Page 8 of Perfection 4
“What?” she yelled at me, tears in her eyes.
“Leave the keys here—all of them.” She fumbled with her keys and tossed mine on my desk.
“This doesn’t change a thing.” Page walked out of the office and I locked the door behind me. I walked back into my office and picked up the phone to call my attorney. I needed to stay on top of these threats. Page was a loose cannon—she posed a far greater threat than Amelia Sheffield. She was right; she did know where all the bodies were buried. Weird that I had not expected this either. Page left making a lot of promises and I could not take the chance of any of them coming true.
I thought about Lilly waiting for me in that hotel room but I could not bring myself to call her. How could I explain what just happened? “Hey Babe, sorry I’m running late. My assistant showed up in her underwear and is now trying to blackmail me. If she calls, don’t pick up.”
Yeah, I’m sure that would go over well. I remembered how thrilled Lilly had been to hear the accusations that Amelia’s friend had leveled at me. Imagine what it would be like if it were my own assistant?
Chapter Seven
After waiting until 9:30, I decided to leave the hotel. Honestly, I felt aggravated that Bullet had not called me but I could see how he might not be able to if he was dealing with a patient emergency. I admired his care for his patients. It wasn’t every doctor that would be on call—especially on a Saturday. I got dressed and left him a note, hopeful that I would hear something from him later today. I called a cab and walked downstairs to the lobby.
To the casual observer, I must have looked a sight with my smeared second day makeup and a party dress on—one with a plunging neckline and a short hem. Thankfully the cab was waiting for me so I hopped right in and went home. As soon as I got in my apartment, I unzipped my dress and put it in the basket intended to go to the dry cleaners. I changed panties and reached for a pair of worn jeans and a comfy blue t-shirt. I piled my hair on top of my head and grabbed a snack from the refrigerator. So much for rubbing shoulders with Metro Symphony people but it was worth it. I enjoyed the time Bullet and I spent together; certain parts of my body were sore but pleasantly so.
My phone rang and my heart skipped. Maybe that was Bullet! I picked up the phone but didn’t recognize the number. Who could that be? I waited a few rings, wracking my brain but I couldn’t figure it out. I tapped on the screen and said, “Hello!” but by the time I answered whoever it was had hung up. I heard a knock at my door and again, half-hoped that it was Bullet.
I swung open the door to find Kate leaning against the door frame. She didn’t even wait for me to greet her before she fell in my arms. She smelled like stale booze and had obviously been crying. “What is it, Katie? What happened? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, except my life is over.” Kate’s eyes were red and swollen. “Riley’s gone back to his ex, I mean his wife, I mean whoever the hell she is…he’s gone back to her and left me alone. I can’t believe this.” She broke into tears. “Now I’m all alone. What kind of fool am I?” I shut the door behind us and led her to my kitchen table. Black coffee was in order.
I put on a pot while listening to her explanation of the chain of events that led her to my door, inebriated and distraught. “After you left, Stephen met some friends and started drinking way too much. That group, the Seltzers asked Riley to come up and sing “Renegade Nights” with them, that song I love…” she started to cry again. I patted her arm and slid her a box of nearby tissues.
“Anyway, while he was up there, Stephen started hitting on me. I mean, really hitting on me. He was feeling my leg and trying to kiss me. I told him to quit but he told me I was a fool, that Riley and his ex were still seeing one another. I thought he was lying. When Riley got off stage, we went outside and I told him what happened. He didn’t seem surprised and he didn’t deny what Stephen said. Riley told me that he had been looking for a way to tell me it was over.” Kate covered her face with her hands and cried some more. I stared at her—I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“Oh no, Kate. I am so sorry! I can’t even believe this.”
“Riley said he thought he was over her but when he found out they were still married, he felt like it was a sign. A damn sign! Can you believe it? She wants him back and he wants to ‘try and make it work.’ What an asshole! I have a good mind to go kick her ass or someth
ing.” I got up to pour the coffee, filled a mug and returned to the table. Kate accepted it, taking a sip. Her hands were shaking.
“Kate I don’t want you to go anywhere right now. You’ve been drinking. I want you stay with me for now. You can get a shower and take a nap and then you will be able to think more clearly. We will come up with a plan to get past this, I promise. I am sorry this happened to you, Kate. You don’t deserve it and I don’t want you to give up on love. All men aren’t like that.” I didn’t know what advice I could really offer. My heart broke for my friend. Not only because of her revelation that her intended had played her for a fool, but that she had trusted someone and that trust was smashed into smithereens. I’ve been there before. I reached for her hand and squeezed it. My phone rang again. I ignored it but Kate said, “Go answer that. I’m going to wash my face anyway. I bet I look terrible.”
I picked up the phone and the mystery number again. Maybe it was Bullet, calling from a different cell phone or maybe an office number. I wasn’t sure so I answered it.
“Is this Lilly Brightwood?”
“Yes, it is. May I ask who is calling?”
“You don’t remember me? This is Page, Dr. Steinmann’s assistant. We’ve talked before.” Her voice sounded icy but smug. I didn’t like the way this conversation was starting—something felt wrong. I experienced an overwhelming sense of dread.
“Oh, hello. I guess he’s tied up this afternoon?”
“You have no idea how true that statement probably is.” She giggled as if she knew something that I didn’t.
“Okay…how can I help you?” I should have just hung up but I wanted to hear what she had to say.
“I thought a heart to heart was in order, just some girl talk about our mutual ‘friend.’ I guess even you know that Bullet Steinmann is no angel, Miss Brightwood. As a matter of fact, he’s very naughty when it comes to some of his hobbies. Of course you do know that, you spent a few days with him, didn’t you?”
“Why are you calling me, Page?” I sat on the edge of my couch, feeling the knots build in my stomach. Sensing my distress, Kate returned and sat on the floor next to me. She mouthed the words, “Who is it?” but I didn’t answer her. I tapped the phone putting Page on speaker. I held the phone in shaking hands.
“He’s got a long list of lovers—some include his patients and even paid escorts. You are hardly the first or the last, I am sure. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, Miss Brightwood, he’s not the guy for you. Trust me, I have been with him for four years. I should know.” I didn’t believe her; I didn’t want to believe her. Kate started to say something but I waved her silent.
“Again, why are you calling me, Page?” I kept my voice even. I refused to get baited into a squabble with Bullet’s secretary. “I don’t think you know what you are talking about.”