Page 8 of I Choose You 3
I couldn’t help but laugh, because she was jealous as hell. I guess you can kind of say I’m the reason for her insecurities.
“Keep laughing. All I’m going to say is, let me find out you fucked he and I swear to God I’m going to be done with you,” she said, and I knew from her voice that she was dead serious.
All I could do was pray to God that Kyla and Monica never had to cross paths again, or else that was it for us. I knew Monica, and I knew her ass was petty as fuck so I’m pretty sure if her and Kyla ran into each other again, her ass was bound to tell her about all the times we fucked. Shit, her ass even sucked my dicked once while I was on the phone with Kyla. A nigga used to be living dirty, but I swear I changed and I just wanted to prove to Kyla that I could be that man that she wanted me to be.
Chapter 5: Ka’lani
I was on my way out of the shop, heading to my dad’s house to go pick up my baby. Since the birth of Aaliyah, I decided to be mature about the situation and give Phillip a shot at being in our lives. Besides, my daughter loved him a lot because he already had her little butt spoiled. I just wish that I would’ve had my dad in my life when I was growing up, though. Even though he’s here now, I just can’t help but dwell on the past. I was also having a better relationship with my mother; we talked just as much as I talked to my girls. She made it her business to make sure she kept Aaliyah at least twice during the week. If I was working though, most times I would just drop the baby off at my dad’s house.
Funny how last week when I came over to drop off my daughter at my dad’s house, I noticed that my mom’s car was parked in the driveway. Of course, they tried to downplay the whole situation and act like they were only talking, but I knew better. Eww, I didn’t even want to think about my parents having sex. I knew that something was up between them though, because every once in a while I would catch my mother staring at my dad with lust-filled eyes–the same eyes that I still gave Tyrone to this day. Whatever makes them happy, I’m down for it though; I just hope that he doesn’t plan on breaking my mother’s heart again like he did in the past.
As I pulled up to my father’s house, I noticed there was a white Mercedes parked in the driveway. I knew it wasn’t my mother’s car because she drove a silver Lexus. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, my dad came and opened the door for me.
“Hey Ka’lani,” he said with a strange look on his face. I didn’t know what was going on, but something wasn’t right because it was written all over this nigga’s face. He was trying to block my view by standing in the doorway, and I wasn’t but so tall so I wasn’t able to see behind him.
“Hey, where’s my baby,” I said, walking around him and going inside of the house.
He didn’t even get a chance to respond because as soon as I hit the corner, I saw Symone with my baby in her lap, bouncing her up and down. I had to do a double take because this bitch had some fuckin balls to touch my baby. She see I tagged that ass when she tried to fuck my husband, but now this bitch was touching my baby! Sister or not, that didn’t give her ass the right to touch my damn daughter. She lost that right when she decided to go against the grain that night and try to fuck my man.
“Hoe, you can’t be serious,” I said, walking over and snatching Aaliyah from her.
Aaliyah started crying real loud, because I had roughed her up a little too hard. After calming her down some, I got back to the situation at hand.
“Come on Ka’lani, don’t be like that, I’m her auntie,” this bitch had the nerve to say. Was this hoe trying to be an auntie when she was telling my hus
band how good she would fuck him? I wish like hell this hoe would try to play victim after she did what she did.
“Hoe, you ain’t shit to her. You messed that up when you tried to fuck my man. I was going to give your trifling ass a chance, but look at that shit you pulled. You lucky I didn’t kill your ass that night,” I said, with venom dripping from my voice. I swear to God if I didn’t have my baby with me, I would beat that bitch’s ass just because.
“And you,” I said, pointing to my dad.
“Let me know when you bring strangers over here so that I can come and get my baby,” I said, getting Aaliyah’s baby bag from off the floor. I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful towards my dad; it’s just that I didn’t play when it came to my daughter, and to walk in on this bitch holding my baby only made my ass go crazy.
“Ka’lani, wait,” Phillip said, walking after me.
“I don’t want to talk. I don’t want that bitch around my daughter. Now goodnight!” I spat, walking out the door.
I got outside, put my baby in her car seat, and was on my way home. I really hoped that my husband was home when I got there, because I needed a damn massage. I’d been standing on my feet for damn near 10 hours that day. I was in the mood for some Chinese food, so on the way to the house, I got my phone from out of my purse and placed me an order for delivery. Hopefully, the food would be there by the time I got home.
When I pulled up to the house, I noticed that Tyrone’s car was parked in the driveway, and I was too fuckin happy. I had somebody to come home and talk to, because Aaliyah’s ass had already gone to sleep. Getting out the car, I got my baby out of her car seat, took her bag from off the floor, and headed into the house. After changing my daughter, I placed her in her crib and turned on the baby monitor inside of the room. Gently closing the door, I headed down to the basement to go find my husband.
I walked in and Tyrone was sitting on his big, football beanie playing the game. I swear, I think he loved that game more than he loved me.
“Hi husband. I didn’t see you all day,” I said, walking over to him and sitting in front of his legs. I tucked my legs under my butt and rested my head on his shoulder.
“That’s because my wife decided to leave the house early this morning and didn’t even wake up daddy,” Tyrone told me, pausing the game to give me some kisses. After we finished, I continued to lay my head on him in silence.
“What’s wrong, Tiny?” Tyrone asked me, not missing anything when it came to me.
“I went to go pick the baby up from my dad’s house, and when I walked in Symone was sitting on the couch with Aaliyah in her damn lap. I’m not even tripping off that bitch, though. It’s just the fact that this hoe is really brave to even touch my baby after that shit she pulled,” I said, looking up at him.
“I ain’t even got two words to say to your damn sister. Just let that bitch know to stay the fuck away from my daughter, and that’s all I’m going to say about the situation. At the end of the day y’all blood, that’s your sister, and I would never keep you away from her. So if you decided to forgive her for that shit, that’s your call because you got to remember that she is Aaliyah’s auntie,” Tyrone told me. Even if that day did come, which I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t anytime soon, when I did decided to forgive Symone for that shit, I just know that I would never forget, and I would never trust her trifling ass around my husband anymore.
“Your fine ass mom was over there again?” Tyrone asked me, and I slapped him upside his head.
“Stop talking about my mama nigga,” I said, trying to stand up because I could hear the doorbell ringing.
“Phillip was over there breaking Ms. Sharon off the other day, your cock blocking ass came over there fuckin up that man groove,” Tyrone joked, and I threw the pillow at his silly ass. Like I said, I didn’t even want to picture my parents having sex, even though I knew that they had something going on. Hey, mom got to have a life too!