Page 62 of Embrace My Heart
“If you’re attending an event that you need to dip out of early and it’s your event, the mingle-and-greet lets you make your way around the room briefly speaking—briefly because the guests are already in conversations of their own.
“It works well with loners, too—they’ve been drawn into a conversation, however brief, but they don’t feel quite as on edge afterwards, especially since they’ve been noticed by the guest of honor.”
“Ingenious,” Qasim said once Vectra had thoroughly explained her mingling technique.
“That last one I learned through experience. I was once very shy.”
“Stop.” He made a show of being stunned.
Vectra hit his arm in retaliation. “Being noticed at a party when I’m trying to go unnoticed always took the pressure off.”
Qasim couldn’t imagine the woman seriously believed she could go unnoticed. “I’m afraid your dad and brother are going to have to do without you on their arms so much,” he told her instead.
Vectra smiled. “Why?”
“A skill like yours is a hot commodity,” he explained just as the elevator dinged its arrival. “I plan to have you on my arm every chance I get for the foreseeable future.”
Qasim winked, waving to urge her procession into the car, and, thankfully, the elevator’s ascent was brief.
Qasim didn’t move away from the door once it had closed behind him and Vectra in his suite. Instead, he leaned back against the heavy pine door and kept Vectra close, her back to his chest. His mouth skimmed her shoulder and nape as his hands travelled her hips to toy with the fringe hem of her dress.
Vectra luxuriated in the sensation his fingertips radiated into her skin. They danced along the tops of her thighs, venturing toward the inner domain that part of her anatomy wanted him to find.
She put her hands to his with plans to still his pursuit. Instead, she traveled along with his touch as it honed in closer to her sex, which puckered against the cottony middle of her panties. She felt one of his hands suddenly curve in to hook around her inner thigh, keeping it spread away from its twin. She let her head rest back against his chest and gave in.
It couldn’t hurt to indulge in just a few seconds of the delicious caress, she decided.
His middle finger stroked up and down the crotch of her panties while his thumb launched a second erotic assault on her clit. The circular caresses across the hub of sensation forced a litany of moans and gasps from her throat.
Vectra was boneless, a limp shell energized by the pure sensation that only enabled her to moan and writhe as she relied on Qasim’s support to hold her up. Her moans gained volume, and then she was hiccupping Qasim’s name when his finger delved beneath the barrier between it and her core. Her entire body tensed as her satiny walls clenched and trapped his finger.
“We have to talk,” she sobbed. “Sim.” She moaned when he responded by adding another thick finger to his wicked claiming of her body.
“It can wait.” He tongued her ear.
Vectra was drained of her pleas, accepting that he held no interest in them. Neither did she. She surrendered to the thrilling two-finger thrust that stirred her into a frenzy. Her hips rolled and bucked. She sought to embrace the sensations that collided through her quivering form, a result of his devilish handling of her sex. In minutes, it seemed, she was coming apart in his arms. A fierce orgasm ricocheted through her.
Qasim gave her less than a minute to recover from her release. Then, he scooped her high, carrying her through the graceful, classically furnished suite to the bedroom in the back. He sat down to the foot of the bed, still carrying her. His hands still cupped her bottom.
Vectra straddled his lap and went to work on the custom-made jacket and shirt he wore. She pulled the garments from his wide back and shoulders. Qasim found his way under her dress, hooking his thumbs inside the crotch of her panties and using them to simultaneously stimulate the silken slit of her femininity.
Vectra bit down on her lip, eager to be ushered into a second climax. Qasim had other ideas, choosing instead to get her out of her dress and under things.
“Cooperate or I’ll tear it off your back,” he murmured in a teasing whisper, smiling when she dutifully raised her arms.
He gave no such instruction regarding her panties. Those, he ripped away with one effective tug to the crotch. Still, he refused to give her what she wanted. Fixated on her breasts bouncing before his face, he cupped the caramel-hued orbs. While rolling one nipple between thumb and forefinger, he gave the other the benefit of an intense suck. Her hiccupping gasp near his ear was as much a stimulant as the feel of her nipple marbling on his tongue.