Page 711 of Biker's Virgin
I knew I shouldn't, but a burning curiosity compelled me to pick it up and have a look at what he’d been typing. It was that gut instinct I had ignored so many times with Andrew. There had just been something about the look in his eyes and the smile on his lips while he'd been typing that message that had me incredibly suspicious.
I swiped the simple L-shaped code I’d seen him do several times and hoped it was right. The screen lit up. I knew it wasn't right, and it wasn't something I'd normally do, but my sixth sense had been tingling furiously about this guy, and after everything I’d dealt with in the man department, I was at a point of stepping over the line to make sure I didn’t pick another d-bag to let my walls down for.
I glanced at the screen to find his text messages still open with some guy named Nick. As I read through them, my jaw dropped and my blood began to boil.
Nick: So, you gonna seal the deal with the uptight chem partner tonight?
Garrett: Not tonight, unfortunately. She's a tough nut to crack, but she'll put out soon enough. They always do.
Nick: It's that Mustang, man. The rumble of that V8 hits 'em right where they need it.
Garrett: LOL! It's a vibrator with wheels.
Nick: Did you give her the bullshit story about restoring it from scrap with your dad?
Garrett: Yep. And like they always do, she fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.
Nick: Awesome. Well, don’t take too long baggin’ that one. I’m still two ahead of ya.
Garrett: No way! I’m at 12! And I've had blowjobs from another 8 on top of that. No way you’re at 14.
Nick: I am. And, I have 3 videos. Bonus points if you can get video of the uptight chick. She's smokin' hot, dude. I wouldn't mind a look at that naked.
Garrett: You know you'll be the first to get the video when it happens. Note that I said WHEN, not IF. And—”
The stage door slammed, and I looked up to see Garrett coming back. With my heart pounding in my chest and anger and disgust gushing through my veins, I quickly locked up the phone again and slipped it back on the chair. I couldn't say anything to him, of course. Doing so would mean revealing that I'd snooped around in his phone. But I didn’t need to say anything. I’d learned what I needed to know and I'd never speak to the scumbag again after tonight. I'd find an excuse, and he'd be gone. When he handed me the glass of punch and smiled that fake, insincere smile of his at me, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do more—vomit or throw the drink in his face.
“Thanks,” I said, doing my best to keep my emotions in check.
Luckily, at that moment, Stacy showed up to divert my attention and rage.
“You should go find a seat with the audience there,” I said to Garrett. When he stood, his phone was still in the chair. “Oh, look, you left your phone on the chair. Don't forget it.”
“Thanks,” he said as he picked it up. “I'll see you later, beautiful.”
I pressed my lips tightly together in a forced smile and nodded as I watched him go, seething with disgust and anger as he did, but managing to keep it under control.
Leslie passed Garrett as he walked through the stage doors She was walking quickly, like a woman on a mission. I’d seen the look on her face before. Pure determination. Something was up.
She saw me at the desk on stage and made a beeline straight for me just as the stage lights came on and the other lights started to dim.
She ran up onto the stage and my eyes widened. “Les, what are you doing? You've gotta get off the
stage; we're starting!”
“Meet me backstage at intermission, alright?” she said with urgency coloring her voice. “It's really super important! You are going to want to know about this.”
“Alright, alright, backstage at intermission! Got it. Now go, off the stage!”
“Be there!” she demanded as she hurried off stage.
I couldn’t imagine what could be so important to have her acting as if it were some sort of emergency.
Stacy nudged me in the ribs as I watched Leslie disappear into the shadows of the side stage. “You ready?” She asked.
I nodded. “Let's get this show on the road.”
She smiled, stood from her seat, stepped behind the first podium, and took a microphone. I followed her lead and picked up the second mic that had been set up at a my own podium.