in surrender, laughing. “My bad, nigga,” Dre said and I shot Jaquan a look, letting him know to cut it out.
“Aww, man, is this China? Last time I seen her, she was a little baby,” Dre said, walking over to Quay and taking China from out of his arms. She woke up and looked at Dre like he was crazy and immediately her eyes scanned the room, trying to find out where I was.
“What’s up? I’m Uncle Dre. You don’t remember me, huh?” Dre asked her and China shook her head no, looking at me the whole time with sleepy eyes.
“Ugly ass nigga, give me my damn daughter. You scaring her and shit,” Jaquan said, walking over and taking China. She instantly laid her head on her father’s shoulder as he placed a bunch of kisses on her face.
While they disappeared, I went upstairs to China’s room to find her something to throw on. I was very funny like that. I couldn’t stand for my daughter to walk around in her school uniform because I knew that she would get it dirty. After going through the dresser drawers and looking through the clothes that she had over here at her father’s house, I found her a pair of pink Nike tights with the matching pink and white shirt. I stood in the hallway upstairs screaming for China to come up. I knew she was up because I could hear her laughing from all the way up here.
“Yes, mommy?” my daughter said, coming into the room.
“Change out of your uniform and put this on, and when you finish, tell your daddy to go out to my car and get your book bag so I can check your homework that you did in aftercare,” I said and she nodded her head.
After she changed, I folded her clothes, laid them on her bed and then left the room. I went down the hall into Monae’s room and looked in her drawers so that I could change into something more comfortable. After finding myself a pair of sweats from Pink and a tank top, I went down to the guestroom so that I could revive myself with a hot shower. It was already about to go on 7 o’clock, so most likely, I was going to end up spending the night.
When I stepped inside the guest bedroom, the first thing that caught my eye was a red thong lying on the floor. Instantly, a red flag went up. I stepped inside the bathroom and I noticed the matching bra to the thong that was on the floor was sitting on the bathroom counter.
“Charlie! Where you at?” Jaquan yelled and I sat the clothes down on the bathroom counter and walked out into the hallway.
“I’m right here,” I said.
“Here is China’s book bag and why you in this room? You know you can go inside my room. You are far away from being a guest here,” Jaquan said and I nodded my head and then snatched the book bag from out of his hands. It’s like I meant to snatch it but then again, I didn’t. Just the thought of him having another bitch over here, and most likely fucking her, pissed me the hell off.
“Charlie, what the fuck is wrong with you, girl? Why you snatch that shit from my hand like that?” Jaquan asked, walking closer to me.
“Nothing,” I said, turning to walk away but he was right on my heels.
“Charlie, what’s wrong? What the fuck did I do that fuckin fast?” he asked.
Since her wanted to know, I was going to tell him. I walked into the guestroom and pointed my finger to the thong that was laying on the floor and then went into the bathroom to retrieve the bra.
“What the fuck is this shit, Jaquan? This how we doing it now? You said you wasn’t going to hurt me but you going around fuckin bitches. Not only that, but you bringing the bitch to where you lay your head at, so you must obviously have some sort of feelings towards the bitch,” I snapped.