Page 391 of Teacher's Pet
“Ah, good. I can't imagine how you must have felt when you found her like that. I wish I could be there to help out with everything; it's really not fair that you have to shoulder it all and-”
“No, Annie,” I interrupted her, “you shouldn't think like that. Anyway, you're coming out soon, a
nd I think flying across the country to come help is more than enough. I've been able to handle things okay on my own so far.”
“Aw, you're the best, Eryn, really.”
“You're pretty awesome, too, Annie. You've always been my favorite big sister.”
Anne laughed. “Thanks, kiddo. I appreciate that.”
“Anytime. Look, that's why I need to ask your advice about something kinda serious.”
I had no doubt she could tell by the tone of my voice what I was about to say was serious. “Oh, this is something else? Not about Mom?”
“Uh huh.”
“All right, Eryn, go on. You know I'm always willing to help if I can.”
“Thanks. Ah, I really don't know how to say this...”
“Oh my God, you're not pregnant, are you?”
I couldn't help but laugh at how seriously worried she sounded, which helped lighten the mood a little, and made it easier to speak. “God no. Come on, you should know better than that,” I replied with a chuckle.
“Well, what is it then? Come on, don't keep me waiting in suspense like this!”
I breathed in deeply. There was no way to ease into this; I'd simply have to jump straight in.
“I kissed my coach.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line.
“You...wait. What? You kissed him? You kissed him how? Like a peck on the cheek?”
“I think you know what I mean, Anne.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Oh my God! You made out with him? I can’t believe you made out with him?!”
“Wow. I'm, uh, I'm sorry, it's just that…well, that was the last thing I expected! But I can hear it in your voice – you're worried about it, so don't mistake my tone for me laughing about it or anything, you know, it's just that I'm, well, very surprised, to say the least.”
“I'm sure you are – I was, too.”
“So you guys haven't been or anything.”
“Not at all. Well, we have been spending time together. Not in a 'dating' kinda way, though. He happened to be in the same place as me when my car broke down, and he offered to help me fix it.”
“He's a mechanic, too?”
“He said he's always been into messing around with cars and stuff. But anyways, that's beside the point. He helped with the car twice and didn't ask for anything in return. And the night I found Mom – I called him to help out, and he did, and he was supportive and helpful.
“And...I dunno, I guess I sensed that there was something there, that he felt something for me. And, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel something for him, especially after he kinda proved that I was wrong about what sort of guy I assumed he was.”