Page 103 of Macbeth
120Stand...going i.e., don't bother about precedence
125Augurs auguries; understood relations comprehensible relations of causes to effects
126maggotpies, choughs magpies, crows (both, like rooks, capable of imitating speech, and all three birds of ill omen)
127secret'st man of blood best-hidden murderer
131by the way casually; send send a messenger
133fee'd paid to spy
134betimes (1) speedily, (2) early
135bent determined
141scanned analyzed
142season (1) the best time (when nature is "in season"), (2) the seasoning (what makes life palatable)
143self-abuse delusion, hallucination
144initiate beginner's; wants hard use needs much practice
III.5 An open place (a non-Shakespearean scene; see the Introduction)
2beldams hags, witches
7close secret
8bear my part participate
11wayward willful, disobedient
15Acheron one of the rivers of Hades
18vessels cauldrons
24a vap'rous drop profound a misty "exhalation" with deep, hidden properties
26sleights artifices
27artificial (1) deceitful, (2) produced by artifice
29confusion damnation
32security overconfidence only you are missing
43'noint anoint myself (with a magic ointment)
46cull hug
64water's breach breaking waves
III.6 Somewhere in Scotland
1My former speeches what I have just said; hit coincided with