Page 38 of I Choose You
“Baby you going to get in the tub with me?” I yelled from the room.
“Yeah I’m coming,” he said.
My husband and I sat in the tub with different things on our mind. I was so happy that I was becoming a mommy.
“So baby you know what this means now since you’re pregnant?” Ty asked, rubbing my back.
“No, what?” I asked.
“It means, all that drinking you be doing with your girls on Fridays, that got to stop. I don’t want no shit Lani. I don’t need you out here doing nothing that could bring danger to my child. And you eating for two now, so no more eating only a little bit of your food and then giving me the rest,” he ordered. I nodded my head because I knew everything his ass was saying was the truth. But I was pretty sure my appetite would pick up with the pregnancy because Tisha’s sure did. That girl was eating every damn minute. That shit didn’t make any sense whatsoever.
“Okay daddy,” I said.
We sat in the tub for another tem minutes before we decided to get out. I dried off and put on a white sundress with my entire back out and threw on my gold Gucci sandals. I guess I would go spend the day with Tisha and my goddaughter since I knew my husband was about to leave and I didn’t want to be up in the house by myself all day. Plus I knew Tisha’s ass wasn’t going to leave the house with the baby, so I knew she wouldn’t have a problem with me coming over there with her.
“Baby I’m going to go over to Tisha’s,” I said, going down in his man cave in the basement. As usual, he was sitting on the couch, smoking while playing that damn game. I swear I never came in here and if I did, it was to get him to come to bed or to bring him his dinner. He knew I hated this man cave, so it never came down to it being a problem with me invading his space while he was in there.
“Alright, I’m about to head out over to the club soon with O,” he said.
“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you more,” my husband told me.
I jumped inside my Range Rover and called Tisha from the car.
“Hey Lani,” she answered and I could hear my goddaughter crying in the background.
“What’s up? Why my baby crying like that?” I asked her.
“Because she spoiled as hell. I’m trying to fix breakfast and I had to sit her down in the bouncer,” she let me know.
“Okay, I’m on my way over,” I told her.
/> “Good, we would love some company,” she said.
I hung up and made my way to Tisha and Otis’ house in about twenty minutes. I grabbed my Fendi purse and walked to the door and rang the doorbell. Tisha came to the door in a pair of black yoga pants and a black tank top. This girl did not look like she just had a baby. Her stomach was almost back to being flat like how it use to be. I didn’t know what the hell her ass been up in here doing.
“Hey Auntie’s baby,” I cooed, taking Harmony from out of Tisha’s hands. She started smiling and drooling at the same time. I swear this little girl was so beautiful. She was Otis all day though. She looked exactly like his ass.
We walked inside the house and went to the den area. I played with my niece/god baby while Tisha went back into the kitchen to finish eating her breakfast. She came back in the den and laid out on the couch looking exhausted.
“Bitch you look worn the hell out,” I joked.
“That’s because I am,” she said. I could look at her and it was obvious that her ass wasn’t getting enough sleep. From what she told me, Harmony would wake up around two in the morning every night.
“Tisha guess what?” I asked her.
“What Lani?” she said, texting away on her phone.
“I’m pregnant,” I said, looking at her waiting to see how she would react.
“For real sis?” she asked, coming over to hug me.
“Yep, I found out this morning,” I said.
“I’m so happy for you. I hope it’s a girl so Harmony can have a best friend and cousin and god sister. That’s crazy how your ass been with Ty all this damn time and your ass just now getting pregnant,” Tisha said.
“I know, I was thinking that same thing this morning. I think it’s because I was so used to taking my birth control pills, that I never stopped until like last month when I ran out and forgot to go get some more,” I let her know.