Page 37 of 305 Lovin' 2
“Great, I’m glad we could come to an understanding. Oh, and by the way, I’m going to need for you to holla at your friend that works down at Memorial Hospital to tamper with the DNA test too. What you think about that?” I asked her, even though I knew she would agree because the gun was still trained on her.
“Yes, I’ll do it,” she said as tears continued to run down her face.
“Great, and your ass better not tell anyone about this conversation because it’ll be your daughter who I come for next, now get the fuck out of my house,” I said and walked away from her.
She hurried and got her purse from the den, and when I heard my front door close, I went over to the kitchen counter and picked up my phone. I went to my contacts and decided to call Tracy. Believe it or not, I wouldn’t be able to pull this off if he didn’t agree to help me out. I dialed him and waited for him to answer.
“Yo!” he answered the phone on the fourth ring. I could hear a lot of music in his background, making it seem like he was at the club or some shit.
“Hey, stranger …” I started. I didn’t want to just jump right into the conversation without some small talk first.
“Cut the bullshit, Chantel. What you calling me for? I know it ain’t to see how a nigga doing or some shit like that! So what’s up? What you want?” he asked.
I rolled my eyes because his nasty attitude was pissing me off. Lil dick ass nigga! I ran down my plan for him. The same plan that I had just gave to Nita, and I hoped that he was on board.
“Ay, you gone fuck around and get your ass killed. This is a grown man’s job, baby girl. I plan on getting that nigga by the end of the week. He doesn’t switch up his fuckin’ routines and his ass don’t ever have a bodyguard with him. That’s his fuckin’ problem, though. He walks around this bitch like he can’t be touched, but he about to be in for a rude awakening,” Tracy said.
He was talking nothing but pure shit. Everybody in fuckin’ Miami knows where Quan hangs out at. They knew the restaurants he liked to go to and they knew his ass stayed up in a booty club somewhere, so it wasn’t hard to find him. Tracy was just running his fuckin’ mouth because, for the past few months, he’s been saying that he was going to get at that nigga and nothing had happened since. Which is why I had stopped fuckin’ with him because he was nothing but all talk. If I was going to take a chance and have
his baby up for ransom, I needed a male figure with me, just in case one of our asses had to die in that bitch.
“Alright, well let me know if you change your mind. The sleepover is going to be set for this Friday,” I said and hung up the phone.
I could see it now. That dumb bitch running around like a chicken with his head cut off because she couldn’t find her baby. It was going to be even funnier once she finds out that I’m pregnant. She doesn’t need to know that her husband isn’t the father, because at the end of the day, how much fun would that be? I want to see the little bitch sweat!
Chapter 14: Charlie
“Mommy, did I tell you how much I loved you today?” my conniving little daughter asked me as I walked out of the cafeteria with her.
I’d just picked her up from aftercare at school. I knew her little sneaky butt was up to something because that’s how she always started off the conversation whenever she was in the process of begging for something.
“What do you want, China? And no you didn’t tell me how much you loved me today,” I said, looking down at her pretty self.
“Okay, well Mommy, I love you oh so much, and you look so beautiful today. I just need a small favor. My friend Kassidy from my class is having a sleepover this week at her house and she asked me about it in class. She told me that her mom was going to talk to you about it today. Oh wait, there goes her mom over there,” China said.
She pointed to Kassidy’s mother, who was now walking my way, and I slapped her finger down for pointing. I knew of Kassidy and her mother, and I would have little small talks with her every now and then when ran into each other coming to pick up our kids from school. She seemed like a cool chick, and every time I saw her, she would be in a Walmart uniform, so I think that she would be coming from work.
“Oh, hey, Charlie. I was hoping that I was going to run into you today. Kassidy has been begging me to have a sleepover at this house, but I’ve always been so busy because of work. Luckily, I was able to get this week Friday off, so I’m finally going to go ahead and give my daughter this sleepover that she has been begging me about. Nothing big, it’s just going to be her and a few of her classmates,” she let me know, all in one breath.
“I’m so overprotective of my daughter, and with the crazy ass world we live in, I’m scared to leave her in the presence of someone else, no offense to you …” I started off.
“Mommy!” China butted in, but I but her right back behind me.
“Where do you stay?” I asked her, wanting to know her living environment before I dropped my baby off anywhere.
“I stay in a condo out in Miramar. Just myself and Kassidy,” she explained to me.
“So, no boyfriend? No husband or anything? I’m only asking because I don’t want my daughter around other men in shit that isn’t kin to her. Her daddy would kill me and I would probably kill you for having another man around her, again, no offense to you,” I told her again.
“None taken. I completely understand. I have a daughter as well so I could understand your hesitation,” she let me know. I was normally able to read people, and she didn’t come across as having some sort of motive, so I think that I would allow for China to go ahead and attend the party.
“What time should I have her over to your house on Friday?” I asked.
“Yesss!” I heard China squeal from behind me.
My poor baby had never been to a sleepover before because I was just so overprotective, but I couldn’t see any harm in her going over to Kassidy’s house, which is why I went ahead and agreed.
“Have her over at six. Thank you, and I’ll go ahead and let Kassidy know. I know she’s going to be so excited,” she beamed.