Page 392 of Teacher's Pet
“And, what sorta guy was that?”
“You know – a guy like Tim. A selfish narcissist who uses his good looks to get women into bed, and then tosses them aside like old gum that's lost its flavor as soon as he gets bored with them. I mean, that's what you'd think about him, right, judging from what all that Hollywood gossip said, and the fact that he dated that trashy actress.
“But it turned out he's not that guy at all. At least, that's what it seems like now. He helped me without any expectation, without asking anything from me. And, he certainly didn't drop any hints about having ulterior motives.”
“All right, all right, I get it. But how did this kiss happen then?”
“Well, the last time he helped me with the car, which was actually just a short while ago, I asked if there was anything I could do to repay him for his help. He said something like 'a kiss would be good,' and even though it seemed like a joke – it also wasn't a joke. And both of us could see it, there was just this...this attraction between us, this real connection, you know?”
“Yeah, I know what you're talking about.”
“So I just did it. I kissed him. I'm not sure what came over me, but I kissed him. And, I won’t lie, Annie, it was freaking amazing. It felt so, so right. Like all this silent, unspoken tension that had been building up between us all this time, it just exploded.”
“So, you don't regret it? You don't think it was a mistake?”
“Well, those are two different questions. I don't regret it. But now I am thinking that maybe it was a mistake...if that makes sense.”
“I hear you. I mean, there's a serious conflict of interests going on here, isn't there? Because, you know, you've got your volleyball scholarship to think about, not to mention your spot on the team, and then there’s your future possible volleyball career, too. A relationship with your coach is just suicide.
“Look, Eryn, there's no other way it's going to be seen but as a scandal. I am just going to say this straight up because I love you, and I want the best for you. You and he might have these feelings for each other, and there’s no way I can say anything about how real or intense those feelings may or may not be, but the fact is, letting this go any further than that kiss is the worst thing you could do.
“There's our family situation to think about, and your volleyball career and finishing your degree. Not to mention how it would impact his life.”
I sighed heavily, the weight of her words and my situation pressing down hard on my shoulders as Anne spoke. She was right, and I knew it. I just didn’t want to know it. I wanted to live in ignorance and kiss him again and again.
“I know, Anne, I know,” I replied softly.
“Sis, you gotta think rationally and clearly here. You really do. If you take any further steps with Wade, you could get in serious trouble.
“First, he's out of the limelight now, but you know what kind of a scandal the press could make of it if they find out he's dating one of his players. Second, you know the university will not tolerate it – not a chance. Your scholarship will be gone, and probably his job, as well.
“And, you know without that scholarship you can't afford to finish your degree. Especially now that Mom is in this situation. Also, we have all of her upcoming medical bills to think of. I mean, that right there, that's three strikes you've just been given. You're out, kiddo; you're out.”
I didn't know what to say. She'd just laid it out for me, clear as day. No matter how much I might have wanted it, there was no way I could get around the fact that a relationship between Wade and I could not progress past a simple coach and player relationship. I was just going to have to forget about how good that kiss had felt, how right it had felt, and how intense our connection to one another was.
“I know, Anne, I know,” I repeated. “Everything you've just told me makes perfect sense, and it's been swimming around my head, as well. I guess I just needed someone to spell it out for me.”
“I'm sorry I made it sound so harsh and cold, Peanut, but you have to understand that your whole future is at stake here. I'm not going to stand by and let my little sister throw the amazing life she has worked so hard for away for the sake of a fling with her coach. You need good, cold, hard advice right now. Not that I’ve ever been one to sugarcoat things.
“You have to nip this in the bud, Eryn, you just have to. You should cut it off right now, and never let it happen again. Seriously, that's the only way to do this. Do you understand? You cannot risk your future. You just can't.”
“Yes, I understand, Annie. Thanks for putting it to me so bluntly.”
“I love you, Peanut. I really do. And I just want the best for you,” she assured me.
“I know you do.”
“All right, well, keep your chin up, and I'll see you soon. I'll let you know as soon as I've bought my plane ticket.”
“Thanks again, Annie. Love you.”
“Love you, too, Eryn. Talk to you soon.”
I put my phone in my bag and strolled slowly through the park, trying to make sense of everything. It had been a total whirlwind of a day. But Anne was ultimately right. I couldn't afford to throw away my future – no matter how right that kiss had felt.
Just then, I heard my phone buzz in my bag. I took it out, and my heart immediately began beating faster as I saw that it was a message from Wade. I read it with eager eyes.