Page 37 of I Choose You
“Because I love you,” she said, kissing me on my chest.
“I love you too cracka’,” I said, laughing.
She looked at me and punched me in my arm. “That shit ain’t funny Otis,” she hissed, trying to go back over to her side of the bed but I pulled her back over to me.
“Come on girl, I was just playing with your ass. Chill,” I said and she laid her head back on my chest but I could still sense that she had a little attitude. I don’t know why, but I got a kick out of seeing her get all riled up and upset. That shit was sexy as fuck to me.
“You mad at daddy?” I asked her, only to be ignored.
“That’s why I ain’t gon’ go get your food from Snappers later on,” I said, nudging her off of me.
“I was playing baby. I’m not mad” she said, coming closer to me. I knew that would get her ass.
“Yeah that’s what I thought,” I said, slapping her ass.
She didn’t respond. She just wrapped her arms around my waist and five minutes later, she was knocked out. I guessed I might as well get my sleep too before our spoiled ass daughter woke up.
Around 7 p.m. I heard the baby monitor go off and that’s when I noticed that my princess had waken up. Tisha got up but I told her that I had it and she could go back to sleep. I went inside the room with Harmony and turned the light on.
“What’s wrong with Daddy’s baby?” I asked and she instantly stopped crying.
I carried her downstairs and made her a bottle. I sat in the den with her on my lap and fed her the bottle while I sat there watching TV. Around 9 p.m., Harmony fell asleep and I placed her on my chest. I turned the TV on to basketball and chilled while my daughter was asleep. This right here was fuckin’ perfect. I couldn’t wait until the day we had a bunch of kids running around, fuckin’ shit up. An hour later, I heard footsteps coming downstairs and I knew it was Tisha. She came inside the den where we were and sat next to me on the couch.
“She is so beautiful,” Tisha said, rubbing Harmony’s soft hair.
“She gets that from her mommy,” I said truthfully.
Tisha smiled and went inside the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water and some Ritz crackers. She sat down on the floor Indian style in front of me and started drinking her water. I looked down at her and I just couldn’t believe how I lucked up with somebody as beautiful as her to call mine.
“Tisha when you gon’ have my son?” I asked her.
“Boy I just gave birth to your daughter. Let my damn body heal first,” she said, rolling her eyes. I swear I be wanting to snatch them bitches right out. She stay rolling them damn eyes at a nigga.
“Alright baby well one down, five more to go,” I said, smiling.
“Negro you must be crazy. More like one more to go. And that’s not going to be no time soon because I need to get my shape back,” she said.
“Yeah okay we’ll see,” I said.
Chapter 21: Ka’lani
I just knew I was pregnant this time. I just finished eating a bowl of chicken soup and I threw it right up. My li’l greedy ass could eat anything and I never throw up. I went inside the bathroom so that I could take the test. I peed on the stick and waited for the results. Ty was in the room asleep, so I wouldn’t wake him until I knew the results. I saw one line appear and then there was a second one. Oh my God, I’m pregnant! I thought to myself. It was crazy because since Tyrone and I were together, I’ve never gotten pregnant, maybe because I took my pills faithfully. I was so immune to taking them that I never once stopped taking them until maybe a month ago and that’s only because I had ran out and kept procrastinating on going in for a refill. And you already know that Ty and I never used protection, so I guess this was bound to happen. Watching Tisha with Harmony made me want a daughter of my own so I can honestly say that I was extremely happy about the good news.
I walked out of the bathroom and tugged at my husband’s arm so that he could wake up. I knew Tyrone would be happy about the news because his ass had been wanting kids. In the beginning I never really wanted kids, I guess not until maybe a few months ago and then I really started thinking about it when I saw Tisha with her baby.
“Ty baby wake up! Wake up baby,” I yelled.
“Lani what man? Before I went to sleep I told you don’t wake me unless it’s important,” he barked. I knew his ass was tired because he had pulled an all-nighter. He was up at the club until maybe four this morning and when he came home, he took a shower and did his daily workout at the gym and then came home and got into the bed.
“Baby I’m pregnant!” I yelled, not fazed one bit by his so-called attitude. If I wanted to wake him up, I could do that!
“You serious baby?” he asked, jumping out of the bed.
“Yes, look, the test is right here,” I said, handing him over the pregnancy test.
“Aww man, I’m about to be a daddy,” he said smiling.
We drove to the doctor, just to make sure before we got too far ahead of ourselves. Come to find out, I was indeed pregnant, two weeks to be exact. We drove back to the house, both of us excited about the great news. When we got in the house, I want upstairs in our bedroom to run me a nice hot bath.