Page 9 of Billionaire Beast
I stopped on the landing and looked back across my home; if it weren’t for the empty feeling in my gut, I might be fooled into thinking my family were living and breathing somewhere inside the place. As my phone went off again, this time I answered it.
“Yeah, I hope it’s important.” I tried to keep my tone from being too shitty, though I wasn’t happy the man had been so damned persistent.
A low growl of frustration came through the phone. “I was about to send a search party for you. I was afraid you’d hear the news from someone else.”
“News?” I wanted so badly to ask if he was finally having his operation to remove his head from his ass, but I held my tongue.
“You’re being sued.” He cleared his throat, and then I heard a door creak and shut.
“What the hell do you mean? I’m being sued for what? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Get down here, now!” Layne’s end of the line went dead, and I gritted my teeth while I fished my keys out of my pocket.
I thought about the staff and wondered if I’d failed to provide for someone or if I’d slept with some gold digger who was trying to ruin me. I didn’t even tell Mattie where I was going as I hurried out to my bike.
I cranked her up and rode her as hard as I could until I hit the street outside the firm. I pulled into the parking garage and then left it in the space next to the elevator. Then I hurried up to the door that said: Walker & Connor, Attorneys at Law.
I threw the door open and hurried inside the office. “Hello, Mr. Walker. Is Mr. Connor expecting-”
“Yes!” I barged past the secretary and pushed his door open. Layne was behind his desk. He stood and walked over to the minibar he kept in the corner of his office and poured two drinks. “What the hell is going on? Who is suing me?”
He extended the glass, but I didn’t want it. He took both and turned them up one by one before meeting my eyes. “The Patterson family is suing your parents’ estate for negligence. They say new evidence has come forward putting your father at fault.”
I didn’t know what to say. The weight of everything that had happened came crashing down around me.
“There will most likely be a trial, Aiden. I’m going to make sure things are handled properly for you. It makes me sick they’re choosing to do this now after so long. I made sure the insurance paid those people handsomely. It’s greed, Aiden, nothing more.”
I held on to the back of the chair to steady myself as my entire world spun out of control. “I want to see this proof. The damn crash was investigated; how the hell are they coming up with new information now?”
He returned the glasses to the bar and turned back to face me as he took a seat behind his desk. “I’m not sure, but I’ll look into it. You have my word those people won’t get another dime of your father’s money.”
“But it’s not my father’s money. It’s my money, Layne. Mine. That’s what they’re after. Me. Dad doesn’t have to deal with anything.”
I wasn’t trying to be cold, but the fact that this had all been settled already was the one thing that I could rest easy over; now, these people were coming after some false idea of an estate when that estate and everything in it and of it was mine. They were suing me for something I had no hand in.
“You’re right. But he was my friend, Aiden. It’s still not easy to think he’s gone, much less that someone’s trying to put him at fault. I will not have your father’s name dragged through the mud, not only because of the business, but because he was my best friend.”
“I know, Layne. I appreciate it.” I had always trusted the man to do right by my dad. They’d known each other most of their lives and had attended law school together. “I’m more pissed off at the audacity these people have after all this time.” My temper was growing worse by the minute.
“So next time I call you, you’ll answer. I need you to keep a direct line of communication between us. You know how this thing goes. It could change by the minute, and the last thing I need to worry about is where the hell you are.”
His tone had changed, and now he was starting to sound more like my father. It wasn’t the first time since the accident that he’d taken this approach with me and it hadn’t gone well any of the other times, either.
“Fuck off, Layne; the last thing I need is you riding me. If you hadn’t been such a dick the last time we talked, I would have answered sooner, but you usually just hound me about this fucking office.”
“Your father wanted you to be a part of this, Aiden. Why the hell do you think I bother?”
My teeth gnashed so hard I feared I would chip a tooth and then my only other instinct was to throw someth
ing. As the papers sailed off his desk and floated to the floor along with his fucking nameplate, I stormed out of the room.
I hurried to the bar, where Glen could tell it was not the evening to fuck with me. He served me beer steadily for a good two hours until after dark, and then he started getting stingy. I pounded my fist on the bar to get his attention, but he walked over shaking his head.
“I’m all done serving you for the night. You can hang out a little longer if you want, I’ll call Scott, your friendly neighborhood Uber man, or I’ll drive you home myself, but you’re too sloshed as it is.”
I had more than enough of men talking down to me for one day. “Fuck. You.” I stood up as Glen hurried around the bar.
“I’m not kidding, Aiden. I’m not letting you kill yourself tonight. I could tell when you came in that something was wrong. I’ve entertained your ass with booze all night, but you’re not leaving here on that bike.” He put himself between me and the door, and I couldn’t help but laugh.