Page 710 of Biker's Virgin
“We're going to need that.”
“Okay,” I replied.
“And, what are you doing tonight?”
“Whatever it takes to win Brooke back,” I replied without hesitation.
“That's the answer I wanted to hear. You own a decent suit? Something dashing that you’ll look totally gorgeous in?” she asked.
“I do.”
“And, can you get a picnic basket together by seven this evening?”
“Not a problem. I know exactly what she likes. Is this for a picnic?”
“Kind of. There's a charity bachelor auction that Brooke is co-chairing tonight. One of my friends from drama class is one of the bachelors, but he doesn't really want to do it. I'll convince him to switch places with you so you'll be up for auction. And if everything comes together like I'm hoping it will, Brooke is going to be the winning bidder on you, my friend. Just do everything I tell you to and Brooke will be yours by the end of the night. Come on, we don't have much time.”
Chapter Thirty-One
The rumbling of a V8 engine conveyed that Garrett had arrived to pick me up and take me to the bachelor auction. I did one last make-up check to make sure everything looked perfect since I’d be in the limelight as co-chair—it did. I smoothed a hand over the black cocktail dress I'd chose to wear and admired the new pair of heels I picked up earlier. I couldn’t help thinking it was a shame Emerson wasn’t going to see me all glammed up. Then I wanted to slap myself for even thinking about him. I shook the thought from my mind and locked up the apartment to head down to the car.
Garrett, as he had before, was waiting next to his Mustang holding the passenger door open for me. He was dressed in a light beige suit and I had to say, he looked pretty attractive.
“Well, hey there, gorgeous!” he beamed with a toothy smile. “I do believe I might be a little weak in the knees!”
“Thanks,” I said with a nervous chuckle. The compliment was nice, but there was still something about him I couldn't quite put my finger on that felt a little off. I told myself it wasn’t him; it was my past experience with men. He was at least a distraction from thinking about Emerson who, despite all my best efforts, remained constantly running through my thoughts. Damn him.
Garrett and I headed over to campus, making light conversation along the way. As I listened, I wondered if my uncertain feeling about Garrett was there because he always seemed to have the perfect responses to whatever I said, and he was really well-informed on… well, pretty much everything, it seemed. Admittedly, it was kind of difficult to escape his charm.
As we rolled through campus, Garrett's car certainly turned a few heads. I could feel people staring as I stepped out of the beautiful, gleaming vehicle dressed to the nines with a dapper-looking man on my arm.
“Shall we?” Garrett said and nodded his head toward the main hall where the bachelor auction was to be held.
“We shall,” I replied with a smile.
The team had done a great job decking the place out. To top it off, everyone was dressed to kill. It was an awesome sight to see, and I felt proud of our RAG team for having pulled it off so perfectly. We walked through the main entrance, where Garrett paid his entry fee (even though it wasn't as if he was gonna be placing any bids) before we headed up to the stage and over to the desk I'd be sitting at with Stacy. The audiovisual guys were still setting up the microphones and cables. I looked around, but it seemed Stacy hadn't arrived yet, so Garrett took a seat next to me in the chair Stacy would later occupy.
One of the other volunteers from RAG saw me and came over to have a quick chat about microphone placement and a question one of the bachelors had asked. While I was talking to her, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Garrett take his phone out of his pocket. He started typing something on it and that strange smile spread across his lips again—the smile that made me feel distinctly uncomfortable. When I was finished with my conversation, he quickly slipped the phone back into his pocket, seemingly unaware that I had noticed him sending messages on it.
I checked the time. “Hmm, I think we may have been a little earlier than needed,” I commented. “There's still a little bit to go.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I just assumed there would be more traffic on the way. Better safe than sorry though, right?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Hey, they have drinks for sale just outside in the hall. You want one?” Garrett asked.
“I think there was fruit punch, tea, soda, or coffee. What’s your poison?”
I chuckled. “I think I'll go with the fruit punch.”
“I'll be back in a minute.”
He stood and walked off the stage and then headed out into the hall. I noticed his phone lying on the chair. It had obviously slipped out of his pocket when he'd stood up.