Page 9 of I Choose You 3
Can a bitch take the time out right and state how happy I am? I mean damn, I love my Pat! That nigga is my everything and more. I’m glad I finally took him up on his offer and gave him a chance. We finally went ahead and made our relationship official, and I swear that had to be one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made in my life. A bitch was sprung. It’s like I couldn’t stay away from this man, no matter what. I swear we were joined to the hip or something. Even if he was working, he still found a way to make time for me, and I loved that he tried to put me first before everything. The one thing that I liked the most about our relationship was the fact that it was based on honesty. Before Pat and I even got together, we basically told each other everything so that in the end, there wouldn’t be any surprises. Yes, I know that Pat isn’t perfect and I also know that before we got together, his ass had a woman for every day of the week, but best believe I made his ass delete every bitch’s number that was in his phone. Oh best believe, I cleaned up shop before I jumped head first into this relationship. It’s crazy, because I swore up and down that I wasn’t going to fuck with him like that on that level, but ever since the night he blessed me that dope dick, I couldn’t seem to leave his fine ass alone–and vice versa.
I had just awakened from having some mind-blowing sex with my man. I’ve been here at his house being held hostage for the past three days. This man wouldn’t let me out his sight to go to the bathroom, but I can’t say that I didn’t love it. I haven’t even been to the shop, and I know my clients were calling me every name in the damn book because they were trying to schedule appointments, but Pat had taken my phone from me and I haven’t seen it since. I knew the girls were wondering what the hell I was doing, but I’m pretty sure they knew that I was in good hands, because Pat talked to the boys on a daily and I’m pretty sure the boys relayed the message to the girls, letting them know that I was in good hands.
It was a Thursday Morning, and I knew that I had to go into work and stop playing hooky. Pat couldn’t keep me in this house forever; eventually, I would have to get my ass up. These past three days, without going to work and just getting catered to all day every day, were the bomb and I knew for a fact that I could get used to this. As much as I enjoyed being home though, I loved being in the shop doing hair as well. There was something about doing hair that soothed me and kept me at peace. Ever since I was in fifth grade, my ass had been doing hair. I knew since then that when I grew up, I wanted to have my own salon and do hair. That’s when I met Tisha, Ka’lani, and Kyla, and it just so turned out that we all had the same dream, and that’s why when we all graduated from high school, we went to cosmetology school and all received our licenses in less than two years. After that, we decided to all put our money together and open up our own shop. See, that shop wasn’t just one of ours; it was all of our shop. We all worked hard for that. I can’t lie; going to that shop is sometimes crazy, because it can get a little crazy in there, but I swear I love every minute of it.
I attempted to get out of the bed and as soon as I moved, Pat pulled me right back into him. I couldn’t even get up to go use the bathroom without him pulling me back.
“Baby, let me up, I got to go to work today,” I whined, hoping that would get him to let up.
“Nah bae, you’ll just go tomorrow,” he said, wrapping me up in his arms even tighter.
How was I supposed to resist that? I laid in bed with him for another two hours, and then I got my ass up to head home, but not before I gave my man a quickie, though.
I hurried home and as soon as I got there, I headed to my bathroom to take a shower. When I finished, I brushed my teeth and started on my hair. I wore it parted down the middle, showing off my honey blonde highlights that complimented my high yellow skin. I applied a little bit of makeup and a tad bit of my nude Mac lip gloss. I went into my closet to find me something to wear, and I decided on a pair of skin-tight red True Religion jeans and a white True Religion tank top. I threw on my gold Tom Ford sandals and my brown MCM handbag, and I was out the door.
> As soon as I pulled up to the salon, I was already ready to be interrogated by my girls. I stepped out of the car and strutted my fine ass to the door.
“Aww shit, look who decided to finally jump off the dick and bring they ass to work,” Tisha said, causing the whole salon to burst into laughter. This girl stayed trying to put people on the spot with her annoying ass.
I walked over and spoke to all my girls, and looked towards the front and saw all the heads that were waiting on me. Today was going to be a long ass day, but from the way I got dicked down this morning, I knew that it was going to be good because I was on cloud nine right now, and couldn’t nothing take me off of my high horse.
Around 2:30, I was finally able to get me a break. I walked outside to the Publix around the corner of the shop and brought me a Caesar salad from the deli. When I got back to the salon, I went into the back to sit with my girls and eat. All of the seats in the office were already taken, so I had to share a chair with Tisha’s silly ass. As I was eating, I felt a funny feeling in my stomach, and I rushed to the bathroom to throw up everything that I had just ate. I haven’t threw up since I was a teenager, and that was only because I had a stomach virus. Shit! Shit! Shit! This raw fucking had caught up to my ass because for the past month, Pat and I wasn’t using any protection, and Pat sucked at pulling out. I was taking my birth control pills, but I’m not going to lie–I wasn’t as responsible with it as I should have been.
“We’re going to be mommies together,” Tisha’s extra-excited ass said, coming into the bathroom with me and handing me some tissue to wipe my mouth.
I looked at her and rolled my eyes. Yes, I wanted to have kids, but I also wanted to be married too! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m going to keep my baby; I just wish the circumstances were different.
“Omg congrats meek meek,” Lani said, coming into the bathroom with us.
I was still huddled over the toilet seat. Afterwards, Kyla came in and congratulated me as well.
“And hoe, when were you going to tell us you were pregnant?” Lani asked Tisha.
“I was just about to tell y’all before Meek ran in the bathroom,” Tisha said.
I got myself together and went back to finish the rest of my food. I was going to tell Pat when I went to his house later on; I just hoped he would be excited about this.
“When did you find out that you were pregnant, because your ass didn’t say shit?” I asked Tisha once she came back inside the office. I noticed for like the past three weeks, Tisha’s ass had been acting weird, I just didn’t want to call her out on her shit, even though she be the first person to call somebody else out when they get to acting funny style.
“I found out like three weeks ago,” Tisha said, sitting back on the chair with me.
“And why your ass just now saying something, Tisha? You know we don’t even get down like that!” Ka’lani fussed.
“Because I been going through it, alright? Me and Otis not together right now. He not talking to me and I’m not talking to him–point blank period–and I don’t think we ever gon’ get back together to be honest,” Tisha said. I knew my girl very well, that’s why I knew that something was bothering her. Even though I been on my high horse lately, I was still aware of the actions of my loved ones around me, and I knew Tisha’s ass was going through the motions.
I guess we could all sense that Tisha didn’t want to talk about her situation, so we all decided to drop the conversation and talk about something different. For the reminder of work, all I could think about was the fact that I had been caught slipping and fucked around and got my ass pregnant.
I called Pat to let him know that I had just left the salon, and that I was on my way to his house to talk to him about something important. He told me that he was still in the studio and that he might be there for a while, so for me to come over there. Being as though their studio, Hip Hop Record$, was in downtown Miami, I had like a 30-minute ride ahead of me. I could have easily went to his house and waited for him, but I was ready to get this off my chest now. I couldn’t go another hour without telling him what was up.
At exactly 8:15 p.m., I was pulling up to the studio. I walked in and I was amazed at how nice Pat and Cevon had the place decked out. The walls were a nice cherry red with black as well. The couches that were set up in the front lobby area were black as well. I knew black and read were Pat’s favorite colors, but damn! Hanging on the wall were plaques of his artist and the awards that they won. This was my first time actually coming down to the studio, and it was real nice.
I walked down to the room where I heard the music coming from. When I looked through, it was nothing but niggas in there, and for some reason I was scared as fuck to go inside of the studio with them. I’ve always been scared to walk into a room full of niggas. I looked and my eyes automatically connected with Pat’s. A huge smile spread on his face, and he waved me over with his hand.
As soon as I stepped inside, I was hit automatically with the smell of weed. All his niggas started staring at me and damn near drooling when I walked through the door, making me feel every bit of uncomfortable.