Page 17 of 305 Lovin'
“Yes, the asking price is 200,000. This is the one that I had emailed to you early this morning,” I heard Toya say so I figured she must have picked up the phone and was basically telling me she was working with a customer right now. I swear, hearing Toya in work mode was some of the funniest shit ever because her ass tried her best to put on her professional voice, with her ghetto ass. “Hold on, Monae, I’m almost done,” Toya whispered into the phone and I put the phone on speaker and waited for her to finish up. Damn near 10 minutes later, Toya came back on the line.
“Mothafuckas pissed me off! They knew damn well what the asking price was this morning when I sent that shit! Did they think that the shit was going to change once we got out here?” Toya fussed into the phone and I died laughing. See what I was talking about, with her ghetto ass? Toya be putting on a damn front with these people thinking she all proper and shit but hey, I guess that’s how you had to be when you work for the white man. It’s crazy because Toya was mixed but her black side showed the most. Don’t let her start snapping in Spanish because that shit would be crazy and she would keep going on and on.
“Toya, girl, calm down. Where you at, anyways?” I asked her once she finished ranting on and on about having to drive all the way to the damn suburbs to show this house, only to have the customers say they didn’t want it because the price was too high.
“I’m probably about to go get me a damn drink now. This was my last house to show for the day,” she said.
“Get a drink from where? I’m going to come,” I said, sitting up in the bed, ready to get out the house.
“Probably Fridays and Monae, you know your young ass can’t drink,” Toya said laughing.
“Fuck you! I got my fake ID,” I said, referring to the ID that I had made for me. Hell, I had a few more months until I turned 21 so I had to keep this on me at all times.
“Whatever, Monae. I’ll be there in about an hour, so there really isn’
t no reason why you shouldn’t make it there before me. Be on time or I’m leaving your ass,” Toya fussed. She was being a real bitch today but I wasn’t going to pay her ass any mind.
“Okay, okay I’ll be there. I’m getting in the shower now,” I said and then hung up the phone. I decided that I should call and tell Charlie so that I wouldn’t have to tell this story twice. I dialed her and two rings later, she picked up the phone.
“What’s up, Monae?” Charlie said into the phone.
“Nothing, me and Toya about to go to Fridays for drinks. Where you at?” I asked her.
“At my mama house. Which one ya’ll going to? I’ll come,” she said and I smiled.
“The one on University. Toya said she’ll be there in an hour, so I’m getting ready now,” I told her.
“Alright, I’ll be there,” Charlie said and then hung up the phone.
After that, I went and checked my messages and I saw where Quay had read my message but he didn’t bother to respond. I know I said that my feelings wouldn’t be hurt but they actually were because I had told him I loved him and he didn’t bother to say it back. I locked my phone, sat it on the dresser and hopped inside the shower, staying in there for all of ten minutes. When I finished, I got out and wrapped my towel around my body and headed to the sink to brush my teeth. After that, I went into my closet to find something to wear. I decided on a pair of white skin tight jeans from J Crew with a white baby tee that showcased my abs and my flower tattoo that I had on the right side of my stomach. I sat the outfit on the bed and got my gold pumps that I’d purchased from Steve Madden the other day and went into my accessory bag to find my gold accessories and then went back inside my closet to get my gold clutch. Walking back inside my bathroom, I did my makeup, took the scarf off of my head and let my hair cascade down my back. I really didn’t even feel like doing anything to my hair right now so I went and got a gold headband and pushed it back, adding the headpiece. So simple, yet so fuckin gorgeous. After getting dressed, I looked in the mirror and I had to admit that I was indeed so fly and so beautiful.
I stood in the floor length mirror of my room and took a few pictures and sent them all to Quay, saying, “Play stupid and give me away if you want to.” After that, I sent my mother a text message letting her know that I was leaving and not to wait up for me when she got home. I then shut my phone off and threw it in my clutch because I knew Quay was going to chew me out for that message I had sent.
Going downstairs, I made sure all the lights were off, leaving only the one on in the foyer of the house. After I put the alarm on away, I was jumping into my BMW 4 Series coupe with the red interior. Honestly, Quay had bought me this car but I’d lied and told my mom and Jaquan that I bought it with the money that Jaquan gave me and I guess they believed me because they never said anything else about it, which was a good thing. I was ready to get all of these secrets out in the open because I was getting tired of the constant lying, especially to my mama. That lady right there was my everything and I hated leaving her out of the loop when it came down to my personal business.
Twenty minutes later, I was pulling up to Fridays and I knew Charlie and Toya was already here because I could see their cars. I got out and made my way to the inside.
“Welcome to Fridays. How many are in your party?” the uppity white waitress asked me.
I pointed in the direction of my friends and she told me to go ahead and seat myself. Charlie and Toya were having a conversation amongst themselves and their backs were facing me, so they didn’t see me approaching them.
“Damn, ya’ll already started drinking without me?” I asked, making my presence known.
“Monae, how is it that I got here before you when I was an hour away?” Toya asked me after I had given both of them hugs and taken my seat at the bar.
I didn’t even answer Toya’s question, all I did was laugh because me and time just couldn’t seem to get along. My girls liked to joke and say that I was going to be late to my own funeral. After I ordered my drink and some wings with it, I turned around in my stool, facing the girls, and prepared to tell them what I should have told them a year and a half ago.
“I got something to tell ya’ll and this is serious and I don’t need either one of you judging me because this is hard enough to do already,” I said, playing with my hands because I was nervous as hell.
“Monae, please. You know we are not about to judge you but if I don’t like what you’re about to say, then I’m going to voice that.” Charlie said, waving me off.
“Okay, here it is. Quay and I are a couple and we’ve been messing around for almost two years,” I said very fast so that I could get this shit over with.
“Bitch, I told you,” Charlie said, looking at Toya and laughing. I was confused because I didn’t know the inside joke that they were talking about.
“Told her what? What happened?” I asked nervously because I thought Quay and I were doing a good job with keeping our business on the down low.
“Like a few months ago when we went to the beach and you told me to take a picture of you on your phone, when I finished taking them, I scrolled through to see how they came out. So, as I was looking through the pictures, I saw a picture of Quay in your phone with his fuckin dick out,” Charlie said and I was immediately so fuckin embarrassed. I also knew which picture she was talking about.