Page 37 of I Choose You 2
“Lani move, go over there with all that. Splashing all that damn water,” I said, kicking water back at her with my feet.
“Otis, come throw Tisha’s ass in the pool,” Lani yelled laughing. I swear her lil ass so was damn immature.
He looked at me and a smirk appeared on his face. He got out the pool and he looked so fuckin sexy with the lights shining on his body, showcasing his abs and his tattoos. But what stood out to me was his third leg. I could see the shit resting on his thigh.
“Otis go back over there, stop playing now,” I said, snapping out of my trance and noticing him starting to walk over to me.
I tried to get up, but this nigga had already had me up in the air. I was screaming from the top of my lungs trying to get this nigga to put me down.
“Otis stop put me down, baby please,” I yelled.
My cries fell on deaf ears because before I knew it, this nigga had done slammed my ass in the pool. I really thought my ass was drowning. I started kicking my arms and my legs. I felt somebody grab me up and I looked and it was Otis. He put me on his back and swam with me to the wall of the pool. He picked me up and sat me back down on the edge of the pool. My girls were dying laughing at the fact that I had just got slammed into the pool.
“Why would you do that Otis? You know I can’t fuckin swim!” I cried. I hated that I always came off like a big baby, but Otis ass was always doing playful shit.
“That’s why I did it. So you wouldn’t be scared of the water,” he told me.
He opened my legs and put his body in the middle of me. I was pissed that he did that to me. I didn’t even care about the fact that I hair got wet, I was mad because I could have drowned.
“You mad at me baby?” Otis asked me, kissing my neck.
I ignored him and stared at everybody playing around in the pool.
“Give me a kiss,” he said, pulling my body closer to his.
I looked at this Negro like he was crazy. He just threw my ass in the pool after I told him not to and he really thought I was about to kiss him?
“Girl give me a kiss before I slam your ass back in,” Otis said.
I wrapped my arms around my man’s neck and started tonguing him down. I was grabbing on his ears and moaning while kissing him. I wanted him so bad right now, my God!
“Get a damn room,” Ka’lani’s cock blocking ass yelled out.
I stopped kissing my man and started laughing at Ka’lani, shooting her the bird. Otis grabbed me from off the edge and brought me into the pool with him. We stayed in the pool for another hour while he was trying to teach my ass how to swim. Around 11, we all got out and headed to our rooms.
Let’s get something straight. Cevon was always and would always be my man, even when I decided that I wanted to take a damn break! He’s been my nigga since high school, but we were on and off. The reason why Cevon and I couldn’t seem to stay together was because his eyes always seemed to roam. Since the night at
the club for Otis’s birthday, we have been back together. So far, things have been pretty good between us. I haven’t suspected him of being with any other females so, I guess we were good.
Cevon was cousins with Pat. They both were music producers and the name of their label was Hip Hop Record$. This was something that they just started working on about two years ago. When Cevon and I got together our freshman year in high school, he was a small time hustler. By the time we were juniors, Cevon already had his own car and apartment. With that lifestyle came many bitches along the way. He started fuckin around with all type of groupie bitches while me and him were together. Around our senior year in high school, Cevon started showing his ass. I swear money will change a nigga real quick. That nigga totally forgot who the one with him was when he was broke and didn’t have shit. Those little bitches just wanted him for his money and that bomb ass dick.
Over the years, Cevon and I were on and off. I constantly would break up with him because I felt like he didn’t respect me. Each time I left, I would go right back to him though. It’s like he had some type of hold on me and I couldn’t get enough of his sexy ass. From his smooth caramel skin to those sexy light brown eyes. He always kept his hair in neat dreads. Cevon started growing his dreads when we were in high school, and now they are in the middle of his back. I loved everything about him when he wasn’t cheating on me. This time I think it was going to be different though. For his sake, he better hope he can stay faithful because I promise that this is going to be his last straw.
We were in our bed laying down, just getting out the shower from being in the pool. I was laying down and Cevon was resting his head on my stomach.
“Cevon, you know I love you right?” I asked him.
“Of course I know that. You know I love your ass too,” he said, squeezing my thigh.
“Yes baby, I know. I really want what we got to work out because I know you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love what Lani and Ty got. Even Tisha and Otis. I just deserve to be happy,” I told him, getting chocked up.
He sat up in the bed and looked me straight in my eyes. “Baby, this time I promise I’m going to give you and only you all of me. You been holding me down since high school and you the one I want to have my kids and get married to. I promise this time around I’m going to do good by you, you just got to trust a nigga. Can you do that for me?” he asked me.
“Yeah baby, I can do that,” I told him sincerely.