Page 8 of Billionaire Beast
“No, and I can’t believe they’re doing it, either. I keep thinking about Allison’s brother. I feel like such a bitch.”
“Do you know how much the suit is for? I mean, you know the Walkers were loaded. I doubt it’s going to put him in the poor house.”
“That’s not the point. Think of how he feels. I feel all alone, and I have you and my parents; I couldn’t imagine being him and having to go through this. It rips open old wounds.”
“Have you ever met him? What’s he like?”
“No, and I have no clue. But Allison was a nice girl, not at all what you’d expect from someone with her wealth who could have anything she wanted in life. She treated my brother like a king, and she chased after him for a while before he came to his senses.” As sweet as she was, part of me couldn’t help but think how I’d still have my brother if he’d never let her catch him.
“Well, have you ever thought about reaching out?” She was crunching something into the phone, and I wondered if she was eating potato chips again. She’d given them up a month ago in an attempt to eat healthier.
“No, I couldn’t.” I glanced up at the clock and realized it was time to get back to work. “Hey, I gotta go.”
“Okay, talk soon! Good luck with your sexy doctor, and don’t let this get you down. It will all be okay.”
I hung up the phone and let out a deep breath. I sure hoped she was right.
Chapter Five
I woke to the sound of someone in my house, and since I hadn’t gone back to the bar for a drink the night before, I was certain I hadn’t brought home anyone. I got up and found my phone before pulling on some jeans and stepping over my laundry to go downstairs.
The elegance of my home was ever present, and Mattie had made it better by cleaning up and dusting the furnishings. I found her up on a ladder working on the portrait my mother had paid handsomely for some years back. The subject was unknown as was the artist, but the painting had always struck her as wonderful in some way. She’d stare at the woman for hours, intrigued with the colors. She said it reminded her of Leighton’s Flaming June, and since she couldn’t own it, this was the next b
est thing.
“You’re back?” I stopped at the foot of the ladder and held it steady.
She glanced down from her perch like a bird. “You’re finally awake.”
“Someone was making a bunch of noise.” I took her hand as she climbed down. “You shouldn’t be up on that ladder, Mattie. You’re going to break your neck.”
“Funny you should care.” She moved the thing over a bit and began her way back up.
“Whoa, I’m not letting you do this, Mattie.” She huffed as I took the ladder and closed it up. “You’re set on coming here and working, that’s fine, but at least let me give you your old job back. And, you’re not to climb ladders. You hire someone younger to assist you. But, you live away from here. I don’t need a roommate.”
“Sounds reasonable. Besides, I took that money you gave me and bought me a house. It’s not too fancy, but it’s a hell of a lot cleaner than this place.” She folded her arms and thought a moment. “You’ll have to get a gardener. You know Pete’s son is taking over his business. He might be willing to stop by and give the place a once over.”
“I won’t need him full-time, but if you think he’d settle for a decent monthly contract, I think that’ll work. But I’m leaving you in charge of that.”
She smiled big and gave me a nod. “I’ll take care of everything. Your mother and father would be so proud you finally came to your senses. You know this place was your father’s pride, but you children, you were your mother’s and mine.” She reached out and stroked my beard. “When are you going to shave this thing?” She shook her head and curled her lip.
“I might think about it, but no time soon. I’m not ready for a full turnaround, which brings me to my other rule. I’m not having you trying to come in here and change my ways. So, I’d appreciate you not throwing out perfectly good beer.” I heard my phone buzz and took it from my back pocket. Layne again?
One thing I hadn’t done the day before was call Layne. He’d given up on me around three, and I’d forgotten all about him.
“I insist on cooking for you, too, Aiden. You’re not eating right, and you’re wasting money if you’re eating out all time.” To her and my mother, eating at restaurants was always only for a special occasion or traveling.
“You don’t have to, and the way I am, I’m not likely to be here for dinner.” I spent most of my afternoons at the steakhouse in town and then I’d stop by the strip joint before going to see Glen at Jay’s Pub.
“I’m going to. You can heat it up when you like, and I’ll feel better. Besides, I’m leaving at three every day. I want to get home in time to watch my talk shows and the evening news.”
“Sounds good. You can show up any time you want, too. I’m not picky. Salary is the same as before. I better get upstairs and call Layne. He’s been trying to reach me, and I don’t think I can put him off much longer. Besides, I’m in a sensible mood today.”
She placed her hand on mine and then leaned in to kiss my cheek, steering clear of the beard and opting for my ear at the last minute. “I’m glad things are looking up.”
“You know, they might be, after all.” I’d had a decent workout the day before, and while I’d expected to wake up sore, that hadn’t happened. The weather outside was sunny, and I felt good about hiring Mattie back. The house being tidy helped, too.