Page 36 of I Choose You 2
“Tamika, quit fuckin playing with me. Every night when I leave the studio, I make sure I drop by your house to see you. Since the night we met at the club, I ain’t been with no other bitches. Baby I’m really trying to make you my one and only, but you got to give a nigga a chance,” he said, damn near begging me.
I looked at him for a long minute. I really haven’t been in a relationship since I was in high school. After I was cheated on by ex, Chase, I just came to the conclusion a long time ago that niggas weren’t shit. I was with Chase on and off since I was in the 6th grade, up until my senior year in high school. He was the one I gave my virginity to, and when I found out he cheated on me, I ended up breaking up with him. For some reason, it was no forgiving him for that. Don’t get me wrong, I still talk to niggas but I’m not up for being in no relationship like that until I met the right one. Honestly, I was ready to settle down with someone, but did I want to settle down with Pat? I didn’t know. We hadn’t even slept together yet and so far, he’s been the perfect gentlemen. The shit that Tisha went through when she first got with Otis, I wasn’t up for it. I felt like I was too old to have to sit and fight over my man.
“If we can go through the whole weekend with each other, then I might think about giving us a chance,” I told Pat.
“That’s all I needed to hear,” he told me.
Oh Lord, what am I getting myself into?
Chapter 18: Ka’lani
At exactly 12:15, we were pulling up to our time share in Orlando. I had to admit, this house was so beautiful. I didn’t know if I liked this house better or our house in Miami. Once we parked, I got out and got my baby out of her car seat.
“Hey stanka,” I said to Aaliyah, picking her up.
She started smiling at me. I loved my daughter so much. All the men got the luggage out of the car, while the ladies went inside and relaxed.
“Oh my God, I thought we weren’t ever going to get here,” Tisha said.
“Man, yo lil ass slept the whole way here,” Otis jumped in and said.
Tisha started laughing and flicked him off, which caused him to slap her hard on her ass. This was going to be a hilarious weekend because Tisha and Otis were some fuckin characters. They would get into lil arguments about little shit and it would be so funny. We all split up so that we could find our bedrooms. Me and my husband’s room was upstairs next to the game room. It was a California king size bed in the room and a huge 60 inch flat screen TV. The room was painted in a red and crème color scheme and it was actually really nice. I got in the bed and laid down with Aaliyah. Ty came in the room and sat our suitcases in the closet.
“Naw baby, no sleeping this weekend,” he said, coming over to me on the bed.
“We not sleeping baby, we was just waiting on you to bring the bags up,” I told him, knowing damn well I was about to take a nap.
We headed downstairs and everybody was just chilling. Tamika and Pat was sitting on one couch together. I thought that they were so cute and would make a pretty ass couple. Tamika was so short and Pat was about 6’1, so that made it even cuter. Pat wanted Tamika so bad, but I could tell she was giving that man a hard time. I was gon’ have to talk to my girl about that before this trip was over. Tisha was in the corner sitting on Otis’s lap, and he was whispering something in her ear and she was giggling like a little school girl. Kyla and Cevon were sitting on a couch together as well. They already had history together, though. They were off and on in high school, so I hope they got their shit together because they made a cute couple too.
“Okay y’all, so its 12:45 now and we want to be at Disney World by 3 p.m., so everybody needs to start getting ready now,” Tisha announced.
We all got up and prepared for today’s events. It was going to be a long day.
Chapter 19: Tisha
We were in the car on our way back from Disney World. We stayed in the kiddie department the whole time there and I got on all the baby rides with my daughter. Overall, today was a good day, even though it was hot as hell out. Ty and Ka’lani were going to go to Publix to pick up a birthday cake for Harmony.
When we made it back to the house, the only thing I wanted to do was hop in the tub. I went up to our room and bathed my daughter first and put her own her pj’s since it was night time now. I took her in the room with Tamika and Pat so that I could take my shower.
“Tisha, put on your bathing suit because after we sing happy birthday and stuff, everybody is going to get in the pool,” Tamika told me.
“Alright, watch my baby while I get in the shower,” I told her.
Thirty minutes later, I was out the shower and putting on my swim suit. I had a two piece cheetah bathing suit on. The bottoms were high wasted and it was so pretty. I threw on my sarong, to go around my waist.
“Come on baby so we could sing happy birthday,” I said, going in the den and getting Harmony from Tamika.
We all sang happy birthday to my baby. After that, I sat her on my lap and let her eat a slice of cake. She didn’t do nothing but make a big mess in the process. Once everybody finished eating, Harmony got her gifts and I opened them for her because her ass wasn’t paying us any attention, she was too focused on eating that damn cake.
Everybody headed outside, but I went upstairs to put my baby to sleep. After 30 minutes with fighting with Harmony’s spoiled butt, she finally went to sleep. I laid her down in the bed and kept the door cracked. I made it outside and everybody was in the pool swimming, but Otis was sitting in one of the lounge chairs.
“Aww you waiting on Mommy?” I asked him, sitting on his lap and kissing his lips.
“Yes, you ready to swim?” Otis asked me.
I didn’t know if I wanted to get in there with them because from the looks of things, they were playing too rough. The men kept slamming the girls in the pool and I’ll be damned if somebody did that to me. Number one, I couldn’t swim and number two, I didn’t want to get my damn hair wet. We walked over to the pool and everybody was in while I sat at the edge only with my feet in.
“Bitch, you not finna get in?” Lani asked, swimming over to me and splashing all that water on me in the process.