Page 61 of Embrace My Heart
Vectra was about to respond. Instead, she blinked past Minka’s shoulder. “He has his moments,” she said.
Minka followed the path of Vectra’s gaze and smiled up at her boss. “Hey, Sim—oh! Look who’s here...” She acted as though she’d spotted someone across the crowded room. “I should go and say hi. Vectra, it was great to see you.” She squeezed Sim’s arm on the way past. “Don’t forget I booked you a suite here for the weekend.”
“Was that a hint?” Qasim grinned at Vectra once Minka had rushed off.
“I love you,” she blurted, blinking uncontrollably while expelling the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
“I’m sorry. I–I should’ve said that a long time ago—a long time before you told me.” She sipped down more champagne. “It was why I really came to see you that day about Robb’s party. I—you cut me off, and I...I didn’t know why.” She set the nearly empty glass on a white lacquer end table and stepped closer to Qasim.
“Losing your friendship that way when I had all this—” she curved her hands toward her chest as if to emphasize the emotion crushing her from the inside “—I had—have—all these feelings for you and nowhere to put them. What I’m feeling isn’t for anyone else but you.”
She inhaled deeply and expelled the breath, needing the release following the confession she’d kept to herself for far too long.
Qasim schooled both his surprise and approval. He kept his smile soft, not wanting to do anything to discourage her from telling him what she needed to.
Vectra looked miserable. “I’m sorry, Qasim. I–I shouldn’t have left town the way I did, but I panicked and—”
He silenced her. Gently, he tugged one of the fringed cap sleeves of her dress. He pulled her close, her curves fitting perfectly against his solid frame. His mouth crushed hers, his tongue thrusting deep, exploring at length before entwining with hers.
Desperately, Vectra caught the lapels of his three-quarter-length pinstriped jacket and fully participated in their kissing battle. She moaned, raking her nails across the whiskers darkening his jaw. Flames began to lick her with the same potency that Qasim’s mouth branded her with. Someone passed and patted his back.
“The place has lots of rooms, man.”
The couple broke their kiss, soft laughter humming between them.
“I’ve had enough of the hints,” Qasim said close to her ear.
“Well, you can’t leave.” Vectra eased back as much as he’d allow, looking horrified.
“Why not?”
“Sim.” She watched him, trying to determine whether he was teasing her. “This is your event. Your charity. Do you make a habit of leaving before these things get started?”
He shrugged. “Never had a reason to leave before.”
She laughed. “Don’t even try it. I read the society rags, same as everybody else. I’ve seen some of the candy on your arm. Sometimes there’s candy on both of your arms.”
“You’re right.” He flexed said arms around her. “But this is the candy I’m in love with.” He nuzzled her ear.
“Sim...” she murmured, wanting nothing more than for them to take their leave of the party. There was more she needed to say to him, after all, but there was time, she decided. Warmth flooded her body as the truth of the statement hit home.
“Have you even spoken to everyone yet?”
“No.” He shrugged. “I rarely do since this thing will go on all weekend. Anyone I miss tonight, I’ll see before it’s all over.”
Vectra gave the man she loved a chastising look. “And that doesn’t make you feel guilty?”
“It doesn’t.”
She shook her head. “Well, it’d make me feel guilty if you left because of me. Now—” she managed to ease out of his hold, then turned the tables and eased a hand through the crook of his arm “—let me show you the art of the mingle-and-greet.”
They ventured into the crowd, stopping by guests where they’d already collected in small clusters to chat. Vectra and Qasim spoke heartily yet briefly, not long enough to shift the topics of the conversations already in progress. It took about forty-five minutes for them to make their way around the grand room.
“You’re a master at this,” Qasim said once they stood waiting for the elevator that would whisk them up to his suite.
Vectra made a pretense of brushing her shoulders. “Why do you think I’m always on Dad’s or Oliver’s arm? They’re always trying to make discreet exits.” She slanted him a saucy wink.