Page 38 of 305 Lovin' 2
After talking for a little bit more, she went inside to get her daughter, while China and I walked to my car. I saw so much shit that happens on the news, so I could only hope that I was making the right decision.
Friday couldn’t come quick enough. It was Friday evening and I had already gone ahead and packed China’s bag last night. Jaquan was out of town for the weekend in L.A., so it looked like I would have the house all to myself this weekend.
I planned to drop China off at Kassidy’s house and then swing by my store to help go over inventory, and then I was planning to out later on with my girls. I had already gone into work this morning, but the truck didn’t come until after I had already left. Me, always wanting to be on top of shit around the store, I wanted to go back and make sure that everything I ordered was there. Certain shit, I was just very anal about, and I just couldn’t control my bossy ways.
“China, it’s almost 6. Are you ready to leave now?” I yelled from downstairs.
Her little ass was taking forever and I needed to hurry up and drop her off so that I could get to the store and wouldn’t have to be there all night.
“I’m coming, Mommy. Did you pack my Frozen pajamas because I can’t find it in here,” she yelled from her room?
“I already packed it, China. Let’s go!” I said.
A few seconds later, she came down the stairs.
I had her simply dressed in a denim dress from guess, with her red Timberland boots on and her small, red around the shoulder Louis Vuitton purse. I braided her hair last night and she was looking so pretty.
“Stand right there, baby. Let me take a few pictures of you,” I said.
I pulled out my IPhone and snapped a few pictures of her and then sent them to her daddy.
After that, we headed outside. I buckled her into her booster seat and then I got into the driver’s seat, put the address into my GPS and then headed for the house. Since I was coming all the way from Star Island, in Miami, it took me a little over an hour to get out to Miramar because the traffic was terrible. We pulled up to the condos and they looked to be in good condition. I could see from where I was parked, the condo that Nita stayed in.
“Come sit in the front seat right quick, China.”
My daughter climbed up front and I turned the radio down.
“What are my rules, China?” I asked her.
“Really, Mommy? We went over this last night,” she whined.
China!” I said, letting her know that this wasn’t up for debate.
“Okay, Mommy. Don’t let no one bathe me or see my private parts. If I see a man in the house, call you so you can come and get me. Don’t eat anything with peanuts in it because I’m allergic. Call you before I go to sleep, and don’t drink any soda,” she said.
I smiled at her because the shit was finally embedded in her head. I pulled her into me and rained a thousand kisses on her face before pulling away and letting both of us out.
We walked up hand in hand toward the door, and when I reached it, I knocked. A few minutes later, Nita came to the door, wearing a big smile on her face. “Hey, Charlie. Hey, China. Come right on in. China, you can go right on back, Kassidy’s in the kitchen,” she said
China kissed me goodbye and headed to the kitchen, leaving Nita and I standing in the front of the house.
“It’s pretty quiet in here for a sleepover to be going on. Where are the rest of the girls?” I asked her.
“Three of the moms just called and said that they would be here soon. They said that they were stuck in traffic. China is the first one here.”
I had no reason to doubt her because I knew how traffic could be on a Friday evening.
“Okay, you mind if I look around?” I asked her.
“Come on, I’ll show you around,” she said and led the way.
After giving me a brief tour of the house, I must admit I was satisfied. I was kind of curious on how she could afford this condo, working at Walmart. Plus, the room that she said belonged to Kassidy wasn’t really kid friendly, but it was clean as hell. I wasn’t about to judge anyone on what they did on the side, though.
“Alright, I’m about to head out. Please, don’t let anything happen to my baby because I won’t be so forgiving,” I stressed and I could see the fear in her eyes. I didn’t even want my baby
coming back with a damn paper cut.
“She’s safe here Charlie. You can come get her tomorrow at 5 p.m.,” she said.