Page 7 of Perfection 4
Lilly straddled me, her nude body as toned and perfect as I remembered it. She clasped my hands, pinning me down on the bed. Obviously, she wanted to be in control and I let her think she was, at least for the next few minutes. Her parted lips and glistening eyes told me she enjoyed herself; enjoyed my body in and under hers. From half-closed eyes, I watched her hair and breasts bouncing. Surely this had to be heaven!
Suddenly, she slowed her movements and I felt her muscles clench and her hands went into her hair. She shuddered, experiencing her orgasm quickly. I leaned forward, held her to me and flipped her so that she lay under me. She moaned, her arms hanging around my neck lazily. It didn’t take long for me to peak too and soon we lay in the crumpled bed, panting. She slid next to me, taking my hand in hers, putting it to her lips. Lilly kissed my hand and cuddled up next to me. I don’t know when but I dozed off sometime after. I woke up with the sheet on top of us, her back now to me, her blonde curls all over the pillow. It was still dark out. I reached for my phone—it was past midnight. I saw a few text messages—all from Page. I scrolled through a few, but none seemed important. I put the phone back on the night stand.
I could not believe how the day had ended, with Lilly beside me here in my bed. Of course, this meant I was breaking one of my self-imposed, cardinal rules. I never slept overnight with any woman yet I couldn’t bring myself to tap her on the shoulder and call a cab. I wanted her beside me. I touched her hair—it felt soft, like her. I scooted next to her, putting my around her, enjoying her scent. I smiled in the dark, thinking about waking her for another romp but she slept deeply and I felt tired too. Soon I dozed off again.
My phone rang, snatching me out of a blissful, peaceful sleep. Lilly groaned beside me and pulled my arm close and pushed her bottom against my newly awakened and fully alert member. I kissed her neck and said, “I have to answer this. It could be an emergency. Hold that thought.” She nodded and slid out of the bed to use the restroom.
I looked at the screen. It was Page. “Hey Dr. Steinmann, sorry to wake you up but you have an emergency call this morning. Mrs. Buckland says her stitches are bleeding and thinks you need to look at them. Should I send her to the emergency room?”
“No, of course not. I’ll be there in…thirty minutes.” Damn, it was too early for this. Okay, it was nearly eight so I guess it wasn’t that early. Lilly slid under the sheets and rubbed my thigh playfully. “I’m sorry to do this but I have to leave. One of my patients needs to see me, something about her stitches.” Lilly kissed me passionately, the softness of her skin arousing me again.
“I understand. Go take care of her, you can call me later.”
“Why don’t you take your time—order some breakfast. I’m sure this won’t take long and we can pick up where we left off. You’ll find some of my t-shirts in that drawer and of course, my shower is your shower.”
Lilly pushed her wild hair back from her face and nodded. “That sounds great and I am starved. I can wait for a little while.” As I took the fastest shower in history and got dressed, she ordered breakfast and made a few phone calls. It was nice having her around. I gave her one last kiss before I left.
“Be back soon. If something happens, I will call you so you aren’t waiting around.”
“Okay!” She smiled and headed to the shower carrying one of my clean white t-shirts. Lilly was hands down the sexiest woman I had ever seen. I left the hotel and walked to the parking garage. I called Page again to get more information about the Buckland case but she didn’t answer. I could use a cup of coffee but I couldn’t make this lady wait. She’d had a mastectomy and had come to me for reconstructive surgery. Mrs. Buckland was a nice lady who didn’t make nonsense phone calls just to get my attention. I pulled in the parking lot of the clinic, surprised to see Page’s car there. What the hell was she doing here? I thought she was back in Des Moines handling things there. Was this some kind of joke? No other cars were in the parking lot. My anxiety rose and warning bells went off. Something wasn’t right.
I walked into the office. No lights were on except the light from my office. “Page? You in here?” I pushed the door to my office
open and there was Page, sitting in my leather chair wearing nothing but some purple lingerie. She uncrossed her legs, flashing a patch of brown hair that shone from her crotchless panties and said, “Hello, Dr. Steinmann.” I was so shocked I froze in the doorway like a deer caught in the headlights of oncoming traffic. What was the protocol for this type of situation? What should I say to her?
“Where is Mrs. Buckland and why are you in my office?” Page smiled and walked around the desk, her revealing lingerie on full display. Her hand rubbed against her neck. She sat on the edge of the desk and reached towards me. I didn’t move. I wanted answers—quickly!
“There is no emergency, Dr. Steinmann. I just wanted you for myself, all to myself. You can’t tell me you don’t want me too.” She purred, convinced that I did. She could not have been more wrong.
“So you are telling me that there is no emergency — that you called me here for this?” Page’s narrow eyes narrowed even more. I could tell my response disappointed her but I did not give a damn.
“What do you mean, for this? This is who you are, isn’t it? The playboy. The player. You see, I know who you are and I am okay with it. I don’t want to change you, I just want a part of the action.” She walked towards me swinging her hips slightly—I’m sure in an effort to be seductive but she just looked awkward. I couldn’t help but laugh, at her — at this whole situation. What irony! Here I was trying to straighten out my life and now my assistant is hitting on me in a big embarrassing way.
“Are you laughing at me, Dr. Steinmann? How dare you laugh at me? I’m not one of your idiot patients or what’s her name, Lilly Brightwood. I have a brain in my head. I know what I want and I go after it.” I bristled at the mention of Lilly. “No, listen to me. I will not be laughed at. I have been waiting for years for you to make a move. I’m taking matters into my own hands.” She grabbed at my crotch and I stepped back stunned.
“Page, for God’s sake…”
“No, you listen! Haven’t I always been there? Haven’t I always come through for you? I have watched an endless parade of women go in and out of your offices and you have never even given me the time of day.” She was just a foot away from me now. I could smell her heavy perfume and see the corner of her mouth twitch nervously. “I am tired of waiting. So here I am — your Girl Friday. I’m not just a voice on the phone, Bullet, I am a real woman. Take me. Have your way with me. Don’t worry. When Monday comes, it will be business as usual. I promise.” She eased one of the straps down off her shoulder. Okay, that was enough of that.
“Have you lost your mind?” I pulled the strap back up and reached for one of my white coats that hung on the nearby coatrack. I tossed it to her with a look of disgust. “I don’t know what you think you are doing here or what you thought you would accomplish with all this, but it is not going to work. Page, you are my assistant, that is it. There is nothing between us nor will there ever be. I am appalled that you would call in a false report about a sick patient just to get me here. This is beyond unprofessional. I want you to get dressed and go home, now! We will talk about all of this at another time.”
She tossed the coat on the floor and stood with her hand on her hip defiantly. “You don’t get it, do you? I love you, Bullet. I can’t stand idly by anymore and not tell you how I feel.”
Feeling annoyed yet sympathetic I answered as calmly as I could. “I understand that but you need to go home. We will talk about this on Monday.”
Finally getting the message, Page reached for her carefully folded dress in the chair by the door. She tossed it over her head and glared at me. “You just don’t get it. You would not know a real woman if she slapped you in the face, Bullet Steinmann. You’re so used to all those fake tits and fake women that you can’t or won’t appreciate the real thing.” She gave a weird sort of laugh as she slipped into her shoes. “Maybe you can’t get it up unless you can feel silicone.”
That was enough for me. “You know what, Page. I think you have crossed a line here. Let’s just put an end to this. You’re fired.”
Again she stood with her hands on her hips. “You can’t fire me, Dr. Steinmann. I know where all the little Barbie dolls are buried, don’t I? I know about all the Carmens, all the trips to Executive Massage. I even know about your exclusive membership to some of the area’s finest escort services. If you think I am going away quietly with nothing to show for it, think again. You can’t toss me away.”
If she thought threatening me was the key to my heart, she had another thing coming. I didn’t care what she thought she knew about me. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of begging her to keep quiet. “You take your threats and get the hell out.”
“What’s Miss Brightwood going to think of your man-whore ways, Bullet? You think she’s actually going to want to keep you around once she knows about your extracurricular activities? Maybe I should call her and give her a heads up.”
My jaw popped and I clenched my fists. “I am giving you one minute to get out of my office before I call the police.” I looked at my watch to show her I wasn’t kidding.
“You bastard,” she whispered angrily. “You think it’s going to be that easy. Let me tell you something. You either break it off with Lilly or you can kiss your career goodbye. I’m not losing you just because you think that you’re in love. I’ll give you a couple of hours to think about it—then maybe I will give your friend a phone call.” She turned on her heel and stormed out of my office.