Page 18 of 305 Lovin'
Toya was laughing like this shit was the biggest joke in the whole world. “Charlie kept swearing up and down to me that ya’ll were sneaking around and shit, but I just couldn’t believe it,” Toya said.
“That’s crazy though because you know Jaquan gone kill both of ya’ll, right?” Charlie said and she immediately pissed me off because I was hoping that she was going to think that my brother would see the big picture, which was two people very much in love with each other and we couldn’t deny our feelings anymore even if we wanted to. If anybody knew my brother, it was Charlie, so I knew she had her motives for feeling that way about the situation.
“Monae, fuck what Jaquan say. Remember you are grown and he is not your daddy! Yeah, he may feel some type of way about it at first but come on, he going to have to get over it. If he really loves you, then he would want for his little sister to be happy, even if that means dating his homeboy,” Toya said.
I wanted to agree with her but I knew my brother and I knew how he liked to overreact and blow shit out of proportion. Suddenly, I burst out crying. “I don’t know what to do because Quay told me that I had one week to tell him or he was going to leave me. I gave my virginity to him. He can’t leave me,” I said and Charlie pulled me closer and wrapped her arms around my shoulder.
“Sis, you going to have to stop crying. At the end of the day, I’m not going to make this decision for you, you’re going to have to do what you feel is right in your heart. If you feel like this is the man you want to be with and if you truly love him, then nothing or no one should even get in the way of that, not even Jaquan. But if also you feel that this is something that will end a friendship between them two and between you and Jaquan, then you really have a big decision to make. Just know whatever decision you decide to make, I’m going to support you one hundred percent,” Charlie said, wiping my eyes and then I pulled back.
After I had calmed down a little bit, Toya went right in. “And when the fuck were you going to tell us that you started fuckin?” Toya asked and I burst out laughing at her bluntness.
“Toya, shut up. Besides, I couldn’t tell ya’ll because then I would have had to tell ya’ll who the person was and at the time, I wasn’t ready to do so,” I said, smiling and visualizing the good sex that Quay and I had.
After being at the bar for another forty-five minutes or so, catching up on drama, eating, and drinking with my friends, all of a sudden Charlie’s phone went off, stopping us from the conversation that we were currently engrossed in. She was putting us up on game about how she had went over to my brother’s house the other day and found a bitch’s bra and panties in the room.
“Girl, this is Quay calling. I wonder what he wants,” Charlie said, looking over at me and I let out a nervous chuckle.
“Hey brother, what’s up?” Charlie asked, picking up the phone. She said a couple of okays and yesses and then I heard her say, “Yes, she’s right here,” and she then looked at me. A second later, she passed me the phone and I was scared to answer it because I kind of had a feeling of what he was going to say. I knew he was mad at me for sending that slick message to him and then turning off my phone. I took the phone from Charlie nervously and then placed it to my ear.
“Hey,” I said, acting like everything was all good.
“Monae, step outside right quick so you don’t get your feelings hurt in front of your girls,” Quay said into the phone, getting right to the point.
“It’s okay. You can say whatever, they know about us now,” I said, smiling a little bit so my girls wouldn’t think that something was wrong.
“Why the fuck do I have to hunt your ass down to get in contact with you? I been calling you for the past hour and I drove back over to your mama house and your car wasn’t even there! And then I had to call Charlie just to reach you. I swear you fuckin lucky that you told them already because I promise I was about to ruin your cover, so you basically just saved your own ass! And don’t text me no stupid ass shit like that no more, either. If anybody should be worried about losing somebody, it’s your ass if you don’t do what I said by next week!” Quay barked into the phone and hurt my feelings for the second time today.
I tried to put my game face on because I didn’t want to cry inside the restaurant for the second time. I noticed that Quay had hung up the phone so I went and gave it back to Charlie. After she finished telling us her story, which I was half-listening to because I had other shit on my mind right about now, such as going over to see my baby so that I could make it right. I hoped he was home and not with my brother at the studio because I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing that he was mad at me. After we paid our tab, we were walking outside and standing in the parking lot.
/> “Alright, I’ll see ya’ll Friday at the party. Toya, you’re coming, right?” Charlie had to ask because Toya had a bad habit of trying to dodge plans at the last minute.
“I’ll be there, even though I don’t want to,” she said, smirking.
We gave each other our hugs and went our separate ways. I jumped inside my BMW and headed to my boyfriend’s house. We needed to have a serious talk.
10:37 p.m.
I just pulled up to Quay’s grand oceanfront estate in Gulfstream. I loved everything about this damn house but I think I loved my brother’s even more, only because I liked to use the spa and go into the movie theater at Jaquan’s house. Quay’s house was a six bedroom, nine bathroom. Funny thing is, he was the only person that stayed here. I came over, but I never spent the night but tonight things might change because now that Toya and Charlie knew about us, I could tell my mom or brother that I slept at one of their houses. I couldn’t do that at first because most likely my cover would have gotten blown because my friends were blind to the relationship between Quay and me.
I was taking a big chance by driving my car over here and leaving it in the driveway but honestly, I didn’t care. I was kind of ready for whatever was going to happen if and when my brother found out about us. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Damn near five minutes later, Quay came to the door, riding on his IO Hawk board. I didn’t fuck with that shit because I got on it one time and busted my damn ass. I haven’t been back on it since.
“What you doing over here, Monae?” Quay asked me, not even happy that I drove all the way over here by myself to come and see him. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me.
“Why you doing me like this, Quay? You never treat me like this,” I said, staring into his eyes, mesmerized by his handsomeness.
If Quay wasn’t my brother’s manager, I swear that I would want him to get into modeling or some shit because this man right here was absolutely beautiful. Standing at about 6’3 with a muscular build and those eyes, they got me every time. Those eyes were the same ones that talked me out of my panties and resulted in me giving up my virginity to him. Quay had long, brown dreads that stopped in the middle of his back that I was absolutely in love with. I could tell that he’d went and gotten a tape after he’d left my house earlier because his mustache was trimmed and he looked good enough to eat.
Quay didn’t even bother to respond to what I had just said. He just rolled away on his IO Hawk into the kitchen and I took my shoes off and sat them by the steps and followed him. He was sitting on the counter with a container of food in his lap. I peeked in at what he was eating and stood in front of him, folding my arms. I wanted attention and he wasn’t giving me any.
“Quay!” I said in a spoiled way, stomping my foot like the spoiled brat I was.
“Fuck you want, Monae? And stop screaming in here like you lost your damn mind!” he said, looking down at me.
I walked over to him and took the food from out of his lap and sat in on the counter. I removed his hands from his lap and brought those to my ass. I then wrapped my arms around him and smiled, saying, “I’m spending the night.”
Chuckling, he asked, “Who told you that?” But he didn’t remove his hands from off of my ass.
“You didn’t have to tell me that! I’m telling you,” I said with an attitude. I would think that he would be excited about this being our first time going to sleep and waking up together.